The Genius' First Love

Chapter 598: 598

Present Day

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It was a race against time. The group of a.d.u.l.ts looking for the children had tried all the possible resolutions they could to locate the children but their kidnapper was so good, not even Franco's men could locate them.

Xhemin was losing all hopes and was about to break down when she suddenly received a call from Huzey.

"Huzey we haven't found them yet," She welcomed him with bad news on the line. Everyone in their circle already knew what happened and how the children had gotten kidnapped for real this time. And so Xhemin expected his call was to pick up some updates and yet unexpectedly he brought something that gave her some hope.

"Willow is in Puente de Amor.." Huzey spatted right away. His voice was calm and composed but Xhemin knew he too was in great panic.

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"Someone already checked on that side and it's negative. Besides the Puente De Amor had some securities, they could have alerted Darryl immediately if they caught sight of the children," Xhemin replied doubtfully and yet since it was Huzey who brought the news, she knew she should not take his advice lightly. Huzey had always been reliable and so before he said anything from his mouth, all can be sure he had checked the information twice.

"Willow's tracker says she's in there. We definitely had to check again, we can't simply just rely on others' reports. Who knows they gave a false one," Huzey elaborated and when he spoke,a sound of the car's engine being turned on can be heard from the background. "I'm heading there right now but since your location is nearby it would be best if you and the youngest sire shall check,"

"Willow's tracker? How come Willow had a tracker that I do not know," Xhemin blabbered through the line as she signaled Ziggy toward the car. She had Huzey on speaker mode since everyone's interest got caught up when she mentioned Willow's name.

Ziggy immediately ran to the car and turned the engine while Xhemin and the rest hopped in ready to leave. They too were doubtful of Ang's proposal to check the bridge but right then they simply had no choice but to do so. Besides Ang was right, it definitely is safe to check the place first hand.

"I made the tracker for Ang's private use. He had always been in trouble because of Willow's constant escape so I helped him make an earring tracker and had him gifted it to Willow. She had been wearing that earring since then," Huzey explained. Truth was he forgot to mention the tracker because these days he was so preoccupied on running things around the Montarini estate specially that it was just recently that their names were cleared out of the bombing incident years ago. He was then overseeing so many lawsuits and was then troubled and obsessed with finding any information about the woman with red hair. "Ang just called me a few minutes ago to run the tracker. I'm sorry I only just knew few minutes ago about the children's disappearance," 

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Xhemin did understand Huzey's situation and honestly, as much as possible she didn't want to bother the prince then because aside from him just recently came back and was still undergoing some treatment, he also had so many things on his table then. However, it seemed that Ang had gotten a hold of him and asked his help.

"God Huzey! I couldn't be more thankful to you now!" Xhemin was relieved a little and wished their car would just speed up and brought them to the bridge right away. Ziggy on the other hand had their car on full speed making sure he wasted no time on the road. "I just hope she's still in there and didn't drop the earrings!"

"Don't panic. I'm heading there right now," Huzey tried to comfort him. He knew he was on speaker so he called on Ziggy's attention, "Ziggy make sure Xhemin is safe. I don't know who got the children but this venture is surely dangerous,"

"I know," Ziggy replied and when he did, Huzey dropped the call as he too was on the road already. Huzey was in City Smile at the moment so he expected he's going to arrive later than their group could.

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"I can't contact anyone on the bridge," Darryl announced. When he heard Huzey's words earlier he immediately called the bridge personnel and for some reason, no one was picking up then. "Something is certainly up on the bridge," 

"Dannah what are you doing?" All their attention turned to Dannah when Xhemin asked. They all saw her pull a gun and started loading up bullets. 

"I hope I won't have to use this one but it better to be prepared," The third miss replied and sigh, "We don't know what to expect there,"

"Dannah there's no need for violence," Darryl wanted to dismiss her words. They were all already in deep mess and seeing Dannah pulling out a gun only made their companion shiver a little.

"We are not sure of that," Dannah replied then threw her brother another question "Did you call uncle Franco too?"

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"Yes, they are also on their way,"

"I'm not sure yet but if Dian was behind all this, she had planned this all too well not even uncle Franco can locate her," Dannah uttered.

"She knew the syndicate's movement around Hampshire," Darryl sighs. "She already know how to evade them,"

"Right," Dannah agreed and held on her gun firmly as if some hatred rose to her for no reason at all. They were all blind as to Dian's intentions and reasons for subjecting the children and the entire Lagdameo family in this deep mess yet the things that she did was far horrible Dannah felt like she didn't know her sister anymore. Was she behind Scar's death too?

Dannah didn't want to think of it but something was really weird about the situation. It was very obvious that the master culprit and Scar had some deep ties, does it mean Dian and Scar had something between them? Since when?

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