The Genius' First Love

Chapter 586: 586

Dian was in a private car, traversing the road back to the capital. As she sat at the back comfortably her mind lingered still on what Scar just told her earlier. What if Darryl will be back? Will her father set her aside again like he did a few years back? Will all her efforts be wasted again?

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As much as she was worried about her brother, she can't deny the fact that things got better for her when he wasn't around. Only when Darryl was not around, her presence can become important. She had learned of this fact when they were young, at the time when Darryl tricked her father and as a result he got to live on his own independently. Because Darryl left all his responsibilities being the Lagdameo heir was left behind and had to be taken by somebody else. Previously, all the household expenses and servants salaries were all overseen by Darryl and him, gone at the mansion, the job went to Dian. That was the first time Dian felt she was somehow important. It was then she started gaining thorough respect from the servants and her consent was always asked before things can be done in their house. 

Such an event gave Dian some hope that perhaps when she can prove herself useful to their father, probably more useful than overseeing their house, she can have a chance to take a seat in L'Empire just like all the men in their family.

And so over the years when Darryl lived his independent life outside L'Empire, Dian worked really hard to learn about business and extended her network all for the sake of L'Empire. Just like Darryl, she too hard made remarkable achievements in the field of business and chemistry in an attempt to gain favor from her father. She even went as far as taking the shoes of their Aunt Blanca, spending time to take care of every Lagdameo all for the hopes that they too, when the time comes will approve of her. Her whole life then was founded in the hopes of becoming the L'Empire's next successor. When Dannah and Darryl, the favored two, spent all their teenage years rebelling and chasing their dreams, Dian was left alone trying all her best to become enough for L'Empire.

However, when she thought she was close to getting into L'Empire's seat especially that Darryl obviously didn't want it and was determined to chase the love of his life, out of the sudden, her father sold her off and engaged her, then all her hopes shattered apart. 

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The very next day of her engagement, she was asked to leave home and live in the apartment her soon to be husband chose for her. Just that easily, Dian was stripped of all her rights in L'Empire, not even her efforts were acknowledged and was sent off to become someone's fiancé. All the things she worked and started in L'Empire was given to someone else and she didn't even received not an ounce of gratitude for it. For her father, having her interned in L'Empire was just a part of her education and not something to be considered, not specially for the appointment of a successor. To be honest, it didn't even cross President Manuel's mind to consider Dian for it.

Of course, Dian didn't feel happy about it and started rebelling secretly, she started off of course by having Scar as her lover. Such kind of rebellion had never crossed her mind before, all the more used Scar in it because as far as she knew, Scar had always been Dannah's. 

Not until that one terrible day.

***Dian's flashback***


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(Xhemin and Darryl's first meeting)

"You know Xhem my brother has never been involved with a girl," Dian revealed to Xhemin. They accidentally met in the bathroom when her clothes got messed up.

"Not as bad news with his revelation that I'm also his first kiss,"

"Well I already suspected that much," She answered knowing full well about her brother. The news about Darryl being involved with a woman took her by surprise, she however knew her brother would not allow such rumour if it isn't true. The picture that had been going around where Darryl kissed a girl in the canteen got her attention and by then he knew, Darryl certainly got his interest with this dear friend of hers. "Oh, my brother, he is really hard to comprehend but I'm very sure that he likes you. So please take it easy with him okay?"

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After she said those, Xhemin literally walked out the bathroom in daze, to Dian's amus.e.m.e.nt. That little Dugmoch girl was very innocent, it was obvious she was having a hard time dealing with her brother.

"Here you are…" A man's voice disturbed Dian's amus.e.m.e.nt and when she looked at the bathroom's door, she saw the young master of the Huangs together with few of his friends.

"Hello Edmund. I think you are in the wrong bathroom," She replied and if the man was smart enough, he knew she was trying to dismiss him off. Edmund was a long time admirer of her and as although the man came from a good family that her father will surely be thrilled to associate with, she had no ounce of love for the boy. His character simply wasn't something she particularly likes.

"I don't have business with bathrooms," He answered looking at Dian from head to foot as if he was pleasing himself with her fresh new dress and make-up. He then turned to his friends and cued them to leave them alone.

"Then if you may, step aside," She told him as she was ready to go.

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"Not yet my beautiful miss," Just that and in surprise, the boy caught her hand and started grabbing her back inside the bathroom.

"Just what you think you are doing?" Dian protested squeezing her hand off Edmund's grab.

"I didn't ask someone to ruin your dress for nothing," Edmund replied, shooting some real perverted look upon her. What he said was true, he paid someone to ruin her dress so Dian would excuse herself from everyone. He had been following her since then and wanted to come inside since earlier, but unexpectedly someone was there too.

"You what?" Dian was immediately angered with such a revelation.

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