EP.7 After He Fell Asleep, She Made a Promise

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Choi Soo-jung looked at Lee Won-woo, who was sleeping deeply next to her under the effect of the [Cradle of Light].


The sleeping face of Won-woo had comforted her and came just a little closer to her.


“He’s so cute… What do I do?”


She had seen his sleeping face often through video, but seeing it in person gave her different feelings.


Choi Soo-jung reached out to Lee Won-woo and gently pinched his cheek.


“I was really upset when you said those mean things earlier, Won-woo.”


She realised what it feels like to have your heart torn apart when the person you love denies your sincerity.


She could understand that the person she loved couldn’t be certain of her feelings, but she didn’t know that he would even deny them.


She pulled his cheek, but Lee Won-woo still continued sleeping.


“Hmm, it seems the effect worked well.”


There was no reaction, which seemed to confirm that the sleep and paralysis effects of the [Cradle of Light] had worked properly.


Choi Soo-jung let go of his cheek and moved closer to Lee Won-woo.


Then she straightened one of his arms and turned it towards herself.


The couple’s arm pillow that Choi Soo-jung had always dreamed of.


She lay down next to him and bent his arm like a pillow.


His firm bicep was a little uncomfortable on her neck, but it was still nice because it was Won-woo’s arm.


Then she turned her body to face him, reached out her arms, and tightly hugged Lee Won-woo’s body as if she were hugging a pillow at home.

Choi Soo-jung, who had a slightly smaller physique than average, looked like she was clinging onto Lee Won-woo, but she buried her face in his chest without any discomfort.


“Sniff Won-woo’s scent… I really love it.”


Choi Soo-jung felt the full scent of Lee Won-woo’s house and the warmth of his body temperature.


As she rubbed against the firm chest she had been sneaking glances at during the treatment earlier, she felt as if an emptiness in her heart was being filled.


Lee Won-woo’s warmth and scent seemed to compensate for all the difficult emotions she had experienced today.


In fact, Lee Won-woo didn’t need to be hospitalised today, but the reward was sweeter since she had barely obtained it through coercion and lies.


“I’m sorry, Mr Won-woo. I was so tired today that I acted a little childish. Please let it slide just this once, okay? And since you hurt my feelings today, let’s call it even.”


After quietly apologising to the sleeping Won-woo, she released the hand she was holding and moved up to face him.

As she looked at Lee Won-woo, who was sleeping while breathing softly, Choi Soo-jung recalled the events of the day.


She had actively confessed her feelings, thinking that Won-woo would be oblivious, and rode the momentum to actively approach him, drawing out the affection she had hidden.


As earnest as Won-woo was in love, she was immediately rejected, but she was satisfied for the time being since she hadn’t expected much, and it didn’t seem like he was extremely dissatisfied.


“By the way, Mr Won-woo, aren’t your reactions just too good? They make me want to keep teasing and playing with you.”

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From the moment he entered the guild leader’s room to the moment he took off his shirt for the examination, his tense expressions and cautious actions were so cute and lovable.


The subtle trembling of his body when her hand touched him.


As she deliberately stimulated him with her movements, she couldn’t help but laugh secretly, seeing him bite his lips to endure it.


‘His confused expression when I caught him looking at my chest earlier was also cute.’

From Choi Soo-jung’s perspective, she was rather happy that Lee Won-woo, of all people, looked at her that way.


That meant her charm was working on Lee Won-woo.


If he wanted, she was willing to give him much more.


Of course, she somewhat expected that he wouldn’t do such a thing because he was serious about love.


Choi Soo-jung thought that breaking down his resistance and making him fall for her would also be enjoyable.


A person who makes her laugh and feel happy just by looking at him.


Choi Soo-jung thought it was a big deal that she was already smitten and felt like she would fall for him even more.




Letting out a sigh, Choi Soo-jung let go of his hand and moved up a bit, this time embracing Lee Won-woo with her own chest.


And she looked at him with a faint gaze.


“I’m sorry, Mr Won-woo, for making you go through all this because of me.”


Although Choi Soo-jung played a prank during the examination, she genuinely checked Lee Won-woo’s body.


During the process, she discovered a magic restraint device installed around his wrist and heart.


It was a suppression device developed by the Sungkwang Group to restrain criminals from using magic.


She had hoped that her speculation was wrong, but she couldn’t help but be angry when she confirmed the truth.


“Brother, was it so infuriating to you that Mr Won-woo saved me? Enough to ruin someone’s life?”


Her teeth chattered with fury.


Although they had different mothers, she at least thought of him as family. She had desperately wished that her thoughts were wrong.


But the result he anticipated came in the end.


Unlike herself, he was a strong and upright person who, rather than blaming others, would bear the burden himself.


He had ruined such a person’s dream just because he was angry.


Now that clear evidence had emerged, there was no reason to hesitate any longer. She had no choice but to follow the plan she had prepared.


Filled with rage, Choi Soo-jung bit her lip and resolved it once more.


She vowed to protect Lee Won-woo by her side and to bring the Sungkwang Guild to its knees.


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“Ugh… I really slept well for the first time in a long time.”


My eyes opened to the sunlight seeping through the curtains.


I wasn’t sure if it was due to the effect of the [Cradle of Light], but I felt a clear-headed and refreshing sensation that was different from before.


“Hm… Mr Won-woo.”


When I heard a voice nearby and turned my head slightly, I saw Choi Soo-jung sleeping tightly next to me.


“Sigh. Why is she here again?”


