The Genius' First Love

Chapter 579: 579

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A car halted just in the foot of Puente De Amor. When it did, the back door flew open and an excited Wolfe and Willow ran toward the bridge. They just came from the hospital and after giving them some snacks, the beautiful auntie gave them a tour at the bridge. Earlier, when President D and their mom were quarreling next door, that auntie brought them to the pantry and had them eat all the strawberries they wanted. She even insisted on bringing Wolfe over, even though his IV drip was still attached to him. That auntie just asked the nurse assistance so they can bring Wolfe to somewhere where he couldn't hear the quarrelling next door.

Just a few hours and Wolfe was cleared to go. For some reasons both their mommy and dada weren't at the hospital anymore and they were only escorted with guards. Good thing their auntie joined them in the car and on their way, she asked the driver to give them a tour at the bridge. The driver fortunately agreed and drove them off to the bridge. On their way, the auntie told them many stories about the island and stories in Manggan Island and so both the kids were thrilled and excited about their impending tour.

"Wolfe hurry!" Willow shouted at him from a far distance. Since Wolfe wasn't that strong yet, he was taking all his time with his every step.

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"Just go first, I'll catch up!" He answered.

Right then, the beautiful auntie gave him a tap on the back, "Are you sure you are okay? We can go home right now if you aren't still feeling fine,"

"No-no! I'm fine! Really. Please don't worry about me," Wolfe answered immediately shaking his head. This tour was something he was looking forward to as the one he had previously didn't end well. Perhaps this time, with the beautiful auntie's company, he'll have a great time specially that Willow, his sister was there with him. 

"Alright then," She smiled at him. As what Wolfe knew, that auntie was another sister of President D and although he was wondering why she was treating them well and even went as far as making ways so he could finally have a good tour at Puente De Amor, his excitement got him over that he couldn't dwell much on it.

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"Thank you Second miss," Wolfe told her, very much appreciated the fact that when his Imma and Dada failed to give him what he really desired the most, a heroine, that beautiful auntie in front of him gave it instead. When she learned that Wolfe was obsessing over the bridge, she made ways and made sure he could have a visit before he got home. It was the first time he had seen the second miss and yet she was very considerate of him and his sister. "I know that you'll get in trouble for bringing us here and yet you made ways for it,"

"You're welcome my little boy. And don't worry I might get trouble for bringing you here but only a little. Your mommy and daddy won't be mad of me for long," She winked at him, giving him one final assurance that their little escape was not as bad as he thought it was. Then she gave him another tap and said, "I'll go ahead and catch up with your sister, take your time walking okay? If you need help just call me,"

"Alright," Wolfe let the second miss go. He knew she was worried about Willow as she was running far ahead already and knowing his sister, he understood she needed more supervision than he did. 

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Dian walked further, following Willow's trail while Wolfe slowly made steps so he could join them. Although he was very slow, the walk didn't bother him much as he was enjoying the view pretty well. Finally, he was back again and this time, he'll make sure he'll have all the pictures he needed and wanted. As the thought of pictures crashed his little brain, Wolfe grabbed his camera from the little backpack he had at his back. He set it up and started taking photographs. The view was breathtaking, something someone, like him, should never miss to capture.

"I wonder if they never opened this place to the public," Wolfe thought. The Puente De Amor for him was one of the best attractions in the South. He thought that if only President D gave permission and allowed it, the Puente De Amor can even become a tourist spot. However according to what he had read, Puente De Amor until then remains a private property owned by Darryl himself. Even the government cannot exploit it freely as they only have limited right to the bridge. This too was probably also the reason why her Imma and Dada had a hard time bringing them over to the bridge as they needed President D's consent for that.

Wolfe was then enjoying his little 'me' time when he heard someone screamed. He immediately turned his head to where the sound was coming from and realized it was from up above the bridge itself where Willow and his beautiful auntie went. 

"Help!" Another scream filled the whole place and Wolfe immediately realized who it was the second time he heard it. 

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It was Willow! And she was asking for help!

Without any contemplation, Wolfe ran toward them with all the strength he had. When he reached the top, the first thing he saw was Dian bending over one end of the bridge, her hands on the railing as she tried to reach far below as if reaching for someone.

"Here, grab my hand!" Wolfe heard the beautiful auntie shouted and instantly he realized that she was trying to help someone who was about to fall.

"Help! Wolfe help me!" The boy heard his sister's cry and his spine chilled. Although he couldn't understand what was happening, it looked like his sister was about to fall off. When he dragged his eyes to where the screams were coming from, he saw Willow, hanging on the edge as her little hands were wrapped around the only thing that kept her against falling through- a metal bar railing!

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