Episode 117: The Hero’s Savior (X)

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It was for Ethan’s that Declen refused when he asked him to join him after he became emperor.

“I am a black wizard. Nothing will change that.”

Declen had taught Ethan how to use his magic power, and even how to use it efficiently.

But it didn’t change the fact that they had different magical properties.

“I didn’t help that much for my presence to be revealed above the surface.”

“Didn’t help that much? How many times have I been in your debt?”

“I just like being your friend.”

Declen didn’t have expectations, he just wanted to help.

Ethan was his only friend.

So this alone was enjoyable and satisfying enough.

Until the end, Declen refused and distanced himself from his other colleagues.

“I won’t see you often from now on.”


“But… come visit sometimes.”

A brief chat at Declen’s house, as before.

“That’s all I want.”

‘I’ll be a bit lonely in the future.’

Still, the story of the founding emperor would come through rumors, and it would be fun just to hear it. Declen was looking forward to the future in a different sense.


One year had already passed.

Ethan’s visits, which used to be several times a month, became less and less.

‘Well, that’s what I expected.’

It would be difficult to keep making time in the midst of a hectic lifestyle.

‘Shall I visit him later?’

Come to think of it, that would be pretty fun too. Declen planned an outing, his first in a long time. 


However, as soon as Declen went to the Imperial Palace, a commotion broke out. He was mistaken for an intruder.

Most of the knights in the palace didn’t know about him because he purposely didn’t reveal his existence.

The misunderstanding was resolved only after the emperor ran over, having belatedly grasped the situation.

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“It’s because everyone is sharp because of the recent intrusion.”

“An intrusion?”

After hearing about the assassination attempt targeting the emperor, Declen looked around and found that the Imperial Palace barriers were in poor condition.

“It looks sloppy to you, but everyone made it with their best efforts. I’m researching to supplement it.”

It was obvious that the ‘improvement’, from Declen’s point of view, would still be similar.

“I will make a barrier. It’s late, but consider it a gift to commemorate the founding of the country.”

Declen thought it was a good idea. 

For some time, he wanted to congratulate his friend properly, but there was nothing he lacked.

“Unless the imperial family disappears, no one will be able to break it.”

Declen told Ethan the only way to break the barrier. It was so powerful that even he, the designer, couldn’t invade it. 

It took a lot of magic power to make it, but it didn’t matter.

After all, there would be no more adventures like before.

Declen intended to spend the rest of his life watching Ethan continue his reign.


Declen thought the rest of his days would be boring but peaceful.

He was looking forward to such insignificant daily life.

So how did it end up like this?

Rumors about Declen spreaded viciously.

Word has it that the black wizard was threatening and manipulating the emperor.

People even made a death squad, saying that they had to defeat the black wizard.

“I’m in trouble.”

“I apologize. I’ll convince the people. I’ll never let you get into trouble. Or, why don’t we just make it known that you’ve helped me? Definitely, the people…”

“No matter what you say, people won’t change.”

Until he met Ethan, Declen lived as he pleased, so he thought that people’s fears were not entirely unfounded.

“You don’t have to feel sorry for me. We’ve only been together for a short time, but our paths were different from the beginning.”

‘I simply enjoyed the time we spent together. That’s why I wanted to stay a little longer.’

‘It really hasn’t been long… no…’

…It was a lot more time than Declan expected.

“Declen. You were my companion.”


“Sometimes, you were my teacher. Other times, my savior.”

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As the adventure continued, Ethan became a hero everyone knew. The more he did, the more Declen’s existence remained like a shadow.

Each time, Ethan said to Declen, “You are a hero’s savior.”

He was able to become a hero because he saved him, helped him, and stood with him.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.”

Declen just smiled.

He really liked those words. Very much.

On the contrary, even the slightest lingering feelings disappeared.

“I had fun too.”

It was the only shining moment in his lonely life.

Which was why, at one time, he even thought that it would be nice if his dream didn’t come true.

He hoped that the journey to achieve that dream would continue without stopping.

But it couldn’t be done.

Even though he knew the realization of his friend’s dream would cause his own happiness to come to an end, he wanted to see him live out his dream. 

Therefore, he must accept the predestined ending.

