EP.6 Just the Two of Us on the Bed

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After regaining my composure, I asked Choi Soo-jung in a questioning tone:


“What does that have to do with the treatment?”


As if she knew I would ask, Choi Soo-jung answered in a relaxed tone,


“I need to directly touch your mana circuit. It’s necessary to prepare for any possible mana reflux.”


“But why does it have to be at night?”


“No, the most stable time for magic is right before falling asleep. That’s when it’s safest to proceed with the treatment without any side effects.”


I had read numerous theories about magic for treatment before, so I knew there was no falsehood in her words, but somehow I still felt uneasy.


After all, there was no telling what could happen when a man and a woman shared a bed at night.


If she tempted me like before, it was uncertain how long my patience would last.


“Since you’ve agreed to do as I say, you’re not allowed to complain anymore, Mr Won-woo.”


“Sigh, alright.”


I sighed and replied. Anyway, I was on the losing side.


In fact, it was ridiculous to say anything more to an S-class healer in such a condescending manner, so I could only hope that nothing went wrong.


“Now, follow me. I’ll show you the changing room and the shower room. Oh, and wait a moment.”


Choi Soo-jung walked towards a small drawer and took out some clothes.


A thin, light blue garment with long sleeves fluttering gently.

She handed me a patient gown, like those you usually see in hospitals.


“What’s this for…?”


“Well, to better detect the flow of magic, it’s best to have thin clothing, right? It would be uncomfortable for you to sleep in your existing clothes.”


“Yes, well, that makes sense.”


“Oh, and you know you need to wear it without any underwear, right?”


I was about to question that statement again, but I just silently agreed and accepted it, thinking that whatever happens will happen.


‘I really don’t know anymore!’


I thought to myself as I followed Choi Soo-jung, who was walking ahead to show me the changing room.




“There we go. Now we can sleep more spaciously, right?”


After pushing apart the hospital beds, Choi Soo-jung folded the handles on the side and joined them together.


Now, there was enough space for two people to sleep comfortably without being tightly stuck to each other.


After that, Choi Soo-jung looked at me and asked,


“You’re not regretting anything, are you?”


“No… no! What are you talking about?”


“Hehe, just kidding, just kidding. Well, if you want, I’m always open.”


I frowned and protested against Choi Soo-jung, who once again casually uttered a tempting sentence with a smile.


“Stop teasing. We have an important treatment ahead of us.”

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“I’m just trying to help you relax. Of course, maybe half of it is sincere. Heh.”


Cold, prickly, arrogant, haughty, and indifferent.


These were the words that usually described Choi Soo-jung’s personality, but she was completely different in front of me.


She was smiling so much that it made me wonder if she was actually a really cheerful woman, someone who would show a pleasant smile that anyone would find delightful and then flash a captivating laugh that could seduce a man in 10 seconds.


If Choi Soo-jung’s fans saw her like this, I think they would be quite shocked.


“Then, I’ll first get ready to stabilise my mana before changing into my pyjamas.”

As Choi Soo-jung reached out her hand towards one of the attached beds, a golden light quickly burst forth.


The light surrounded the bed, glowing brightly before vanishing in an instant.


“Ah, this is the [Cradle of Light], right?”


“Oh, you know it well!”


It was a famous skill that made up the “Saint” part of Choi Soo-jung’s nickname. There was no way I wouldn’t know it.


A healing skill near the level of a cheat not only stabilises the target’s mind but also recovers their wounds and stamina.


I knew from interviews that Choi Soo-jung rarely used it because it consumed a lot of magic, but I didn’t expect to see it in person.


“I feel good knowing that you recognised it right away.”


“Doesn’t everybody know?”


“What’s important is that you know; I don’t care whether the rest of the people know or not.”


The sudden, heartfelt expression of affection made my heart race as we chatted carelessly.


And the deeper my doubt grew.

Why did she like me this much?


“I’m going to shower and change now.”


“Okay, have a good time.”


“If you fall asleep before I come back, I might eat you up. So don’t sleep and wait for me.”


Choi Soo-jung said that and went into the shower room.

Her words didn’t sound like a joke, which made my mind even more alert.


In the meantime, as I sat waiting on the bed, Choi Soo-jung appeared wearing cute pyjamas with a brown-toned bear print.


It was obvious that she bought a size larger than her body, but the buttons around her chest area were noticeably tight as if there wasn’t enough room there.


“How do you like my pyjamas? Are you disappointed?”


“No, not at all. They suit you well, and you look cute.”


