The Genius' First Love

Chapter 582: 582

"You tricked us!" Wolfe howled at their captors face. "We thought you were our friend! You said you were President D's sister and yet you are nothing like him!"

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"Oh little boy, it wasn't my fault if you had been tricked," She replied to him with a mock. She then made a face and teased the boy with the intention of making him upset. After all, Wolfe was nothing but a child, "I withdraw my first comment about you then. You weren't that smart after all. You and your little sister were ever too trusting. Didn't your mother ever teach you not to talk to strangers?"

"Oh," She flushed a distraught face as she pondered on her own words. Then she put a hand on her mouth as if she made an implicit statement. All these of course were just some little acts to make Wolfe upset, "I forgot. You don't have a mother right? All you have is that feisty runaway Montreal's sire and a bald laborer's son you call uncle,"

"Sorry," She sarcastically apologized, "I did forgot forgot you don't have a mother so I can't blame you for trusting me that easily. That could be a part of you know...seeking to much of a motherly care,"

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"You are wrong we have a mother!" Wolfe shouted back at her. Dian was successful in making him upset, especially that she brought up their mother. "My sister and I have a mother and she loves us very much!"

"Who?" She challenged him to reveal it for she knew he cannot speak of it. She wasn't sure then if the kids knew about her suspicions of who their mother was but despite such, she knew whether they knew who their mother was or not, they were carefully instructed not to reveal it. She had been long trying to figure out the truth about the Montreal little brats and had some spies everywhere and yet no matter how much they try, the children's mouths were thoroughly zipped. It was like the Montreal young sire had  taught them carefully how to hide such a secret. 

"Who do you say your mother was?" Dian asked again. "Was it the troubled Dugmoch's Miss who can't get over her dead son? I won't blame her if she will be attached to you and take you as replacement for her dead child. She's a deep mess anyway!"

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Wolfe was confused about what Dian was saying and with her being mean. He doesn't remember any a.d.u.l.t discussions about the second miss being utterly devious and all he heard from everyone was that she was a nice and smart lady. The good reputation that preceded her was probably the reason why he and his sister trusted her right away. For all they knew, the Lagdameo they knew were all good people. Some were strict and grumpy but Willow and him were sure they were not the kind of person the lady in front of him was.

"What is wrong with you second miss?,"Wolfe was about to cry, especially that he could see Willow struggling for her life. It was obvious from her face that she was weak, hurt and tired already and she can't take the hold for long anymore. "I don't remember us doing anything bad to you. What did we ever do to make you treat me and my sister like this?"

"You and your sister did me so many wrongs to be honest," Dian narrated like a mad woman. Her fairy like face earlier turned into something like a witch that was ready to hunt them both like Hansel and gretel. The only thing missing at this point was a candy house. "The fact that you were born was already so wrong in many ways,"

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"What are you even talking about? Please just release my sister. You can take me, just let her go," Wolfe tried to bargain. He didn't care then if the second miss would hurt him, he just wanted Willow to be safe. "She's too scared already and she doesn't know how to swim. Please I begged you, just let her go,"

"Na-ah," Dian shook her head as her eyes grew big and scary as she tried to frighten the boy. "Your little sister had already broken so many rules. She even went as far as taming the Lagdameo elder. He was already favoring her. Imagine if he knew she was his blood,"

"My sister did nothing wrong," Wolfe tried all his might to plead for his sister's sake, praying so hard that Willow could endure a little longer, "We did nothing to you. Please just let us go. I won't tell dada about it,"

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"You did me wrong little boy!" Dian spatted out his face."Imagine the effort I did to make sure no heirs will be born again! I went as far as poisoning my own family and yet that feisty little sister of mine was able to sire you and your sister in secret! That bitch! How could she ruin all my plans!"

Dian was already mad then. All her misdeeds from previous years flashed in her mind, especially all the things she did to make sure everyone in her family drank the Staw Serum tea. She poisoned them with it little by little in the guise that such tea was healthy for their health where in fact it can make one barren if taken continuously. When the Lagdameo elders had started finding out they were all barren already, they all blamed it to their failure to protect the last hier and said they were all cursed. They just all accepted such a fate without knowing it was all intentional.

The truth was, Dian had carefully crafted such a devious plan to make sure no more children will be  born right after them. And when she thought he had successfully gotten hold of all her plans without anyone knowing, Wolfe and Willow came out of nowhere. At first she didn't think they could threaten all her plans and yet when she saw how Don Samuelle was close to Willow at the funeral and the fact that the girl looked like Dannah, she had been suspicious of the two children's identity then. She was aware of Dannah and Ziggy's past and with all that happened, it's not impossible to see that Dannah was the mother of the children, right?

"Dannah, Dannah, Dannah," Dian let go of an impatient sigh, "That girl had always been nothing but a thorn to all my plans,"

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