The Genius' First Love

Chapter 605: 605

Dian refused to let Dannah's words sink into her because aside from it being the truth, she didn't want to face her evil deeds head on. What she had done was far too evil than even her own self could not accept it.

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The whole truth about Xhemin's accident six years ago started only as a distraction for Darryl not to step into the presidency. Scar and her planned a way to stop Darryl from the takeover and Xhemin coming home from the island became a good opportunity for them. Before Darryl left with their grandfather Samuel abroad to prepare him for the takeover, Darryl left all his business in Hampshire including the revival of the construction of Puente De Amor to Dian and because she was the point in charge of the bridge, she was the first person to know Xhemin had come home. Her uncle Franco didn't give much attention to the Lagdameo woman this time as they all thought she could never escape the island and so, Xhemin freely roamed around Hampshire without getting much attention.

With this, Dian and Scar thought of staging a small accident for Xhemin to get Darryl's attention abroad and eventually had him come running home leaving the take over behind. However both Dian and Scar knew Darryl was smart enough to know who caused the accident so they carefully plotted a way for Dian to not be involved in case an investigation takes place and be able to come clean in case things got busted. This was where Collet became useful to them. 

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Scar and Collet had known each other even before Scar got involved with Dian because of a mission he did a few years back with the Chans and he spied inside them as a substitute driver for a while. They had few encounters after that as he used to be Darryl's bodyguard and since Collet was so clingy with Darryl, she certainly knew Scar. Although she didn't know how deep his connection was with the Lagdameo syndicate, she knew Scar did some underground shits. The Chan heiress previously showed some interest with Scar so he fling around with her for a while until Collet becomes too obsessed with Darryl. However, Collet remained in contact with Scar since she knew of his underground works and she did business with him. Collet pays good money so Scar had her on his lists as a special sideline client.

As Scar knew of Collet's obsession with the Lagdameo heir, he proposed to make her a decoy mastermind. He thought of a way for Collet to know Xhemin was home by reporting to Franco that Xhemin came back from the island. Without much doubt and question, especially that Scar was his top agent, Franco called Blanca Lagdameo to warn her and make sure Darryl will have no distractions before the takeover. Collet eventually knew about it as it was what Scar intended. He knew then Collet was with Darryl in London and that she was always with Blanca Lagdameo. However, because Scar had relied only on Dian's information and had never seen Xhemin personally, he missed the fact that she was pregnant.

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As expected, Collet came running to the South and contacted Scar to get rid of Xhemin. Collet had seen Xhemin and she knew she was pregnant but she didn't mention it to Scar.  That time her only concern was to get rid of Xhemin completely.

So Scar and Dian's plan went on. Scar did the execution of their plans as Dian instructed but he was blind with the fact that Xhemin was pregnant as Dian made sure he wouldn't know. Also their plan was only a small accident but Dian stretched their plan into something big to make sure Xhemin would lose the child. She did all this without Scar's approval.

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"I didn't. He did it on his own," Dian denied but her mind was giving her flashbacks of the night Scar confronted her about Xhemin's pregnancy. He had never seen Scar that mad but she was luckily able to talk him through it pretending that things just got out of control. However because it was very obvious she purposely hid from Scar the fact that Xhemin was pregnant, he turned a bit sour with her but he forgave her eventually, especially that somehow, Scar loved her.

After what happened, Scar somehow changed. What Dian didn't know was that Scar's conscience hunted him and he had his breakdown when he saw Dannah's misery and her dead son. Scar thought that because he killed a child, karma hit back at him through Dannah that's why she too lost her son. Scar treasured Dannah the most, and seeing that she was the one who suffered because he made a terrible sin, he regretted what he did. He vowed to become a better person and because Dannah, the only family he considered, was the one who paid for his sins, he thought of protecting her no matter what.

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"I know Scar very much Dian," Dannah fought for Scar's name. "We had fought battles together. Killed people together but never an innocent, all the more a defenseless child,"

"Scar changed because he wanted to pay for his sins. He made a terrible sin, in his service, in his creed. That's why he left the syndicate. I understood why he did those and why he was so protective of me after I lost the son I bore. He felt responsible for my misery and misfortune and instead of understanding the demons that haunted his conscience, you went berserk and jealous and ended up killing him!"

"He loves you Dian. You just didn't understand him. You only thought of yourself and your selfish! And so you never saw his pain!" Dannah slapped the truth to her face, "Now, bear the consequences of your greed. Bear in your hand the death of the person who loved you the most! May the demons that haunted him, haunt you too!"

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