The Genius' First Love

Chapter 585: 585

"Whatever," Dian rolled her eyes at it. 

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Scar's smile reached his ears when he heard Dian's response. He quickly put his laptop away, got on his feet and grabbed Dian from the mirror table. He then carried her back to bed and had her sit on his lap. 

"You know well that I love you very much," Scar kissed her head but the girl refused to look at him in the eyes, still upset about their 'Dannah conversation'. Everytime she brought Dannah's name in their conversation, Dian always turned sour and although her misplaced jealousy was exhausting Scar at some point, he still found it adorable. 

"And yet you love Dannah too," Dian replied bitterly. 

"Of course I love Dannah," Scar answered without falter, "But I do love her another way. What we have I cannot call it friendship or romance. It's more than that. Our ties were bound by a sacred knot, we are a family. She was the only family I have and you gotta understand that,"

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"Fine. As long as you don't kiss and don't do s.e.x I think I'll live with that," She said, still upset and frustrated that whenever she points Dannah's existence, Scar had always made it known to her that he can never get rid of Dannah no matter what.

"You know we don't do that. She's like a little sister to me. You don't f.u.c.k your own sister" Scar answered with a grin but such gesture didn't reach his eyes. Truth was there was a time in his life he wished Dannah to be his woman but he knew love is a dangerous venture and lovers always ended up hurting each other in some ways and because he was just another man who was bound to make mistakes, he didn't took risk on loving Dannah in a romantic way.

He was afraid to hurt her, all the more, he was afraid to lose her. And so to play it all safe, he and Dannah choose not to love each other as lovers. They didn't exactly talk about it, but most of the time, they can read each other's mind that some words needed not to be said. And so, Dannah and Scar's family bond was never tainted with malice. 

"But babe-"

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"Babe please," Scar already wanted Dian to drop the conversation off. It simply was nonsense anymore. "I told you many times. Dannah is a family to me and you can never get rid of your family, of all people, you know that,"

"But am I not your family too?" She asked, already sulking. Scar only heaved a deep sigh and took the girl's hand to kiss it, ever sweetly. "Of course you are," Scar answer but his tone sounded bitter and  his expression had changed. It was then that Dian knew she crossed the line already and her demands on him were too much than she can give to him.

"I'm sorry. I was lost for a moment," Dian apologized immediately. The apology was not meant for her intention of pushing Dannah away from Scar's life but by the fact that she had demanded Scar to give up something in his behalf when she herself had many things that she couldn't give up. Her engagement was one of them.

At Dian's eighteenth birthday, her family surprisingly announced her engagement. That engagement continued till then even when she already had Scar. That engagement of course was something Dian never ever wanted, in fact she dreaded such a venture and yet no matter how she hated it she can simply do nothing with it. Being the ever perfect daughter who still hoped that somehow, along the way her father would know her worth, she obediently continued it. 

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Scar of course had always wanted her to drop the engagement but she right then wasn't willing to rebel head on with her parents. She can only rebelled and cursed her life in secret but not in front of everyone. 

With this struggle at hand, Dian was always having a hard time making Scar give up Dannah for she knew, she can't also give up the things he demanded from her and that was being true to herself. To stop being the ever perfect Lagdameo miss and just be real.

"I cannot even give up my engagement and yet I am demanding you to give up Dannah," Dian said regretfully. Her hazel eyes gleamed with some tears but she was able to hold it through. 

"You know I don't mind it," Scar pressed her head then to his chest. As much as he had seen Dannah's struggles, so were Dian's. The Lagdameo family was just so messed up he can't blame the two girls for all their hang-ups. Dian for example was the perfect epitome of L Empire being ruthless.

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"With father welcoming me back to L'Empire to work for him, it's kind of hard for me to rebel these days," Dian explained. It was always her desire to gain recognition from her father, to make him realize she was just as competent as her brother and because it was obvious that Darryl didn't want to become L'Empire's emperor, perhaps they could give such a crown to her. After all she was the second child, she was bound to succeed him. Now that her father had taken her back, she was very ready to show him she deserved such a crown all the more than Darryl deserved it.

"My babe, you know I'm very happy with you starting to get your father's approval," Scar said as he caressed her hair. "But please. Don't get your hopes too high. I don't want you to end up being hurt at the end,"

"What do you mean by that?" Although she knew what Scar meant, she wanted to hear what he was exactly implying.

"You know, although we knew Darryl would probably end up being dead the moment he crossed the par line, there was still a huge chance he was alive. It means he can come back anytime if he wants. He can come back to L'Empire and surely, everyone would always be willing to give him his seat and crown,"

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