“I didn’t sacrifice for you. I just stuck around because it was fun. You don’t have to feel sorry for me. Even if we don’t meet, if you think of me as a friend and family… That’s enough.”

The first roommate that Declen accepted. And now, close enough to consider family.

“Yes. You are my one and only family.”

“I can’t be the one and only. If the emperor only has one family member, who will succeed him?”

“Haha. That’s right. Declen…”

Ethan called out his name earnestly.

“One day, I want to show you my child.”

“I’ll take care of it, so you don’t have to worry.”

It was a pity to have to miss it. Declen thought, ‘I’ll have to see the child once I can.’

“Yes. You must come and see, wherever you are.”

“I’ll be sure to watch.”

That was the last meeting between Declen and Ethan.

Declen tried to quietly disappear. And to never appear again.

…He knew that if he said this, Ethan would try to protect him, even if it was unreasonable.

But he didn’t need anyone’s protection.

Since he was alone from the beginning.

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Nevertheless, he wouldn’t be lonely like he used to be. He had enough memories to fill his entire life even if he thought of one every day.


Just as Declen was about to exit his house, leaving letters and belongings for him to check on later visits.

“What is this?”

There was a trap aimed at him. Originally, he would never have fallen. But he was caught off guard, and besides, he was exhausted, having used a lot of magic power to create the barrier around the Imperial Palace.

The result? He was mortally wounded. 

Truly, he didn’t expect for this to happen.

“It’s His Majesty’s decision that he cannot let a black wizard threaten the people.”

Those who came to kill Declen were once companions who had been on an adventure together.

After Ethan became emperor and they were given titles, the exchanges were cut off.

Did something happen to cause them to hold so much ill will toward him?

‘That’s funny. Is there a need to find a reason?’

Until he met Ethan, it was only natural for people to hate his very existence.

‘I’ve become stupid.’

It wasn’t something to be hurt over, but it felt like his heart was being torn to pieces.

‘Was everything you said back then a lie?’

Hopefully, it wasn’t just that.

…Ah, it was meaningless to pursue.

Since the decision to get rid of him was already set in stone.

Anyway, he was going to disappear just like this.

‘You made it impossible to even have a peaceful death.’

‘You don’t know.’ 

‘That I am a being that cannot die easily.’

After Declen barely escaped from the trap, there were several battles in which even the emperor participated.

And in the final battle, Declen was said to have died.

But in reality, Declen managed to survive.

His friend’s betrayal made him survive, like begging for the faint will to live. 

And he had descendents.

‘Carry on, my blood. Don’t stop, keep going and wait.’

‘Until the day I am born again.’

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It took several hundred years for Declen to be reincarnated.

In addition, as the magical power and spirit were divided into two bodies, his plans delayed a little longer.

The spirit to Emmett Sianne.

And magical power to the young esteemed son of the Diaclen family.

His first body was Emmett Sianne.

Emmett had all the memories. But for some reason, the magical power was sealed.

Hence, even though he had all his memories, he was helpless and unable to do anything.

Then after Emmett’s death, his spirit went into Young Lord Diaclen and was perfected.

However, something unexpected happened: the former emperor and his wife noticed his true identity when he was Emmett Sianne.

Because of that, he overworked when he wasn’t ready yet, and things got messy for a while.

But after which, once he fully became Young Lord Diaclen, everything went smoothly.

He created a faction of black wizards and struck the families of those who had attacked him long ago.



They greedily held hands and collapsed one by one.

Though, Marquis Decayden’s approach towards the Grand Duchy of Adelasia was unscheduled.


In Declen’s memory, Adelasia was a hard-nosed and blunt wizard.

He didn’t have much contact with him because he didn’t like him from the start.

But maybe it was because of his upright personality, he helped him at the last moment.

That was largely why he was somewhat surprised to find that the Adelasia family represented modification magic after reincarnating.

‘I thought too much of the past.’

It must be because he, too, felt with his skin that it was coming to an end.

Reincarnation was not something that could be done multiple times.

This was the first and last time.

Moreover, since he dedicated a huge amount of magic power for reincarnation, the power he had now was incomparable to what he possessed in the past.

Still, this was enough.

Declen was finally determined to put an end to the long, bad relationship.

Ame: I’m sniffing a ton, I can’t tell if it’s from the story or the cold weather pfft—

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