The Genius' First Love

Chapter 603: 603

"You dare lie in front of me when the evidence of your betrayal is here in my hands," Dian just refused to believe all of Dannah's words. "I spent all those six years making sure no Lagdameo children will be born and yet these children, you raised them behind my back!"

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"Wolfe is not my son Dian!" Dannah answered, "I swear it in Scar's name!"

"Shut up! You dare lie when the evidence is already in front of us! Look at this kid! Look at this kid's eyes! And that one over there? How come she looked like you!" Dian was already at the verge of her anger.

"These kids… they aren't mine," Dannah answered, "They are Darryl's children,"

Some cold sweats fell on Dian's head at what she heard yet she wasn't convinced at all. "The Lagdameo heir already died. It was me who buried him!"

"You buried one," Ziggy, who had been quiet all along answered this time. He had been silently listening to all the conversation as he had no concern about the sibling's issue at all. He was only there to make sure Willow and Wolfe will be saved yet, the things that just had been revealed sent some shivers into him. "I took the two,"

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"That isn't true," Dian shook her head as she couldn't believe it. She had all thought she had successfully got rid of the last heir, turned out, there were three of them?

"Then how can you explain that they were with me? If they were Dannah's children, how come they were with me?" Ziggy pointed some facts.

"I don't know. You two were friends, you helped her probably,"

"It is the truth Dian," Xhemin joined the plea. "Please you already killed my son. Please spare his siblings. I beg you, for our friendsh.i.p.s sake, please give me back my children,"

"No! No! No!" Dian's hands were shaking already at this, "You are all lying to me!"

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"It is the truth!" Darryl couldn't anymore wait to hold his children and yet all he could do that time was watch his daughter hold as much as she could to keep herself from falling and his son being held hostage by her own sister.

"You and Dannah are lying to me!" Dian was becoming more and more confused. Her head already hurt and the last of her sanity was about to go away. She can go berserk any moment.

"Scar and I didn't betray you," Dannah said, hoping she could finally convince her this time. Now that she knows Dian wanted Wolfe and Willow to die because she thought they were a product of betrayal, all she needed was to tell her that she was wrong about all her suspicions all along. "Dian please. Scar do loves you, he didn't betray you at all,"

"What a convenient thing to say, sister," Dian just doesn't want to hear any of it. She could not believe that she had been wrong with her version of things. When she learned of Dannah's pregnancy, anger befell on her and it consumed her.

"Scar loves you," Dannah emphasized the fact to console Dian, "It's hard to believe all things right now but believe on that,"

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"Shut up! If he loves me then he should not f*cked and i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed you!" Dian's head was turning as her heart went wild. No, she didn't kill Scar for nothing. She killed him because of his betrayal but all these people in front of her were trying to tell her she was wrong. No! She isn't wrong. She had  never been wrong, "You sired children behind my back! How can you call that love!"

"He wasn't the father of my child," Dannah confessed and her words gave everyone real chills. They all looked at her wondering what more was in her past that they didn't know.

"That's the biggest f*cking lie you could ever come up now!"

"When Scar found me, that was the first time we met after I was sent on a mission. He was there by your side all throughout those times, how could he i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e me?" Dannah stated facts but Dian couldn't verify it. Scar and her always met in secret so he didn't know where he goes every now and then. How could she know if he had met Dannah or not at that time? All she knew was that when Dannah went missing, Scar followed her and a child was born.

"Dannah we all know here you had loved no other man than him!"

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"He simply isn't the father of my son! Please believe that, I will dare not lie to you at this point,"

"Enough of your lies Dannah!"

"It was me…" The voice of Ziggy admitting the fact got Xhemin's heart leaped out of her c.h.e.s.t. Ziggy himself wasn't sure about the fact that his suspicions got him too bothered that he couldn't withhold it anymore. "It was me, right?" He directed his question toward Dannah who at the moment refused to look back and cater his query.

The things of the past came rushing to Ziggy one by one as he tried to remember all the things he and Dannah had. He avoided their past most of the time and had focused himself with the children and the Dugmoch's predicament that he had not seen the signs. Six years ago before Xhemin came back from the island, he and Dannah had a good relationship but it went crumbling down the day he knew that she was the third Lagdameo miss and was sent by Franco to spy on him.

That time, he had been trying to find a cure for Huzey and yet all his attempts were destroyed by constant attacks. Someone had been constantly sabotaging all his works and no matter how much he does, it all ended up nothing. He wondered then how in the world did his attackers know of his laboratories because he had been carefully keeping them all a secret but when he learned of Dannah's identity, he immediately understood why he couldn't hide his experiments away. Dannah was helping his attackers and such revelation led to a big argument between the two of them. It ended with Dannah getting fired and they went separate ways.

When he carefully examined the past, he finally understood why Dannah left so easily. Was she pregnant with his child that time and had to flee because of their argument? That argument they had six years ago had totally changed both of them and ended every hope and confidence they had with each other and now, all of the sudden it seemed like fate had played some funny shit on both of them.

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