Episode 119: Waiting on a Friend (II)

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Eristella gritted her teeth.

Her heart was pounding and a tingling sensation was rising up in her limbs. It was as if her condition was rapidly deteriorating following Declen’s gaze.

No, it wasn’t an illusion.

“It’s good that there are many people watching.”

She knew what Declen was up to.

Heinricion, who arrived late but instantly grasped the situation, tried to protect Eristella, but he was a step too late.

Resistance was futile because the one who cursed her was right in front of her. 

“…Where did the princess go?”

“Wait, what is this? Am I seeing it right?”

“Haven’t I seen that fox a lot? It’s the fox of the Grand Duchy of Adelasia.”

Eristella had turned into a fox.

Everyone witnessed it. It couldn’t be buried.

“Then… did Her Highness really fall under the black magic?!”

“It can’t be…!”

People were shocked, and a few even screamed.

Eristella, in the form of a fox, glared at Declen as she watched the surroundings quickly turn into mayhem.

“How much can you trust the princess who keeps turning into a fox?”

Declen didn’t come all this way to raid the Imperial Palace. His purpose was to shake people’s faith in the princess and stir up insecurities.

People would no longer be able to feel at ease even with the presence of the princess.

—A great wizard who could not be defeated by anyone. Infinite trust that she would protect them no matter what.

All were broken in an instant.

“I wonder if everyone can trust the princess.”

The corners of Declen’s mouth raised as if he were teasing Eristella.

“I’ve been watching Princess Eristella.”

Eristella saw Declen for the first time in Prouthu, but he had started watching her much earlier than that. 

From the day he first saw her as Emmett Sianne, he had been watching her.

And he was curious. What choice would she make?

Declen’s lips parted slowly.

“The princess cared so much for the people of the empire. I was impressed with the way she tried to protect them.”

Declen’s words made people murmur.

However, this increased Eristella’s anxiety. What would he say after that?

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“I didn’t expect her to risk it, especially to save just one boy. Well, that’s why she’s the way she is now.”


“Do you have any regrets?”

[I have no regrets.]

Eristella snapped without hesitation.

She never assumed for a moment that she wasn’t going to save the child. Rather, it was fortunate he could be saved.

And when she saw him again, she was glad he looked healthy.

‘Don’t you dare try to shake me like that.’

“As expected, she is a great princess. Then how far can you go to protect the people of the empire?”

Declen’s gaze went over Eristella to the people behind her.

“And will the people also try to protect the princess?”

Declen’s mouth must be closed. There would be big trouble if even one more word got out.

It was when Eristella hurriedly parted her lips…

“I will give you a chance.”

…She was a step behind.

“I only want personal vengeance. So, bring Princess Eristella to me.”

Even though Declen could have subdued Eristella alone, he didn’t.

He wanted her to be betrayed by the people she had been protecting.

“I will not harm anyone as long as I complete my revenge.”

Declen said to the people.

“I will give you some time to think.”

After sowing chaos, Declen left leisurely.

Several wizards attempted to capture Declen.

However, they were only miserably beaten to the point of futility.


Eristella returned to the Grand Duchy of Adelasia in the body of a fox.

The fact that the fox of the grand duchy was Princess Eristella spread in an instant.

In the carriage, she watched and received the flow of rumors in real time. It was, of course, going the way Declen intended.

There were quite a few people who were angry that she had deceived them.

But more critically, what added to the confusion was the anxiety that Princess Eristella, who was under black magic, would no longer be able to protect them.

Anxiety, spreading like wildfire, met fear and exploded.

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As soon as Heinricion got off the carriage, he caught sight of the nervous faces of the employees.

“I’ll go straight to my room.”

It wasn’t until Heinricion entered his bedroom that he set Eristella down from his arms.

“It’s something you were prepared for, that one day it might be known.”

But the situation was so bad.

‘That’s why he revealed it now.’

The worst timing for Eristella was certainly the best timing for Declen.

‘And it hit the mark.’

The atmosphere throughout the empire was immediately uncontrollable.

There was no choice but to first deal with that. 

Eristella had to spend many hours a day as a fox.

At the very least, they had to resolve the shock and discomfort of the employees of the Grand Duchy of Adelasia.

The people who encountered the sudden truth couldn’t help but feel awkward and uncomfortable. 

Heinricion made an attempt to calm the confused atmosphere by explaining the situation to most of his aides and employees.

But there were some who couldn’t be soothed by that.

Rowen tried to pretend he wasn’t shaken at all, but his eyes shook wildly.

Every time he thought of the princess, he kept thinking about what he had said in front of the fox.

