Episode 42: Party Pooper (II)

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“Huh? Be careful? Don’t worry. You just need to believe in me. Let’s hurry up and go. Haha.”

As if Charlotte didn’t understand Eristella’s glare at all, she spoke gibberish and awkwardly slipped away.

Eristella watched with baffled and suspicious eyes as Charlotte left. 

“Ah, today is so much fun.”

Charlotte hummed as she approached the others. The sound of Charlotte’s laughter could almost be heard on the other side of the hall.

‘Did you deliberately pretend you didn’t understand?’

Charlotte stirred the social world as if she had been waiting for this very moment.

Not only that, she joined the crowd cursing Eristella, participating in the conversation with more passion and enthusiasm than anyone else.

‘I think it’s true.’

Eristella’s eyes narrowed as she observed the scene.

‘I think I’m correct…?’


But anyway, Charlotte’s great performance(?) was able to identify potential candidates who showed suspicious interest in Eristella.

However, no specific abnormalities were observed.

Still, just in case, Eristella eavesdropped on the conversations of the other ladies.

“This year, the banquet is a bit early.”

“I know. Originally, it was done after the opera performances were all over. What is the reason for bringing the banquet ahead only this time?”

“Is there any reason? There were a lot of bad things that happened recently, so he couldn’t hold a banquet. His body must be itchy, that’s why he pushed forward the schedule.”

“Well, thanks to that, we’re having fun too.”

Except for Charlotte leading the atmosphere and bringing up the topic of the princess, most of the conversation was frivolous.

Still, it wasn’t bad to listen to it as a way to pass time, since new information was sometimes mixed in the seemingly meaningless conversation.

While Eristella was half-listening to the conversation led by Charlotte and side-eyeing the overall situation, Heinricion was having a hushed, seemingly important conversation with Rowen. He spoke with a troubled face.

“I think I have to leave for a while.”

He didn’t know what was happening, but in the first place, it was a banquet that was squeezed into his schedule and attended for Eristella’s sake.

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Eristella nodded lightly, not wanting to waste his time any longer.

It was a bit sad to go back like this, but today wasn’t everything.

“Sonia can stay here till the end.”

Then Heinricion said that to Sonia.

He left Sonia in his stead. Heinricion appeared to have done so to allow Eristella to remain at the banquet until the end.

“I might not be able to pick you up myself. When it’s over, I’ll send a carriage.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

After Heinricion made a few requests, he left the banquet hall.


A middle-aged man standing on the highest podium opened his mouth with a light clapping of his hands.

“Everyone. Please focus for a moment!”

With a confident look on his face, he raised his head slightly and continued his speech.

When would he be able to stand up proudly in front of the nobles, if not at this occasion? He was enjoying this time very much.

“The brightest sequence awaits at today’s banquet. I hope you all enjoy it.”

Everyone applauded and cheered.

Banquets at an opera house.

Naturally, the highlight of the banquet was the performance. Among them, Charlotte, the main character, drew the most attention.

Charlotte’s graceful figure stepped onto the stage.

She slowly parted her mouth as she smiled picturesquely at everyone.

Charlotte’s performance began.

The power to attract everyone’s attention with just the voice.

The song, which was sung with a serious and relaxed attitude unlike before, caught everyone’s attention.

Eristella was also watching the show, concentrating on her friend, but she suddenly thought something was wrong.

‘Wait a minute. Come to think of it, when did opera banquets become a thing?’

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If Eristella’s memory was correct, it wasn’t long ago.

The opera house was obviously a hit, but the owner was in debt due to gambling. However, he apparently had the funds to open a banquet of this size without issues.

Besides, the banquet was held earlier than before. So, wouldn’t it usually have a different purpose?

Eristella’s eyes became thin.

‘Wait a minute. Is this a simple banquet? What if there’s something else?’

Eristella’s gaze was subtle, but she quickly scanned the surroundings.

Then, in her field of vision, a strange sight surfaced.

Eristella sharpened her eyes.

