The Genius' First Love

Chapter 606: 606

"Enough!" Dian's voice went above everyone's breathe and despair. She doesn't want to hear any more of her sister's confrontation and version of things. She just couldn't take it anymore! The truth was making her shudder and feel miserable and so she just refused to believe it all! She's done playing then and would not want any more talks. She's soo fed up with all of it!

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"Enough of your lies Dannah and just give me you goddamn gun," Dian knew how good her sister was with guns and she feared that if she was not careful enough, her sister's skills would render her unable to escape. "Throw your gun to me now! or else I'll shoot a bullet right through this child's head!"

"Dian please calm-"


The shot Dian fired, got everyone in panic. It was just a warning shot to stop all their attempts of negotiations yet it got all their veins rushing through their head. They were aware that any moment from now, without mercy, the raging second miss could kill the child that was with her right away. With that, the group of Dannah didn't utter any word anymore.

"Your gun Dannah! Now!" She shouted at her sister again demanding her the weapon she used to kill her companion earlier.

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Dannah slowly lowered the gun to the ground, eyes on Dian. She was still composed and was done calculating things and so she knew if their words didn't make her surrender, nothing can. She too was aware that in order for the children to be saved, someone has to sacrifice. Dian simply isn't making things easy for them.

Seeing that Dannah's gun was already on the ground, she had her kicked it off to her side. Dannah did as told and in just a minute, her gun was already at Dian' feet. The second miss bent down a little to pick it up but even before she could grab it, she felt Wolfe's hard teeth on her arms.

Wolfe bit her!

"Ahhhh! You little brat!" She was totally distracted by the boy's unexpected assault. Wolfe saw this as an opportunity to escape as Dian's grab on him loosened when she picked the gun. As soon as he was capable, he ran toward his Imma and Dada's direction!


Everyone saw Wolfe's escaped and they too could see that Dian immediately recovered from Wolfe's unexpected assault. In just a matter of seconds, she raised her gun to Wolfe's direction and fired.

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Dannah saw it all and so in a swift calculated motion, she met the escaping boy halfway, grabbed Wolfe and shielded him from the incoming bullet.

Dannah was hit and she immediately fell on her feet!

"D-a-n-n-a-h !" Darryl screamed his sister's name. They too at her back attempted to do the same thing Dannah did for Wolfe but since the third miss was previously standing in front of them, it was she who successfully protected Wolfe.

Things definitely happened so fast that as soon as Dannah fell, both Ziggy and Darryl came after Dian to stop her. She had no more hostage for them to worry about and so they aimed to trample her down. However Dian was quick enough to withdraw backwards with the same speed as they have with the intention to keep her distance from them.  She knew it will be easy for the two men to take her down and so she refused to be caught. Also to keep Ziggy and Darryl from coming after her, she fired shots to Willow to distract them.

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Darryl saw Dian's focus shifted and realized she was targeting Willow. So as soon as she fired bullets at the already injured girl hanging few meters below, Darryl caught the bullets to protect her! There was just no way to save the girl then but by him sacrificing himself!

Immediately, bullets pierced through him. Not one but three straight bullets Dian fired successively!

His body immediately felt the fatal injury and he coughed blood as he held into the end railing for support. His vision blurred right away but he managed to turn around to check if Willow was hurt but as soon as his eyes landed on her, he saw how she struggled and was not able to hold it anymore!

Willow fell off into the ocean beneath her!

"Willow!" Darryl screamed her name as his own blood continually gushed out of him. He was bleeding hard but he couldn't think of anything then but his daughter. So with the last of his strength, he climbed off the rail dangerously and let himself fall off the bridge hoping he could still save her. He knew how high and impact full the fall would be, but he couldn't just give up on her!


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Ziggy went after Dian too but after her three shots on Willow that failed because Darryl protected the child, she stopped firing because aside from Ziggy was left chasing her, she was too far from Willow already. She was already too far to secure a shot. However, knowing that the youngest Montreal was already a few steps away, almost ready to catch her, she shifted her gunpoint at him.

This time, to stop Ziggy from chasing her, she aimed at him!

Ziggy saw that he was Dian's next target and although it happened within splits of seconds, he was lucky enough to avoid the first shot she fired at him. Unlike Darryl who used his body to protect Willow, Ziggy had no one then to protect so he evade all the bullets.

Actually just earlier, as soon as Dannah fell, he thought of grabbing Wolfe but Xhemin got the child first and ran away opposite to Dian' direction so Ziggy was left to make sure Dian wouldn't fire at the escaping mother and child. That's why Darryl and him immediately chase Dian so Xhemin and Wolfe can run safely away.

Ziggy almost caught Dian but before his hands reach her, the second miss fired shot at him again. However, the background he could hear Darryl shouting Willow's name and he realize Willow had already fallen. He knew Darryl was hit thrice so he couldn't save Willow anymore. So, without second thoughts and to evade Dian's bullets,  he gave up chasing her and jumped off the bridge just seconds after Darryl did.

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