Episode 118: Waiting on a Friend (I)

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“Are you really okay?”

“Aren’t you forcing yourself to pretend you’re okay again?”

The emperor and Heinricion checked Eristella’s condition several times.

The more the two of them were worried, the brighter Eristella smiled.

“It was fortunate that Jay Sianne knew how. I’ll be fine, even if it’s a makeshift thing.”

Jay Sianne taught Eristella how to temporarily control her vast magic power to the extreme.

It would enable her to maintain her best condition for the time being, but if her curse was not resolved within a month, her body could be ruined beyond repair.

It was like a gamble.

Regardless, Eristella assessed it was more important to get out of the anxious state of not knowing when she would collapse.

‘And this is just a hunch… I don’t think it will take even a month.’

Maybe, soon, Declen would move.

“How about the people? Is the number of people complaining of the side effects of black magic still increasing?”

If it still didn’t work, the efforts they had made so far would be in vain.

“I cut off the items that were circulating through backdoor transactions, and it definitely worked.”

“In the future, punishment will be given.”

The emperor was already investigating those who made money by relaying secret deals.

“And I also informed them that we are preparing to supply similar products sometime next year.”

“Thank goodness. They should be held accountable for their backdoor dealings, but they must have been desperate enough to risk their lives.”

It was meaningless to ask if it was more important than the immediate matter of life and death.

They were so exhausted and alienated from the benefits that nobles take for granted. The daily life that happened every day in front of their eyes had such a heavy value.

“I’m glad. There won’t be any more confusion.”

Eristella was slightly relieved.

“We also heard about Declen from Jay.”

The emperor brought up the story of Declen.

Of how the hero and the black wizard in the founding tale were actually the same person. And what happened between the emperor and the black wizard.

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“I have something else to say on that matter. Regarding what happened at that time as seen through the eyes of the founding emperor, not Declen.”


Eristella and Heinricion were guided by the emperor to his bedroom.

“I purposely put the national treasures in my bedroom.”

The emperor brought out all the national treasures, with a book being the last.

“This is the memoir of the founding emperor. It’s a national treasure, but more than that, it serves as a guide for subsequent emperors.”

The founding emperor recorded what he felt every moment like a diary. It ranged from somewhat personal accounts to state affairs.

“When reading the memoirs, there were often parts that I didn’t understand. I thought it was because they were intimate things.”

The emperor opened the memoirs.

“But everything made sense after knowing the inside story between the founding emperor and Declen.”

On the page opened by the emperor, there was a letter left by the founding emperor to a friend.

Eristella and Heinricion carefully examined the contents.

It made Eristella look back on certain incidents. She spoke with a face more calm and resolute than before.

“Indeed, it’s revenge to relieve anger.”

It was shocking that Declen deliberately induced the series of events, starting with the County of Azurdi.

‘You’ve been watching from the beginning.’

‘You used me for your revenge.’ 

Eristella’s face twisted.

‘You were screwing me like this.’

The fate that haunted and made Eristella despair the whole time.

That, too, was Declen’s attempt to sway her.

She was horrified that perhaps, she could have walked a similar path to him.

“I see what Declen is trying to do. He wants to give back what he suffered.”

It seemed that what Declen’s aim was not simply revenge against the imperial family.

If that’s the case, no matter how different his black magic is from the past, he didn’t have to move in hiding until now.

“Perhaps, the same as what he’s being subjected to…”

Eristella’s words halted as she suddenly turned her head. Something was amiss.

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‘I just felt something?’

Soon after, she became certain.

The barrier that protected the entire Imperial Palace was disappearing.

Eristella hurriedly opened the window and looked outside. Her face slowly contorted as she stared at the sky.

“The barrier of the Imperial Palace is broken.”

The strong barrier that had protected the palace from any shock or invasion had been completely lifted.

It meant that the Imperial Palace was completely exposed to external threats.

“It’s certain. The barrier is gone.”

At the same time, she felt countless attacks against the Imperial Palace.

