The Genius' First Love

Chapter 602: 602

"You killed my innocent son just because of your greed?" Darryl couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her sister's mouth. When did she become this evil? 

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"Call it greed whatever you want but you'll never understand since you have all the things I couldn't have," Dian answered with resentment. It was the first time he had seen Darryl's frustration of her but it was nothing painful than all the pain, hurt and betrayal she had faced in the hands of L'Empire.

"Dian your reasons are foolish!" Dannah interjected hoping Dian can finally see the right perspective. It was obvious she was blinded by her hatred of L'Empire. She can't blame her though, they all suffered under L'Empire's ruthlessness. However she did think, among the three of them, her sister Dian was the one who suffered less.  Guess she was wrong because the second miss obviously turned into a monster.

"Tell that to Scar," Dian's conscience didn't falter. She knew what she was fighting for was just right. "He was the only one who knew it wasn't foolish. It was right. It was my justice!"

"Scar?" The mentioned of Scar's name surprised Dannah a lot more than she already was.  "You two were-"

"We are the things that you weren't" Dian's face brightened at the shock that registered on Dannah's face. Her surprise was a satisfying scene to watch for her.

"You mean?"

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"We were lovers," She proudly announced and even became more proud when she saw Dannah's face became a mess. "You never wondered why the lavenders never reach you? Have you forgotten lavenders were my favorite too? Those were all for me,"

"Scar and I...we were everything…" Dian added with a chuckle, enjoying the scene of Dannah's greatest heartbreak  "I am the one he loves. I am his woman," 

"You had him do those terrible things?" Dannah asked with thorough hurt. She wasn't really particularly hurt because of the fact that Scar had another woman but with the fact that it was Dian, her own sister who ruined Scar.

"It was for the sake of our love and future," Dian defended.  "We knew our love has no future if we can't have L'Empire so Scar gave it to me!"

"By murdering Darryl's family?" Dannah uttered with thorough dismay. She had been in long agony for many days because she thought she was the reason why Scar was forced to do those terrible things. Only then did she realize she had nothing to do with it, it was all Dian's plan.  "You knew Darryl will hate L'Empire for the death of his family and so you made us all believe it was L'Empire who murdered his family" Dannah immediately threw resentment at her sister. When her heart couldn't take anymore Dian's twisted character she announced at her face "You are evil,"

"I deserve it!" Dian glared at all of them and tightened her grip on Wolfe, specially that she could see Darryl and the youngest Montreal trying so hard to make a move but was hindered by the child under her grip, "Darryl didn't want it in the first place!"

"You fooled too many people," Dannah's hatred rose above her but she chose to be calm about it. It wouldn't be good to lose her cool at such a dangerous moment, "You used Scar. You used his love for you to make him do whatever you want!"

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"He did it for my sake because he knew of all people, that I deserve it," Dian answered, determined that her truth was all that matters. "Besides, it was all his plan. He protected me and my reputation by blaming it all to Collet. It was Scar's idea! He was the one who befriended and seduced Collet and made her enraged that she was left with no option but to plot something to get rid of the new Lagdameo heir!"

"You used Scar and you used Collet, that's how pathetic you are," Dannah refused Dian's twisted reasoning and spat the truth at her. "You are a goddam manipulator!"

"He did it for his love for me!" Dian's confidence faltered at Dannah's words but she was all covered with her evil self she can no longer be rational "Of course you won't believe it!" She let go of a smirk remembering Dannah's misdeeds a few years back. "You refused to believe that Scar had another woman! That he loved another woman than you!"

"I would be thankful though if you loved him back and not used his love for your own sake!" Dannah was enraged but what she just said was true. She didn't mind Scar loving another woman but she just wished it was a woman who knew how to treasure him.

"Liar! You weren't happy Scar had another woman! That's why you seduced him back!" Dian wasn't pleased with what she heard and so she had directed her anger to Dannah. When she was reminded that it was Dannah who ruined her and Scar, she screamed with all her guts "That's why you took him away from me!" 

"I didn't do anything to ruin you both," Seeing her totally enraged, Dannah backed off a bit as she could see Wolfe being hurt. As calmly as possible she defended herself, "My conscience is clear,"

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"Really Dannah?" Dian mocked her and laughed hard like an evil woman before she added  "So you would not admit that when you found out Scar had another woman, you seduced him to bed and that one night of passion bore some fruit,"

"What are you even talking about?" Dannah was confused yet something inside her shook a bit.

"You deny it?" Dian challenged her. Truth was although Dannah was always a pain in her a.s.s, she never hated her as much until she learned of what she did six years ago. It was the greatest betrayal Dannah had ever done to her and for that she loathed her beyond everything "You deny the fact that six years ago you got pregnant with Scar's baby?" 

Dian's question brought all eyes to Dannah. Everyone had another shock!

"You and Scar betrayed me!" Dian added as her anger brought some tears of hurt. If there was one thing that made her this evil, this betrayal tops everything.

"Dannah?" Darryl's called Dannah's. They were all surprised to learn about this fact. Was this the reason Dannah disappeared six years ago?

"Dian…" There was no strength in Dannah's voice. Dian's words struck her with a painful memory of the past she tried so hard to forget. And yet it seemed that no matter how deep she buries it, it will always find ways to haunt her.

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"Do you not admit it?" She saw how Dannah's eyes glistened with tears and although she had long wanted to see her suffer the agony of her shamelessness, the hurt that she felt by Scar and Dannah's betrayal was painful beyond comparison.  "Ladies and gentleman the third miss you all adore is a shameless woman! She got pregnant and gave birth to bastards. She hid it all in front of our faces!"

"Is what Dian saying is true?" Xhemin who was also shocked couldn't withhold her curiosity especially that such truth brought her two children in thorough danger.

"Release Wolfe Dian," Dannah swallowed all her hurt. It was then she finally realized that all of this wasn't just about L'Empire. It was because of her mistake six years ago too  "I'm the one you wanted to have revenge on right? Have me instead"

"So this child can be free? No way!" Dian refused her outright. If there was one thing she wanted before the people in front of her can make her surrender, it was to give Dannah the same amount of pain she gave her, "These children are the fruit of your betrayal to me!"

"For six long years, Scar and you hid these children from me!" Dian continued. Tears started rolling, not only on her face but also on Dannah's "You betrayed me and it was you who fooled everyone to hide your shamelessness! You whore!"

"Dian Wolfe is not my child!" Dannah said it with conviction. Right then she finally understand that Dian took Willow and Wolfe as she thought they were her children, "Don't make another mistake!

"Liar!" Dian refused her words. All the hurt came rushing on her like a tornado that swept away not only her rationality but also her sanity away.

"My child died!" Dannah's words shut everyone completely. It didn't only come as a big unfortunate surprise, but it came with all the hurt and pain that Dannah bore in her heart. Everyone who heard her felt her pain all the more, "Scar buried him,"

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