The Genius' First Love

Chapter 584: 584

She was always the perfect daughter. She never remembered a time when she wasn't, not until her own family betrayed her.

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Dian had accepted her place in the Lagdameo clan with no protest. She started out apathetic about how Darryl was getting all the attention and how Dannah was all favored. But of course, you can't expect a little girl without much love to not seek for it and when her young life started to find justifications about her circ.u.mstance, she only got answers why Darryl had everything but not for Dannah having the same.

She knew how important being a male Lagdameo heir was, who wouldn't when you were born to a family where patriarchy was greatly recognized. And so, Dian kind of understands the significance of Darryl's role. However, she had no answers as to Dannah's privileges and so her early childhood hang-ups started with the question-What is with Dannah that she doesn't have?

Dannah was very much loved by Don Samuelle when she was young and so Dannah was greatly recognized by everyone. When people got tired of talking about Darryl, Dannah's name would surely kick in every conversation but not hers and so Dian grew bitter overtime.

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When their grandmother died, she saw how Don Samuelle got bitter with Dannah and so she thought finally, Dannah's time had finally run out. She can finally be equal with her but unfortunately nothing like that happened.

It was true then that Dannah lost all her privileges when Don Samuelle refused to even look at her, but as soon as she lost their grandfather's favor, she got their uncle Franco's love. Franco, although he was a scary man, probably the last uncle she would run to, however was a very influential personality in their family and so Dannah within his grip was like her being significant still. And as if things weren't good enough for Dannah, she found a friend that got her back, always. Something again, Dian doesn't have and that was Scar. Being an heiress from an influential family, a person like Dian had a hard time finding real true friends but Dannah easily got one in their own backyard.

At first, the little errand boy in the marble mansion was nothing but a dirty nuisance to Dian. When that child and Dannah had gotten close, she mocked her sister for being friends with a poor dirty boy. However, Scar despite being nothing but a lowly orphan had managed to keep Dannah happy in his own little ways and seeing how she managed to smile despite losing all her privileges, Dian was having hard time understanding that.

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At the age of ten, through Dannah, Franco had seen Scar's talent and so he trained him and Dian witnessed all those years how Scar went from a poor-weak-nothing-but-an-orphan to a man of extraordinary strength, incomparable skill and a f*cking handsome face. He grew up into someone who had a peculiar charisma that instantly magnetized every woman's attention that even heiresses in their circle would kill to have him and yet he all belonged to Dannah. This was the time of her life that Dian was more jealous of Dannah, all because he had such an extraordinary friend like Scar who doesn't only protect and make her happy but all the more made Dannah, impliedly a very dangerous person. With Scar and Franco on her side, nothing no one could ever lay a hand on her.


The hot water falling over Dian's body calmed her insides. When she was with Scar, things were always on the move, on the rush and aggressive and so always needed a hot bath to peace out everything in her. When she had enough of the water, she pulled a clean towel wrapped herself up and exited the bathroom. She found Scar digging through his laptop, still n.a.k.e.d. Not wanting to join him in bed and ignite another round of fiery passion, she chose to sit on the mirror table and started fixing herself up.

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"I told you to just sleep here," Scar gave her a glance. She was starting on her make up and so he knew she planned to leave.

"I have a meeting in the morning. Father might look for me first thing tomorrow to discuss something with me," Dian replied back. Ever since Darryl went to the island, they had no news of him and so when some chaos happened in the par line, things got messy in L'Empire and her father needed some help.

Dian managed to pick up some skills in business and she had proven herself somehow and so because her father was left with no choice, Dian was asked again to work for L Empire. She previously had done some work for their company before, not until the Lagdameo clan got her engaged. Of course after her engagement, she was then asked to attend to some fiancée duties that involved nothing close to managing some business.

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Scar watched Dian for a while as he thought of something. Dian saw his indifference and so she blurted out, "What is it?" She knew some things were running in Scar's mind and she didn't like it when she can't read his thoughts. 

"Nothing," Scar sighed. "Just wondering how your brother is right now,"

"Is Dannah so worried that you were bothered by it?" She asked. Dannah and Scar managed to keep their friendship strong as ever and despite the fact that Scar had become her own secret lover, she can't help but be jealous of their friendship still. Dannah was something she can't take away from Scar no matter how much she tried and no matter how much Scar was devoted to her, she can't help but think that when a time will come that Scar was to choose between her and her little sister, Scar will still choose Dannah, even when what the two have was just a complicated friendship.

"Jealous are we? You keep bringing Dannah in the picture," Scar teased her. He was always true to his intentions with the second miss and had done extreme things for the sake of her but no matter what Dian couldn't understand the fact that Dannah will always be something for him. He and Dannah were like twins. They were inseparable and as much as Dian would not accept it, Dannah was the first family he had. That alone speaks so much about his ties with Dannah.

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