I wasn’t sure if it was a habit or if she had stealthily approached while I was asleep, but I was surprised to see Choi Soo-jung clinging to me despite the ample space.


However, on the other hand, after our conversation before falling asleep, she seemed sincere and cute, and I felt a little closer.


Moreover, her sleeping face showcased her flawless white skin, making her look like a child.


“I was worried. I’m glad.”


I wondered if she was suffering from severe trauma due to not getting a reply to all the letters she sent in the past.


Although my situation was not easy enough to worry about and look out for her.


Anyway, I had been living well as an awakened hunter, so it felt like a burden had been lifted off my heart.


“Umm… Oh, Mr Won-woo, you’re already up?”


Choi Soo-jung woke up rubbing her eyes not long after. I greeted her first.


“Did you sleep well?”


“Yawn. Yes. I was tired because I went to bed late yesterday.”


“You didn’t do anything to me while I was asleep, did you?”


At the reasonable suspicion I casually threw out, Choi Soo-jung laughed and replied.


“Hehe, who knows? More importantly, do you feel any discomfort in your body?”


Choi Soo-jung spoke vaguely. It seemed suspicious, but her face had a playful vibe, so I decided not to react.


Instead, as Choi Soo-jung suggested, I moved my body slightly. It felt much lighter than yesterday.


“It actually feels even better.”


“Really? Then, I guess the treatment was done perfectly without any side effects. Congratulations.”




Choi Soo-jung spoke as casually as if I had just recovered from a cold. I was dumbfounded by the news that the treatment had ended so easily.


Did she really treat everything well while I was asleep?


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It was inevitable that I would be suspicious.


“So, can I use magic now?”


“Yes. I’ve completely removed these as well, so there should be no problem.”


Choi Soo-jung took out some domino-shaped objects from her pyjama pocket and showed them.


“Why were these things in my body?”


At that, Choi Soo-Jung’s face darkened, and she said,


“I have a guess about this part. Would you trust me and wait until I find out for sure after investigating?”


“Um, alright. I’ll trust and wait patiently, only believing in you, Guild Master.”


“Do you really trust me now?”


“I don’t think you have a reason to harm me, and even though it’s been a short time, I think I’ve seen enough of your sincerity while talking yesterday.”


“Thank you, Mr Won-woo!”


Choi Soo-jung, with a touched expression, grabbed my hands and conveyed her gratitude.


I wondered if it was something to be so touched about, but since people perceive things differently, I decided to let it go.


“So, can I try using magic right now?”


“Of course. However, since it’s been a while, slowly and gently circulate your magic circuit.”




Every morning when I woke up, I had to brace myself for the pain of using magic.


The recurring pain resurfaced, and I still wasn’t fully convinced, so I only circulated a small portion.


Unlike before, I could feel the magic circulating smoothly throughout my body.


“Now that you’ve come this far, try using as much magic as you can.”


At Choi Soo-jung’s words, I nodded and recalled my old senses to manipulate the magic.


The pain that should have come as it did in the past was completely gone.


The pain that had made me miserable and wretched for three years had disappeared.


I stretched out one hand.


If I could effectively use my unique ability, [Psychokinesis], I could believe that I was completely cured.


The target was the notebook placed on the desk far away. Although the distance was considerable, I felt that it might be possible now.




After taking a deep breath, I activated [Psychokinesis].


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It had been quite a while since I last used my unique ability properly, so even the weight of the notebook felt heavy.


After a short while, when I got the hang of it, I lifted my hand upwards, and the notebook floated high in the air.




I couldn’t help but cheer. There was still no pain.


At the same time, my vision blurred, and tears flowed from my eyes without me realising it.


I had returned. I had come back to where I should have been right as I was considering giving up.


“You’ve been through a lot, Mr Won-woo.”


Choi Soo-jung, who was by my side, seemed to know my feelings and led my tear-streaked face to her chest, hugging me tightly.


A soft and warm sensation enveloped my face.


If it had been yesterday, I would have been embarrassed, but at this moment, I knew it was warm comfort, so I stayed still without any wariness.


After staying embraced like that for a while, when my emotions had calmed down to some extent, I tried to move slightly to separate myself from her.


However, instead, she tightened her grip, seemingly trying to prevent me from breaking away, and pulled me even closer.


As I lifted my head to look at her, I saw Choi Soo-jung’s face filled with a mischievous smile.


“Let go of me now.”


“Why? You were fine with it just a moment ago, weren’t you? Did you already get tired of the feeling after experiencing it?”


I was sure that I could never get tired of it.


However, I couldn’t tell Choi Soo-jung that. Because, undoubtedly, the mischievous fox from yesterday would resurface.


“It’s not that, but the position is uncomfortable; it’s hard to breathe. Please let go.”


“Tsk, you’re just going to let go like that.”


Choi Soo-jung said that and released the force on her arm.


Although I felt a strange sense of regret, I quickly pulled my face away.


After separating, I slightly cleared my throat and expressed my gratitude.


“Ahem, anyway, thank you so much. If it wasn’t for Ms Hunter Choi Soo-jung, I would never have been completely cured.”


“Well, it’s only natural for me to do this for my man. This is just the beginning.”


Although she said that, I could easily tell that she was embarrassed by the way her face turned slightly red and her body twisted.


She might have been unexpectedly weak to sincere compliments and gratitude.


“I’ll work hard with the determination to dedicate my life to this guild.”


“I’ll take care of the guild, so if you’re really thankful, please grant me one wish.”


Choi Soo-jung held up one finger and requested something from me.

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