It was clear that someone deliberately broke it.

Hurriedly closing the window, Eristella muttered, 


But as soon as she opened her mouth, she felt the stinging gaze of Heinricion. So she hastily changed her words.

“Cion and I will look at the situation outside. I think something is about to happen.”

“Yes. We’ll also need a temporary barrier. The Ministry of Magic has blueprints.”

“Right, I’ll ask for that.”

Their ideas fit perfectly.

“Then I’ll lead the knights from the rear.”

Knowing that it was best to leave it to the two of them when it came to magic, the emperor intended to support the two so that they could move comfortably.

“Thank you, Brother.”

Unlike before, Eristella was not alone. It was now natural for them to face things together. 

Eristella felt confident and strong.

By the time Eristella and Heinricion were outside, the Imperial Palace was already on fire and parts of the buildings were collapsing.

Immediately, Heinricion went to check the blueprint. As for Eristella, she headed to a spot that had flickering fire, extinguishing it and rescuing the person trapped between the collapsed buildings.

‘Just when we wanted things to calm down.’

Eristella knew who had done this.

All damaged places within the Imperial Palace shared one same characteristic.

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They all bore murals related to the founding story.

“It’s Declen.”

Since Declen created the Imperial Palace’s barrier, even if it was not easy, he must have a way to break it somehow.

Eristella instructed the imperial wizards what to do and moved separately.

Now, she had to find Declen first.

‘He must be somewhere in the palace.’

It didn’t take long for Eristella to spot Declen.

Declen stood in front of the Imperial Palace as if he had no intention of hiding from the beginning.

“I didn’t expect you to turn up like this.”

Numerous people were gathered around Declen like hostages.

It appeared they were caught by him while they were trying to escape the palace.

Eristella’s gaze moved to Declen’s feet.

There… was the picture he had taken.

‘I wonder if that’s the key to removing the barrier around the Imperial Palace.’

‘If so, everything we had guessed was right.’

Indeed. It was correct.

The painting, which was covered by layers of magic circles, could only be seen by invoking specific magic spells.

If the magic circles were released, the barrier of the Imperial Palace would be lifted.

“What’s all this?”

Eristella scanned the situation and asked fiercely.

The surroundings were devastated.

“Everyone didn’t know who I was and did dangerous things. When I informed them that something big was going to happen, it became a bit noisy.”

Declen answered calmly with a relaxed face.

At first, no one recognized Declen.

All they knew was Viscount Diaclen, and Declen was a completely different person.

However, when he destroyed the area with black magic, everyone knew that he was a black wizard.

“Let the people go.”

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“I can’t do that, I’ve deliberately invited the audience.”

Declen was not letting anyone move.

Eristella spoke in a low, subdued voice, her face hardening.

“I know who you are. And I know why you are doing this.”


“No more harm.”

Despite Eristella’s warning, Declen didn’t budge. It was when the two were confronting each other.

Everyone was staring at her.

Believing that she could do anything. It was a face that said everything would be fine because she was here.

Declen didn’t like that.

“Everyone believes in the princess.”

He sneered like he felt sorry for her.

“Can the princess really protect everyone? She seems to be in a hurry to protect herself as well.”


“I spread black magic then. To strangle the mortally wounded wizard.”

Declen’s curse on Eristella wasn’t just about trapping her in the body of a fox.

To be precise, black magic infiltrated into Eristella’s magic. So, even though her magic was restored, it did not return to its original form. Rather, abnormalities occurred.

Eristella had vaguely guessed that.

“Is Her Highness the Princess a black wizard? What is he talking about?”

“He’s just talking nonsense to scare us. Who will fall for that?”

“I know. It’s ridiculous that Her Highness the Princess is letting it be.”

Eristella could hear the chatter of the people, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

She couldn’t bear to pretend she wasn’t. As if Declen put his mind to it, he could expose her. 

“Maybe your body can’t take it anymore.”


“You must be feeling it already, right?”

From head to toe, Declen’s eyes went over Eristella, as if examining her insides.

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