The Genius' First Love

Chapter 604: 604

"What the heck are you talking about?" Darryl who heard it could not withhold his anger. Immediately he grabbed Ziggy's hem and confronted him, "You…"

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"This is not the time Darryl," Ziggy met his eyes head on. He was not afraid of Darryl's chastity, not even anyone's judgement. At that time, what he wanted was the safety of the children and somehow the truth about his own.

Dannah didn't answer Ziggy's question, she didn't have the courage for that right then. She focused on convincing Dian for the safety of Wolfe. "Dian, the truth is already in front of you. Scar did not not betray you. He loved you, far more than you had ever thought he did,"

For the first time, Dian's propriety shuddered. What the heck was everything about? Did Scar really loved her and not betrayed her? Was the truth that Dannah was talking about the real version of things?

Then if it is...did she just kill the man of her life for nothing?

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"Scar?" Dian held her head while her other hand was on Wolfe. She could not swallow the fact that she had made the biggest mistake of her life. She killed him. She killed the man who gave her nothing but devotion just because she thought he betrayed him.

Dian's world revolved around getting L'Empire's seat. When her father had her engaged to Edmund Huang, her d.e.s.i.r.e for power aggravated and when she saw that Scar can be of good use, she grabbed the opportunity to make him attached to her. She had given him her body in exchange for his devotion. Things started out like that but through time, when he had seen how sincere Scar was with her, she had fallen with him too.

For Scar, things weren't like that. Although he had his longing for Dannah, he had loved the second miss sincerely. He would not do the things he had done against L'Empire if he wasn't in love with her. 

However, because of Dian's mistrust and greed, she had manipulated Scar so much that one day he finally had his end.

"Scar betrayed me somehow," After a long confusion, Dian couldn't just let it all go. She was beyond point of accepting her defeat and the fact that Scar did not do anything that deserved death. "He might not have been the one who i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed you, yet he choose you over me,"

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"Dian, the lies you tell yourself will not be enough to cover the pain that you killed the man who loved you the most," Dian's terrible expression got Dannah thinking hard. She didn't want to believe the truth that was coming to her senses and yet her sister's reaction was giving away every single misdeed she did, "You killed Scar didn't you? It was you killed him,"

When she heard it, Dannah immediately saw the guilt in Dian's eyes. Her hazel eyes faltered and she shook her head mercilessly to deny the truth. She was in a deep hole of mess, one could say she wasn't sane anymore.

"Franco's men could never kill Scar," Dannah concluded. "Now I finally understood why he died. He took off his guard because he was with the woman he loved not expecting that she would kill him,"

"That's not true! I didn't kill him!" Dark things started popping up in Dian's vision. These things haunted and made her all shake in fear but she held on to her gun and Wolfe as if the two were her only saving grace.

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"You killed the man who loved you the most," Dannah added to her injury.

"No! He betrayed me! He chose you over me! He chose you!" Dian kept screaming the same things over and over, "That's right. I killed him because he chose you. He deserves that death. He told me he would give me everything and so I demanded his life, he willingly died for me,"

"He didn't choose me! You killed him for nothing!"

"He did! When he came back after looking for you he changed completely," Dian tried so hard to recall every single thing that Scar made to upset her so she can justify her actions of killing him. She couldn't just accept the fact that she killed him for nothing so she had to purposely count all his mistakes against her. "Instead of being with me, he chose to leave the syndicate and go abroad to defy me. Also, few days ago, he tried to run away with you and leave me behind,"

"Scar didn't change because of me Dian," Dannah finally understood things. "He changed because of his own guilt,"

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"No it was surely you who made him change his mind and leave me," Dian pressed on. Six years ago when the news about the new Lagdameo heir came out, Scar and Dian had an argument. This was the very first argument they had and although they were able to settle it, Scar to her disappointment, left Franco's syndicate and went abroad. Something had changed on him and this change built some gaps in their relationship.

"It wasn't me Dian," Dannah who somehow finally connected the dots started exposing the truths to Dian's downfall. "It was you. You made him kill a child without his consent. You didn't tell Scar that Xhemin was pregnant right? You purposely did not tell him he was about to murder a child because you knew it was against his principles,"

Dian was caught off guard by what Dannah revealed. It wasn't only true, there was something in what she said that Dian's confidence in her actions fell. She wanted to deny it but for some reasons, nothing came out of her mouth and the dark things she was seeing became bigger and bigger, ready to consume her alive.

"Scar cried hard and repeatedly apologized to my child when we buried him," Dannah recalled." I thought it was because he felt sorry for me and my son but now I finally realized, he was sorry for the child he killed because of you,"

The memory of Scar crying while holding her dead son came to Dannah in a flash. That time Scar's tears were more than hers and he begged for forgiveness to her dead son's body even though he made no mistakes against him. Now, Dannah understood that probably at that time when Scar held her baby, he remembered the baby he and Dian killed.

"You made him murder a child, that's why he changed," Dannah repeated. She knew Scar very much more than anyone else and he knew it was beyond his conscience to kill an innocent child.

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