The Genius' First Love

Chapter 600: 600

The moment Dian gets hold of the gun, she threw a bullet right through Willow's direction. The little girl who was doing her best to hold on tight, despite the injury and fear she had, managed to evade all of Dian's shots. The metal she was holding was a few meters below the surface of the bridge and despite the fact that the second miss knew how to fire a gun, her shots weren't as accurate as Dannah's thankfully.

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"No! No please!" Wolfe saw his sister's struggle and although she was lucky to evade the bullets, she was left holding the metal with one hand. Willow with thorough determination tried to reach her other hand back to the metal, but Dian continually fired shots at her. Her continual shots dried her bullets so she had to reload them outright.

"Let go!" Dian angrily commanded Willow but the girl just refused to heed her request. Seeing Willow's determination to fight, she was annoyed to hell and left screaming, "Okay little miss, since you refused to fall, watch how I throw your brother out! Gong! Throw that boy away!"

Dian's command made Wolfe panic and knowing that he was next, he deliberately squeezed himself out, kicking and punching the one who was holding him but his efforts were all futile. In just a minute, he was lifted in the air and ready to be thrown!

"W-o-l-f-f-f-f-e!" Willow screamed her brother's name with tears! She wanted to catch him but she was in no position to help him. She herself couldn't barely support her body and was ready to fall anytime!

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"N-O-O-O-O!" Together with Willow's scream was the sound of a bullet being fired and right then a loud thud coming from a body falling into the ground was heard!

Dian with a smile on her face saw Wolfe's body flew in the air but instead of falling into the water, his body fell right back into the surface because the one who threw him away suddenly lost his balance and fell into the ground. The smile she flashed immediately left her face!

"Gong!" Dian was surprised with the sudden twist of fate. As her companion's body fell on the ground, Wolfe's body came crushing on it next and then some blood gushed out!

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Dian immediately looked up from Gong's body and saw someone in the distance. Her hazel eyes met and emerald green, protruding to her soul with so many questions, yet despite the mess, her shot was accurate. Dannah stood with a gun in her hand, the way it smoked a bit, it was obvious she just fired a shot.

Just before she could recover from shock, a group of a.d.u.l.ts arrived running at Dannah's back--Ziggy, Darry and Xhemin, who were all shouting Wolfe's name emerged in the scene.

""W-o-l-f-f-f-f-e!" Xhemin called her son's name and her call seemed to have awakened Wolfe from his fall, so he slowly raised his little head to answer.

"Imma!" The boy was crying, there was blood all over him but he knew those weren't his. It was from the man who was lying on the ground unconscious. With his might, he stood on his feet ready to run toward his mother but before he could make a move, Dian who was at a considerable distance was able to grab and lock him into her hands.

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"Mommy! Help me!" The sound of Willow screaming was heard. She knew her mommy had arrived and since she was below the surface of the bridge, she shouted to make the newcomers become aware of her situation.

"O my God!" Ziggy who heard the girl's call looked down and saw Willow clinging in metal for her life! "Hold on sweetie! Dada gonna get you! Hold on tight!"

Ziggy didn't know what to do but he attempted to climb down into the rails only to be stopped by Dian!

"No one moves or Wolfe dies!" Dian threatened as she directed her gun to Wolfe's head. She certainly didn't expect anyone to arrive as she had made sure no one could locate them and was very careful not to raise any suspicions that she was planning to kill the children. How did they know the children were in danger?

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"Dian please," Dannah tried to beg. She was still holding her gun, this time aimed at Dian. Although Dian and Wolfe were few meters away from where she was standing, the third miss was confident she could hit her.  However, she didn't want to compromise Wolfe who was only one bullet away from his death.  "I don't know why you are doing this but please, let's end here. Nobody among us needs to be hurt,"

"Hahahahahh!" Dian laughed wildy. Truth was, she was in deep shit then because not only did Dannah managed to kill her companion, she was also caught firsthand trying to murder to children! She had never thought this kind of end but it looked like they had all figured out already. "From the looks of your faces, I could tell you finally have all found out,"

"Dian! What happened to you?" Darryl confronted her. At the moment, all the a.d.u.l.t could do nothing but just stood at Dannah's back, idle. However that gave them time to calculate the situation. 

All of them couldn't make a move because as much as they were blind to what Dian could do, she had held Wolfe as a hostage. When they saw how terrible the situation was, the first thing that came to both Darryl and Ziggy was to attack Dian right away, but the second miss and Wolfe was few meters away in front of them and as much as they were confident they can easily outpower her, the distance between them can make Dian pull the trigger, fire a shot and kill Wolfe before they can both grab her. Right then, the only viable thing to do was convince Dian to surrender before she can hurt any of the children.

"Why brother? Do you really have no idea why I am here trying to kill these f*cking little Montreal brats?" Dian met the Lagdameo's eyes head on then immediately grabbed Wolfe's face and made everyone look into his eyes. "Look at his eyes! He is a Lagdameo!"

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