Choi Soo-jung seemed satisfied with my response and smiled shyly.

She looked innocent at times like this.

“Hehe, thank you. I thought about wearing something more daring, but it didn’t seem right for the first time.”


At Choi Soo-jung’s words, I briefly imagined her in slightly more revealing pyjamas that reflected my taste and quickly stopped myself.


In my current state, wearing a patient’s gown without any underwear, a severe accident could happen if I was not careful.


“You made a wise choice.”


With the unpredictability of Choi Soo-jung, it was clear that my rationality wouldn’t be able to withstand the visual stimulation.


“Shall we lie down, Mr Won-woo?”

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“Let’s do that.”


As I lay down on the bed with the [Cradle of Light] cast on it, staring at the ceiling, I felt a sense of comfort and warmth.


My body felt slightly relaxed, as if I had entered a sauna, and I felt exhausted enough to fall asleep at any moment.


“How do you feel, Mr Won-woo?”


“The effect seems to be b…better than I expected.”


As I was about to turn my body to answer Choi Soo-jung’s question, I stuttered, swallowing my breath at the sight of her curves slightly revealed between her pyjamas.


As a man, it was an unavoidable instinct to be captivated by such a figure that would undoubtedly steal anyone’s gaze.


“Is that so? But why are you not looking at my face and looking somewhere else?”


I’m in trouble.

Apparently, my gaze lingered unknowingly for too long, making it impossible for her not to notice.


“I’m really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable!”


I hastily apologised, trying to make amends even a little bit.


“Hehe, you seem to be quite curious about what’s underneath, huh?”


Instead, Choi Soo-jung seemed amused, and she unbuttoned one of the buttons that I was struggling to keep closed right in front of my eyes.


A seductive, deep valley, fitting for her size, was now clearly visible.

Feeling like something really bad was about to happen, I turned my head away and waved my hand, firmly expressing my refusal.


“Ah! Please button it back up quickly.”


“Hehe, alright, alright. Aren’t you overreacting? I’ve buttoned it back up now.”


With those words, I looked back at Choi Soo-jung with relief.

I could see her flawless face, freshly showered without a single blemish.


I blinked my eyes and stared at her silently.


Feeling like I wouldn’t be able to sleep and would struggle all night like this, I decided to change the subject quickly.


“Um, Miss Hunter Choi Soo-jung.”


“Can’t you just call me Soo-jung comfortably now?”


“I’ll think about that slowly. It’s still uncomfortable for me.”


Choi Soo-jung wasn’t just crossing the line but bulldozing through it, so I couldn’t afford to give in to this psychological Maginot Line.


“Tsk, alright. So what do you want to say?”


“I’ll ask you directly. Why did you come to have those feelings for me?”


“Is it really that strange?”


Choi Soo-jung, who had a playful face earlier, now looked sober. I thought this was my chance and decided to share my honest thoughts.


“Of course it is. I can’t understand why you would feel that way just because I was the reason you had your awakening when I fought those monsters and saved you. Usually, that would just result in gratitude.”


My firm stance seemed to make Choi Soo-jung hesitate for a moment before she replied.


“It’s not just because they fought monsters and saved me, but what if it was someone who sacrificed themselves in my place?”


“Could it be…?”


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As soon as Choi Soo-jung’s words fell, I immediately understood what she meant.


She was a girl with black hair. The one I tried to protect by throwing myself in harm’s way, even though I couldn’t see her face properly.

“How could I forget that? I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life. The person who protected me with his whole body when I had given up on life, seeing the tail of the giant scorpion flying towards me.”


“But your appearance, starting from your hair colour, is completely different. Moreover, you said that your awakening made you feel this way.


“I just wanted to hide it. A small desire, hoping you might recognise me? That’s what it was. And my appearance changed after awakening, including my hair colour, eye colour, and even my body shape.”


Although rare in our country, I had read in newspapers about cases abroad where people changed their appearance when awakening.


However, since it wasn’t a common occurrence, there was no way I could have known that the girl from back then was Choi Soo-jung.


“Now do you understand why I have these feelings?”


“It’s amazing and incredible that the child I saved back then became an S-rank hunter… This is such a truly remarkable fate.”


I didn’t regret saving her when I thought she was a civilian, but realising that I saved a future S-rank hunter made me feel like my sacrifice was even more valuable.


“Honestly, I thought you would come to me after your basic treatment was over, Mr Won-woo.”


“Huh? Why?”


As I asked with curiosity, Choi Soo-jung hesitated in front of me and spoke with a dark expression for the first time.


