The Genius' First Love

Chapter 597: 597

(TRIGGER WARNING:  Some scenes may not be suitable for people who have mental health problems. If you are one, please don't read further)

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Scar woke up in the middle of the night for some reason. When his consciousness got him, he felt the cold breeze running from the open balcony and realized Dian wasn't anymore in bed.

"Babe?" He immediately got up worried about the girl's absence and tried to call her again but he received no reply at all. Immediately he got up on bed and the first thing that caught his attention was the moonlight coming from the balcony. Why was it open by the way?

Scar went to check the balcony then for he knew it was most likely his woman who opened it. When he stood at the door, he immediately caught the silhouette of Dian on the top of the railings with tears and looking down at the city lights down below ready to jump any moment.

"Dian!" Scar screamed at the view of Dian trying to end her life. He ran to her side and hoped he was fast enough to catch her. Luckily, before Dian could do anything foolish he was able to pull her back on the balcony, safely into his arms.

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"Dian what the heck was that?" He confronted her right away only to find Dian's eyes lifeless, like she was a doll with nothing but a beautiful face but no emotion at all. Scar then realized that the rejection she got  struck her hard, rendering her impossible to even be rational.

Seeing Dian like that raised an outrage in Scar for whoever hurt her. He felt an utter hate and anger for how easy it was for L'Empire to throw Dian away and left her in such a messed up state. Was marrying her into her own molester wasn't enough? 

"Scar," Dian spoke for the first time, yet her eyes were still somewhere. "You are the only things that's left of me and yet I cannot have you too,"

"Dian..babe, you know I'll always be here," Scar promised her as his heart sank with her. He knew Dian was at her end and she had lost all the hopes she had within her.

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"No, If I cannot have L'Empire then I cannot have you too," Her tears fell as if her own words were a set of knives that had been struck to her heart one by one, "In this world we live, we simply have no freedom, even to love. Do you know why I wanted the L'Empire seat so desperately?"

"At first I wanted to only prove myself to my father," She continued, "But when you came, I wanted it more than ever because only through having it will I be able to have you. If I reign above them all, I can freely choose whomever to love,"

"Dian we don't need L'Empire to love each other. We don't need anyone's permission," Scar talked her through it but he knew what she said was all facts. Because she was the second miss, Dian was bound to marry into the Huangs as her responsibility and he being an L'Empire's agent was bound only to serve their organization forever.Their love was forbidden, it simply had no place in such a cruel world.

"I'll take you away from here if that's what bothers you. Let's run away and leave in peace," Scar proposed. Truth was he never once thought Dian was already so invested in their relationship that she had dreamed of having a good future for them. All this time he thought Dian was okay on how their relationship was going on, like she was okay with it being a secret to everyone and that it had to remain that way forever. Yet now, it seemed like the second miss wanted nothing but a future with him and it's not like he didn't want it, he just never expected she was that sincere then and so he had never really thought of their future.

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"We can go somewhere far from all this chaos, you and me. We can be together and live differently and do everything we wanted," Scar added.

"No Scar. We cannot run away from L'Empire and I don't want to run away with our love. I wanted to fight for it by having L'Empire in my hands," She rejected his pleas for escape. "But I know that was hopeless so I thought maybe perhaps if I die today, I can have the chance to be reborn again and love you the way I wanted to,"

"Dian…" Scar was so moved at how Dian confessed her utter devotion to their love. There was never a time that a woman had fought for her love toward him, even Dannah didn't do it and chose to love him only as a friend and yet Dian did. Dian wanted him. Dian wanted a future with him and for that, he felt a strong sense of responsibility for her and for their love. 

With that, Scar's hate for L'Empire aggravated. Seeing his woman gave up on life like that because of all the rejection she received made him hate L'Empire more than ever. He hated it to the point he was all willing to destroy all for the sake of the woman who loved him sincerely. How dare they hurt her like that? How dare anyone make his woman cry and make her wish to end her life!

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"If you don't want to run away then I promise you," Scar vowed as he kissed her head. "I promise that I will protect you and help you get L'Empire. You deserve it anyway that anyone does. You deserve it more than the Lagdameo heir deserved it!"

"Oh Scar will you?" Dian's face brightened and the once lost expressions came back to her face. "Will you give L'Empire to me?"

"Yes babe, I will" He repeated with thorough determination. "I promise you'll have L'Empire for our future,"

Dian pulled Scar for an embrace as if his promise brought all the hopes she had lost. And just like that, all the smiles came back to her face as if she had won a battle even before it started.

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