A person advanced smoothly but secretly while buried in the crowd.

It was such a natural movement that no one else would notice anything odd..

But in Eristella’s eyes, the suspicious behavior was clearly evident.

‘That’s because they are using magic now.’

It was not just magic, but black magic.

No matter how well they hid it, they couldn’t deceive Eristella’s eyes.

She was certain.

The opera was merely a smoke screen. This was not just a banquet.

The black wizards were trying to do something by taking advantage of the gathering.

Eristella followed their tracks.

‘This is the real purpose of the opera banquet.’

With a glamorous atmosphere, it captured people’s attention and lowered their vigilance.

It was perfect for making secret deals.

Glancing around, Eristella noticed she was the only one watching them.

‘First of all, to whom…’

Right then, the performance paused for intermission.

When Charlotte came down from the stage to take a break, Eristella made her way to the waiting room to report it.

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“What? Something like that is happening?”

[Yes. They’re making a weird deal during the show. I think that’s the purpose.]


Charlotte’s lips twisted. When she learned the truth, she immediately became furious.

“How dare you toy with my performances like this?”

It was unforgivable to do this at a performance on which she prided herself.

After the break, Charlotte went back on stage since the show wasn’t over yet.

As if nothing had happened, Charlotte skillfully continued the performance. When she was back on stage, all eyes were focused on her once again.

It was when the fox looked back at Charlotte after examining the suspicious behavior of the black wizards.

Eristella met Charlotte’s eyes for a moment.

At that very second, the singer’s eyes curved. Very ominously.

‘What are you going to do…?’

All of a sudden, Charlotte circled the stage and picked up the sword that had been used as a decoration.

People cheered because Charlotte actively used the stage rather than simply standing still and singing.

Except for Eristella.


Eristella seemed to know what Charlotte was up to.

‘It’s dangerous.’

The worst possibility flashed in Eristella’s mind.

What would happen if the identities of those boldly trying to make important deals in a place where many people were gathered were revealed?

Would they run away from the chaos?

‘No. They won’t run away.’

Eristella was convinced of that.

The black wizards were already revealing their presence little by little in various parts of the empire.

‘Even if it’s a risk, they would rather show off their power here.’

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If that was the case, it wasn’t the wizards who were in danger, but the multitude of people present here.

So Charlotte had to be stopped before an accident occurred.

However… Charlotte was doing a show right now, and it was realistically impossible to stop her, whom everyone was paying attention to.

And again, Charlotte moved first before Eristella could come up with something.

But Eristella couldn’t blame her friend.

Her performance should be respected and should not be used as a means of camouflage for the black wizards.

Charlotte elegantly twirled with the sword as if enacting a sword dance, and pointed the tip of the sword at the shadows beyond the audience.

The eyes of the audience were all glued to Charlotte’s dramatic rendition.

“He who touches this sword takes off his mask and reveals his ugly face. Even if you deceive everyone, you will not be able to avoid the truth that will eventually be revealed.”

Charlotte’s heroic song was reaching its climax.

People thought this, too, was part of the play.

But the fox saw it clearly. Charlotte’s eyes glowed with madness.

Gazes immediately followed the tip of Charlotte’s sword.

The exact figures of those who were trading were exposed nakedly.

“Oh. What are they doing over there?”

“Well. Maybe a special appearance?”

Even the theater officials thought it was a surprise event for the performance, so the spotlight was directed on the black wizards.

Eristella’s eyes popped out at the sudden situation.

‘Who’s in charge of lighting? Are you trying to provoke them? What are you doing?’

In a fit of annoyance, the fox ran hard with its short legs.

But realization soon came. It was not a mistake that light was shone on the two of them. Charlotte’s eerie voice was proof of this.

By the time the fox turned back, it was already too late.

“The performance ends here. My song can’t be the backdrop for the black wizards’ trafficking.”

Charlotte declared firmly in a dull voice that did not contain any melody of the song. Immediately after that, there were murmurs all around.

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