“Because of me, your entire life was ruined, including your dream of becoming a successful S-rank hunter.”


That was the case back then. It was my own choice, but it was a desperate situation, and I could no longer walk alongside Han Yura, whom I had promised to climb with.


Perhaps that’s why I was more obsessed with making Han Yura an S-rank hunter.


“I thought you would come and resent me or get angry, saying that your life was ruined because of me.”


“It was my own choice, so why would I blame someone else? I have to carry the burden…”


“I know, you’re that kind of person. Do you remember this?”


As Choi Soo-jung stretched out her hand in the air, a white envelope appeared. I immediately knew what it was.


The envelope had ‘Sender: Hunter Lee Won-woo’ written in handwriting.

It was a letter I sent to Choi Soo-jung, whom I didn’t know at the time, through the Hunter Association.


I could see Choi Soo-jung’s eyes getting slightly teary.


“Even though you were going through a harder time, you worried about me instead.”


“It seems meddlesome now that I look back. You were already doing well as a hunter by then.”


At those words, Choi Soo-jung shook her head from side to side and spoke with a slightly subdued voice.


“I read it whenever I had a hard time. You have no idea how much strength I got from the words you wrote at the end of the letter: ‘Although it’s a terrible memory and you can’t easily forget if you overcome it, there will be good things waiting.'”


Feeling embarrassed by Choi Soo-jung’s sincere praise, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was right.


I thought it might be possible that her gratitude grew so much that she mistook it for love.


Even including the time we first met, we’d only met three times.


I looked at Choi Soo-jung without saying anything.


Her expression and gaze openly revealed her compassion and affection for me.


It was the first time I’d ever received this much attention and love from someone, so I didn’t feel too confident about that emotion.


Still, I thought it would be great disrespect not to treat Choi Soo-jung, who showed her sincerity properly, so I spoke honestly.


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“Still, isn’t it possible that you’re just mistaking how much your gratitude towards me has grown for love?”


At those words, Choi Soo-jung seemed greatly shocked and showed me a cold expression for the first time.


And she strongly denied it and shouted.


“You’re so mean… There’s no way that’s true!”


Her face turned red, and she openly showed her anger.


“Or do you dislike me that much? Do you think I’m rude and self-centred, like the rumours that have spread around the world?”

“No. At least in front of me, you haven’t been like that.”


Then, Choi Soo-jung suddenly reached out her hand, took mine, and placed it on her chest.


I could feel the soft touch even through her pyjamas.


“Don’t you feel my heart beating really fast? Or is it because my appearance or body shape isn’t your style?”


‘No. You are so much my style that I’m having a hard time holding back.’


I couldn’t bring myself, to be honest about this part.


I tried to somehow pull my hand away from the soft sensation, but Choi Soo-jung, who was applying force, refused.


“Please don’t do this, Miss Hunter Choi Soo-jung.”


“You keep pushing me away and saying my feelings are a lie!”


“I’m not as great and wonderful as you say, Miss Choi Soo-jung. That’s why I’m doing this.”


At those words, Choi Soo-jung, who seemed about to retort angrily, held back and let go of my hand.


As soon as I quickly pulled my hand away and looked at Choi Soo-jung, her shoulders were trembling.


Her moist eyes were already overflowing, and tears streamed down one by one.


“If you need time to open up, that’s fine. I can’t know all the wounds you have. But please don’t deny my feelings.”


A fragile appearance that was difficult to see as Choi Soo-jung until now.


Suddenly, I thought that I had judged Choi Soo-jung’s feelings too casually.


“And don’t belittle or underestimate yourself. To me, you are more than great and wonderful.”


At those words, a swelling emotion welled up in my chest.


Had I ever heard such comforting words from someone, starting with my days in the orphanage?


Even when dating, Han Yura was the type that needed attention, so I had to overcome things on my own.


My heart trembled at the warmth of a single word.



Choi Soo-jung, startled, opened her eyes wide.


Unknowingly, I reached out and wiped the tears from her eyes with my hand.


Afterwards, I reached out towards her head and gently stroked her smooth silver hair.


“I’m sorry for speaking thoughtlessly.”


“Tsk, you’re too kind, even when you’re like this. You’re always gentle, Mr Lee Won-woo.”


Choi Soo-jung, still with bloodshot eyes, seemed to be in a better mood as she spoke with a smile.


Seeing her like this, I couldn’t tell if it was love yet, but at least I thought I could trust Choi Soo-jung and open my heart to her.

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