The Genius' First Love

Chapter 581: 581

"Little boy how did you come up with such outrageous thoughts?" Dian asked, shocked about Wolfe's unexpected response to what happened. "Come here please,"

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Wolfe shook his head in disobedience. He gave Willow another glance and knew that her time was short. She won't last long with her situation, he knew she couldn't hold on much longer. Without more pondering, instead of going to Dian and helping her rescue Willow, he ran away from the scene. He couldn't trust Dian then as suddenly things got more suspicious for him. While thinking through it, he realized that they were all alone in the bridge with no one when supposed to be they have many bodyguards with them. Where are their guards then? Both him and Willow were so captured by Dian's warmth they didn't notice something was wrong. The last time he saw his guards was at the hospital and earlier he thought they were all following them with another car to Puente De Amor but it seemed that it wasn't the case.

How could he not have noticed such a trap?

But clearly, Dian came earlier in his hospital room looking like a grandiose heroine. Both him and Willow were in a mess especially with the fact that even after Wolfe was found, their Imma had an argument with President D right away. Although they couldn't hear clearly what the a.d.u.l.ts were arguing about, they knew it was because of him. Probably President D was chiding their mother for losing him and so he felt so bad and devastated about it. Dian then came and seeing how messed they were, she took initiative on bringing them to the canteen away from all the a.d.u.l.ts' chaos. Dian was able to capture their hearts as she was so warm, gentle and glowing with so much wit. Both him and Willow adored her immediately because aside from she looked like a smart fairy, she had something in her that makes people trust and be comfortable with her right away. They trusted her too easily and all their attention was so focused into her and her stories that they didn't even notice something was off. Only then when things got a bit messy that Wolfe realized it seemed like he and her sister had fallen into a trap.

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Wolfe ran as fast as he could. His heart was throbbing as he did yet he was determined to save his sister then that he couldn't even think of himself. He knew there were guards in the entrance and he wanted to call for their help. To be honest, he wasn' sure if he made the right choice and whether Dian did push Willow but seeing all the red flags, he couldn't trust her then. If it turned out the second miss was innocent and his accusation was wrong, he was willing to apologize, but for now, he couldn't risk anything especially that Willow was in danger. While he was running aiming for the gate entrance, he remembered he had his phone tucked in his bag and so he stopped and rummaged through his bag for it.

"Where is it?" He was confused to have found out that his phone wasn't there. "Where is it? It's just here!"

Who took his phone away? It's impossible he could lose it because as far as he could remember he didn't take it off his bag. Furstratedly, knowing that he had no other option, he ran again wanting to pursue his first plan of asking help in the entrance.

"Help!" He shouted as he could see the gate entrance from afar. "Help please! Someone help us!"

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Wolfe was near the gate but for some reasons he didn't see anyone there. Wasn't guards supposed to be assigned there? The last time he made a visit, guards were everywhere.

"Is anyone here?" He called, almost at the gate's entrance. "Hello-"

Wolfe's call for help got cut off when someone surprisingly took him and covered his mouth. 

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"Young master, no one is in here so you are wasting your time," Someone said and when Wolfe raised his head to check who got him, he saw the face of the driver who drove them to the bridge.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Wolfe protested and only then did he realize again that it was the first time he had seen that driver. He wore the same uniform like her dada's men but he was definitely not one of his men. Was he and Willow too focused on Dian that they didn't get to notice they were already surrounded by strangers? Did the second miss trick them after all?

Was she even the second miss afterall? Because as far as he knew, there was nothing, not even a single idea rushed to him that could be the reason why the second miss would treat them this way!

"Protesting will do no good. You'll just tire yourself off!" he said and without much effort, he carried Wolfe back to the bridge.

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"Let me go! I said let me go!" Wolfe wiggled his way out but he was just too little for the man. He didn't even flinch a bit even with the child's constant protest. Within minutes he was able to bring him back to where Dian was standing.

"Second Miss, here's your little getaway boy," The man smirked at Wolfe and even tightened his hold on him so Wolfe could feel a bit of a pain. Dian then was looking at Willow with an amused face, fascinated probably with the fact that even when minutes had passed, the girl was still able to hold into such place.

"This little girl surprisingly was strong….but a bit loud," She raised a brow at it. Even then Willow's screams were all over the place, crying out for help and even Wolfe's name. When she was done with Willow, Dian turned to Wolfe and with a devious grin, looked at Wolfe with the same amused eyes she had for Willow.

"And you little boy was surprisingly smart!"

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