The Genius' First Love

Chapter 583: 583

Six Years ago, Before Xhemin's accident

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The smell of recent love making filled the small room. Inside, a young woman with midnight black hair paired with hazel eyes was lying on bed, her smooth n.a.k.e.d back was exposed through the sheets while a young man was caressing it, occasionally planting kisses on it. 

"Don't go home tonight," Scar pleaded sweetly, teasing her for another round of hot pleasure. Although these days, they constantly meet secretly to feed off their thirst for each other, one just can never get enough.

"You know I can't," She responded as she toyed her hair. She knew the boy was then teasing her and it wouldn't be long for her to give in and yet her ever good daughter status of the Lagdameo family got her thinking twice. "Good daughters never spend a night out with a man,"

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"As if they'll ever notice you weren't home," Scar got her another kiss at the back and although his comment was innocent, it struck Dian's bones hard. 

His words were right then, as always.

Dian, no matter how much she plays as the Lagdameo's perfect miss, never got so much attention and recognition from her family.

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Growing up, Darryl was the center of everyone's attention while Dannah was the elder's favorite little granddaughter. If their grandmother hadn't died, that little sister of hers with an emerald shining eyes, could continue to be a significant female child in their family.

Dannah then broke all the rules like Willow did and for the first time in history, a female child had become something. Seeing how Dannah grew up with all the privileges and favor that no female Lagdameo ever had, Dian thought somehow, a girl can have a significant place in the Lagdameo clan. However, it was also for the same reason that Dian grew some jealousy for Dannah as no matter how much she thinks of it, she can never understand why a weak little thing with eyes different from all the Lagdameo can be such a favorite.

"I'm sorry I should have never said that," Scar took his words back when he saw how Dian got silenced with it. He knew very well how the two sisters struggled to prove themselves in their different ways but as much as Dannah got the hang of it a bit, Dian was becoming more obsessed with it. Knowing that he probably hurt her feelings, Scar pulled Dian until her front  bareness was exposed to him and he could see her eyes. "I'll make up to what I said,"

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Simply that and Scar started planting kisses again on Dannah's front, particularly in her soft b.r.e.a.s.t. She was a goddess to him, someone he never even once thought will be something he can touch this close and yet here he was, at her side, having the all the opportunity to somehow make her happy. God knows how he was desperate to make her happy as one smile from her can make him forget all the cruelness in this world.

"Hmmm," Dian m.o.a.ned a bit with the pleasure that Scar was giving her. If there was one particular thing that ended good in her ventures with Scar, it was s.e.x. He was just so good in bed and as much as her misdeeds of giving her body to him was a part of her outrageous rebellion against her family, she never regretted it. She can regret all the others but not their lovemaking.

One minute more and Scar's hands were all over her and when he had enough, his fingers slowly run the path to her thigh, then, inside her. His daring act got a loud m.o.a.n from Dian's lips and such sound only wanted him to dig inside her further until he can hear nothing from her but the screams of pleasure and his name.

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Dian then was so drowned in pleasure she can't think of anything at all but their forbidden love. Or was it even love? She didn't remember when and where love kicked in all their encounters because although she was sure Scar was crazy for her, he was nothing to her but a stolen toy from her sister at the start. Eventually, she fell for him too specially that Scar probably was the only person in this world who knew her the most, even her darkest sides. He was certainly a plot twist in her rebellion that she never expected and yet at the moment, he was her favorite part in everything that happened in her messed up, lonely heiress life.

While Scar's fingers were doing her, she took initiative to capture Scar's kisses and it went intense and raw. She glided in every thrust of Scar's fingers, giving the man some signals that she desperately wanted all the pleasures he can give. And so when she was wet enough, Scar didn't waste time but dug his full manhood to her, deep. Dian  could do nothing then  but held on to Scar's l.u.s.trous hair, screaming. Scar then started thrusting, deeper, tighter and as if he had not dug enough, he pulled her two knees up to her shoulder, made her take a grip on it and started thrusting harder than before. Just as he did, it didn't take long for Dian to get through another set of bliss he had been giving her all night. 

"Babe!" Dian m.o.a.ned loud that if they weren't alone in such a place, everyone could hear it. Luckily though, they were in a cabin, in nearby woods not far away from the capital where only few people were constant. Scar had this as a hideout, acting as a caretaker of such properly. Right then, he was part of Franco's syndicate and took the rank next to him without the old man knowing he was screwing his niece whom they all thought was a very ideal daughter.

After such passionate lovemaking, both Dian and Scar were breathless in bed but it didn't take long before the ever perfect Lagdameo Miss, got on top of her lover and did another set of misdeeds with pleasure.

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