…Among them, there were many insults towards the princess.

‘This must be why it’s said that people should be careful with their mouths.’

Resentment towards his master, who knew all about it but didn’t stop him, also crept up.

“You could have given me a little hint.”

“Would you understand even if I gave you a hint?”

Right. It was obvious that Rowen would have refuted Heinricion’s words and cursed even more.

It was when Rowen sighed at the thought of seeing the princess’ face in front of him.

Eristella suddenly appeared behind Rowen, startling him.

When he almost screamed, she patted his shoulder and said, 

“It’s okay, we’ve spent a lot of time together.”

“Yes, yes.”

Albeit perplexed, Rowen eagerly nodded.

“You secretly bring me a lot of food. So will I keep it in my heart?”

“Haha. As expected, right? Your Highness is actually a very broad-minded and generous person.”

“Sure. It’s me after all?”

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Eristella made a cool smile.

“Although. You were part of the humiliating training.”


Rowen choked and panicked. But it wasn’t for long. He realized that it was a joke at the mischievous smile that followed.

“Rowen. Thank you for taking good care of the fox. Please continue to do so.”

“I’m looking forward to it as well, Your Highness.”

Only then did Rowen, whose nerves were at an all-time high, lost tension and relaxed.


“Your, Your… Highne… Eup!”

Eup, eup.

Leighton’s hiccups didn’t stop, and his face turned redder and redder.

“Your, Your High…”

Eristella tried to calm him, but the hiccups got worse. The boy couldn’t do anything because he couldn’t seem to catch his breath.

“Cion. Please help to calm him down.”

“Words aren’t getting through at all. He can’t seem to hear anything.”

“…Hmm. What should we do then?”

After a long, very long time, Leighton was finally able to greet Eristella.

“I was rude to Your Highness back then.”

Strangely, Eristella found Leighton lovely.

“Leighton. Didn’t you like it?”


As Leighton’s head lowered, she brought a hand over his head, patting him.

“Thank you for liking the fox. Aren’t you disappointed because it’s me?”

Leighton’s face flamed up in an instant.

“No! I love Your Highness too!”


Eristella smiled happily.

Thanks to Leighton, her complicated mind lightened for a moment.

“Didn’t you say you were going back to the Haveling residence today?”

“Yes. Grandma said she’s coming.”

“Go with caution, and if you have any questions or need help when you return to the academy later, let me know.”

“Yes! I will see you often from now on!”

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Heinricion seemed taken aback by Leighton’s enthusiastic answer.

“Haha. Okay.”

Eristella was really happy. It was a nice change of pace, having lunch and spending time with Leighton.

In the afternoon, Sophia Haveling visited the grand ducal residence.

“I came to pick Leighton up. He has to go back to the academy soon, and it’s best if he spends some time at home as well.”

“We’ve been waiting. Thank you for allowing him to stay in the grand ducal residence.”

“It’s because Leighton likes it.”

With a benevolent smile, Sophia stretched her arms out towards 

“Leighton. May I have a hug?”


Seeing Leighton hugging Sophia and smiling, fortunately, the two seemed quite comfortable with each other, unlike before.

Before Sophia got into the carriage, she turned to Eristella.

Then, after staring at her to the point it became burdensome, she slowly uttered,

“For some reason, I felt uncomfortable at that time. Indeed, it was no ordinary fox.”

‘Ugh. She’s most likely referring to the time we met at the Imperial Palace over the ghost disturbance.’

‘You were staring at me like this then too… You’re making fun of me now, right?’

“I offer my greetings again. Thanks for helping my grandson.”

Sophia bowed her head; she hadn’t forgotten any of the times the princess had helped. 

And having more to say, she continued,

“Your Highness. The safety of the empire should not be placed on the shoulders of just one person.”


“I think the reason why wizards who use magic and knights who use swords exist is not to defeat each other, but to fill what is lacking.”

The Marquisate of Haveling was a family that symbolized the sword. Even though Leighton, the heir, was walking the path of becoming a wizard, the pride and strength of the family did not weaken.

Her words were not mere consolation. It was tantamount to promising unwavering support and strength.

“Wouldn’t Your Highness be free to move only when your shoulders become lighter?”

She came all the way to the grand ducal residence under the pretext of picking up Leighton to say this.

Eristella muttered as she watched the carriage pull away.

“As expected, age is not a mere number. Strangely, I couldn’t move.”

With a few words, Sophia had eased the burden Eristella was bearing.

“It’s probably because it’s all true.”

Heinricion replied, staring at Eristella’s shoulders.

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