The Genius' First Love

Chapter 599: 599

Puente De Amor

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"Second miss I think you got it all wrong. Dannah the third miss is not our mother!" Wolfe pleaded with the truth. Ziggy had told them who their mother was in the very beginning but warned them never to mention it to anyone. The youngest sire thought it would be best if the children knew the truth as they were smart enough to understand things already.

"Liar! That Montreal sire had trained you all well how to lie!" Dian screamed at Wolfe's face to shut him up. She had enough with everyone's secret, denials and lies!

"It's the truth!" Wolfe tried so hard to convince her, trying all his best to delay some time. He knew their Imama and Dada would not stop looking for them and it will only take some time before they will be found.

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"You are soo like your mother little boy!" Dian mocked the child. She was in total madness already that she had no sense of being cautious of her actions considering the one she was dealing with was a child. She's far too messed up already to even think about that and right then she had made Wolfe a punching bag of all her frustrations. "You are so like Dannah full of lies and denials!"

"Do you know what your mother just did?" Dian went on her nagging. "She went between my Scar and me. She had gotten so jealous that her best friend had his eyes on another woman already so she did all she could to seduce him back to her arms!"

Together with her words was her tears. Scar definitely had become one of her precious possessions yet Dannah took him back without warning. Didn't that feisty little sister of hers already throw Scar away and yet she couldn't handle Scar's affection for another woman that she had acted up and successfully grabbed Scar away from her. 

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They started out so good, Scar and her. It was like she and Scar, together forever and against the world. She had successfully gotten hold of him that after her pretend suicide attempt, Scar did everything she asked of him, including using his charms to seduce and entice Collet so they can use her a decoy mastermind of all their plans.

The accident that happened to Xhemin, although it was initiated by Collet, was done with Scar's influence. Dian needed something to pull Darryl's attention away from stepping into the presidency and since she knew Xhemin was his only weakness, she staged an accident so he would end up rushing back home. The plan was successful but unexpectedly it caused some turn around in her relationship with Scar and for some reasons she all blamed it to Dannah.

After Xhemin's accident, Scar learned that Dannah disappeared for a considerable amount of time already and so he had gone berserk and looked for her. Although Dian didn't stop Scar on his ventures looking for Dannah, she felt some bitterness as she all wanted Scar to be concerned only for her. Aside from that, he had seen how Scar almost went insane and shut everyone off so he could prioritize searching for Dannah and even went as far as delaying some of Dian's wishes without excuse. This got Dian mad and she grew some perception that even when he gave Scar the things Dannah didn't gave him, like her heart and her body, he would still chose Dannah at the end.

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"Your mother acted up and ran away to get Scar's attention. That was the first thing she did to seduce Scar," Dian narrated as if the matters concerned Wolfe when there was nothing he could think of at the moment but his sister's safety. "The second thing she did was make Scar feel guilty of what we did to the Dugmoch's little miss and so Scar withdrew from the syndicate and went away to become a changed person,"

"That's what your mother did. She took away the love of my life that at the end I had ended up killing him because as per his own words, he wanted to fix things!" Dian continued her blabber, laughing and crying at the same time, "Fix things his ass! So that's why I shot a bullet right through his head and how I wish I could kill you and your sister that easily. But I can't so I think I have to wait until when your sister lets go," Dian then turned her eyes into Willow who was until that moment fighting all her best to hold on. "Since you know, I had to make it appear like Willow and you slipped in here. And of course because I am a very gentle and kind person, I will attempt to save both of you so I will follow you in the water after your deaths. But unlike you two, I will survive and become the only survivor in today's unfortunate Puente De Amor accident,"

"Willow just hold on okay," Wolfe shouted at her sister, "Dada and Imma will come. I'm sure of it,"

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It was obvious that Willow was struggling but she managed to nod at Wolfe's plea and such small action sent some relief to Wolfe. However such a sight didn't please Dian and so she became impatient and all the more angry.

"What a pity!" Dian balled her fist tight at the sight of Willow trying to hold on with all her might. She expected her to give up and accept her death but the little girl's determination upset her. "It seemed that this little girl inherited my sister's stubbornness! Gosh! I hate anything that resembles that sister of mine! I just hate her so much!"

"Second miss please believe me. The Third Miss Dannah isn't our mother. I swore to you," Wolfe tried once last plea for he knew their time was up. He could see through to Dian's eyes that she was ready to kill them both.

"Gong where's your gun?" She demanded the man who was holding Wolfe. The man immediately turned his back to show Dian the gun that was tucked behind his back which the second miss took right away.

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