Episode 120: Waiting on a Friend (III)

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Over the past few days, Declen had been terrorizing the entire empire.

People were all hiding in fear of what might happen and enduring the days without breathing properly.

They wanted Princess Eristella to make a decision and announce it.

All attention was focused on the Imperial Palace and the Grand Duchy of Adelasia.

To be frank, many hoped that Princess Eristella would protect them as she had done until now.

But everyone was careful with what they said in front of her.

Just in case it was made known that they were seeking the sacrifice of Princess Eristella.

Some began saying that they couldn’t trust the princess who was under black magic and that it might be better to support Declen.

—So, don’t let her worry about the word ‘sacrifice’.

But the more Sonia and Charlotte joked, the more Heinricion paid attention to every conversation he had with Rowen.

Eristella was already aware of what was happening.

“I’m okay. No matter what people say, I’m not shaken.”

On the contrary, Heinricion’s expression became worse.

“Anyway, call Jay Sianne. I should ask about this stuff.”

After the barrier incident occurred, Eristella requested Heinricion to stop by the Princess Palace before going back to the Grand Duchy of Adelasia.

And she took something from there.

“Maybe I can solve all the problems now.”

Soon after, Jay Sianne arrived.

“There is something I want to check.”

“What is it?”

He asked politely.

“Can you break my curse if you have a black magic stone made by Declen?”

“Yes. If it’s the magic of the caster, it can be solved with that. It’s just that I can’t get it.”

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It meant that it was an impossible method because of an impossible premise.

“…What if I could get it?”

However, Eristella did not give up and asked again.


“What if the black magic stone that Declen made himself is in my hand?”

Then, the curse of black magic could be lifted and a means to deal with Declen would be created.

“You mean…?”

Heinricion, who knew what Eristella was talking about, also reacted in surprise.

“Can you take a look at this?”

Eristella brought out a magic stone she had and showed it to Jay.

“It’s a magic stone I got from my parents when I was little. It’s one of the national treasures.”

It was made in the form of a necklace, so it was something she often wore when she was young.

Jay closely examined the magic stone.

“It was given to me because I have the same level of magic power as the founding emperor. They say I will need it more than anyone else.”

“…Is this really a national treasure?”

After staring at the magic stone for a while, Jay’s voice trembled in disbelief.

“It can’t be the founding emperor’s… it’s Declen’s black magic stone.”

A black magic stone that Declen made himself as a gift to the founding emperor a long time ago.

No one suspected it because it was difficult to distinguish a black magic stone from a normal magic stone from appearance alone, and it was a national treasure that only a few people could see.

That’s how it has been preserved until now.

“How is this…?”

“The founding emperor must have kept all items related to Declen as national treasures, just in case.”

That way, not even a single one was lost.

In hopes that in case of emergency, someone would recognize the value of the national treasures and use them appropriately.

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This was the true meaning of the national treasures that the founding emperor left to his descendants.

It turned out the national treasure that Eristella needed the most was already in her possession. Were her parents aware of this?

“Now that we’ve confirmed it, let’s proceed right away. I want to return to my original form as soon as possible.”


Since they had the necessary item, they could lift the curse right away.

Some of the magical energy flowing through Eristella’s body reacted to Declen’s black magic stone.

It was the cause of the curse that had been persistently tormenting her. The curse that he had placed on her body was like the blood that flowed through her veins.

The more she recovered and used her magic, the more the curse that plagued her escaped.

“How? Do you think it’s a success?”

When Eristella staggered as if she would collapse forward and covered her mouth from the sensation of her stomach turning over, Heinricion immediately approached and supported her.

Then he looked at her condition and asked.

“I don’t know yet. But… my body feels light.”

“I think it went well. However, I only have knowledge about black magic, I don’t have any magical powers, so I can’t be sure.”

Jay said as he checked the remains of the black magic stone that had been charred to ashes.

Eristella felt the flowing magic in her body. She couldn’t be relieved until she checked for herself. After which, she said,

“I’m going to the Imperial Palace right away. I’d like to wait until it’s more certain, but… I don’t have time.”

The citizens’ anxiety was at its peak. Eristella felt a similar urgency.

First of all, it was necessary to tell the emperor the situation and discuss the future direction.

“Hang in there. I’ll finish up and get ready.”

Heinricion, naturally, intended to move as well.

But Eristella didn’t think so.

“No. You haven’t been able to see the grand duchy’s work lately because of me. It’s enough for me to go alone.”

“…It’s fine. There is always going to be a lot of work in the grand duchy.”

“You’re working harder than me these days. I’ll be back soon.”

“Then I’ll go pick you up.”

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With lingering regrets, Heinricion requested.

“So be it.”

Eristella burst into laughter.


When the sun went down, and when Heinricion was about to head to the Imperial Palace to pick Eristella up.

As soon as he left the office, he saw Rowen running frantically across the hallway.

It was like a signal that something was wrong.

“Your Excellency! There’s trouble!”

“…Could it be that something happened to Eristella?”

As expected, his anxiety was on the mark.

“Right now, in front of the Imperial Palace… The people offered Her Highness as a sacrifice…!”


It was like a dark, vast expanse where nothing could be seen. He would rather have been deaf. He hoped dearly that he had heard wrongly.

But no such miracle happened.

“Why did you tell me only after it had happened!”

Heinricion could not stand it and burst into anger.

“I apologize. We received a report that the carriage had arrived safely in the palace, but we were delayed in grasping the situation.”

“Since when did this happen?”

“It wasn’t long before people gathered in front of the Imperial Palace.It seems that preparations were made in the meantime and the work was carried out by surprise.”

“So what is the current situation?”

“First of all, I have sent our wizards and knights there. I have also instructed them to intervene at all costs if the situation becomes critical.”

‘I didn’t expect them to do such a stupid thing.’

Not sparing any time to organize, Heinricion rushed to the front of the Imperial Palace where Eristella was said to be.

‘I never wanted you to sacrifice.’

‘And if there are those who sacrifice you to survive, I will not forgive them.’

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Not just everyone there, but himself as well.

He gritted his teeth with a nervous heart.

‘Eristella. Please value yourself.’

‘If it goes wrong… I won’t forgive you either.’

‘So please, struggle to live.’

‘Don’t give up easily, don’t make sacrifices even if it’s considered selfish and wanton.’

Heinricion earnestly hoped and prayed as he headed towards the place where Eristella was.

However, knowing what she had done so far, his anxiety was extremely high.


A group of people forcibly dragged Eristella somewhere using the shackle magic Declen gave them.

And offered her as a sacrifice.

“Sir, I did as I were told… Are you saving us?”

Declen looked at the princess who was forced to kneel before him, ignoring the man begging for his life.

“How is it? How do you feel when the people you were trying to protect sold you out?”

With red, bloodshot eyes, Eristella fiercely glared at Declen.

“Are you expecting me to cry my eyes out?”

Eristella smirked.

“Yes, it worked out the way you wanted it to. Now all you have to do is kill me.”

“If I wanted it to end so simply, I wouldn’t have done such a troublesome thing.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“This time, I will give you a chance. A chance to get revenge on those who offered you as a sacrifice to live.”


“Aren’t you offended? Do you regret everything you did for them?”

Declen incited Eristella’s wrath.

Hearing that, the people became startled. They avoided Eristella’s gaze and crouched down. Declen looked at them and laughed.

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