Episode 43: Party Pooper (III)

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“A black magician… out of nowhere…?”

“On top of that, she definitely said smuggling, right? What is this… Don’t tell me they’re… Oh, it’s not, is it?”

Bewildered by the situation, the audience only figured out what was going on listening to Charlotte’s words and following the direction of the tip of her sword, which was still pointing unwaveringly.

All eyes were on one place and everyone witnessed what they were just doing.

At that moment, there was more silence than screams or disturbing sounds. Due to the extreme tension, people couldn’t say anything and just stared. Then, a distinct voice broke the silence of the concert hall.

“They managed to find out?”

“We were going to go back quietly, but I guess that would be difficult.”

The two black wizards who were exposed due to Charlotte’s actions muttered to each other as if joking around.

However, unlike their light tone, they exuded a bloody aura.

It was then.

Guards waiting in advance around the banquet hall flocked to surround the two.

“Don’t move anymore! Get down on the floor and put your hands on your head!”

The guards raised their voices in warning to catch the black wizards on the spot.

But Eristella’s face distorted even more grimly. There was no way they would follow the directive.

The guards couldn’t deal with those two. Without a doubt, just buying time alone would be overwhelming.

Unsurprisingly, the wizards were conversing leisurely even when their identities were discovered.

“How should we do it?”

“There’s nothing much to do. I’m tired, but it’s not bad to stand out like this.”

Without hesitation, as if they had agreed to it from the beginning, they turned towards the crowd at the same time and started attacking.

They were laughing as if they were having fun.

Sparks exploded in all directions instantaneously. Suddenly, glass items everywhere shattered and shards were scattered. The debris swirled in the air, targeting an unspecified number of people. The concert hall became chaotic in the blink of an eye.


A situation where everyone was helpless.

Amidst the confusion and danger, Eristella kept a close eye on Charlotte.

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Even in that situation, Charlotte looked at the black wizards and scorned them.

“How dare you ruin my performance. I can’t get over this disgrace.”


Eristella had forgotten for a moment that Charlotte had this kind of personality. The fox pulled the fur on its head with its short paws.

Who was it in the old days? Someone once said something like that.

“Your Highness the Princess and Lady Delilah certainly share the same blood. Especially the temperament…”

She couldn’t remember what kind of expression she made back then, but it probably wasn’t that different from the present.

‘Now what?’

It couldn’t be avoided. Eristella lifted her head and assessed the situation again.

A state of dismay. All kinds of screams and cries were mixed together, people pushing and knocking each other over to escape.

The situation she was worried about unfolded.

‘It can’t continue like this. What shall I do?’

Eristella busily dug through her brain.

At this rate, it was unreasonable to evacuate everyone safely. To rectify the situation, they must also tie the feet of the black wizards… 

‘Wait a minute. Perhaps… Is it possible?’

Eristella’s eyes shook with a flashing thought.

‘Something came to mind, but that’s… That’s…’

‘Oh, I don’t know. Let’s give it a try.’

Eristella was not sure if it would even succeed, but she didn’t have time to think about it now. She focused on the magical energy that had accumulated inside her body. 

‘Don’t rush, take it slow.’

‘Raise the magical powers… Then, say the spell…’

That was then.

A loud scream resounded.

But unlike before, thick, low voices clearly followed.

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Instead of the screams of hundreds of people, the murmurs turned into background noise.

“What’s this? Where did this come from?!”

“How unusual, the fish… this, maybe it’s this? Made by magic, a fish that sucks the blood of people…”

That person got it right. A swarm of fish was tenaciously following the wizard who had just attacked.

It was a fish that Eristella magically created, and it was possible to strike at certain people.

“What the hell is this! What kind of bastard could do such absurd animal magic!”

The black wizards’ threats were to no avail.

The fishes’ teeth were as strong as carnivores, and the swarm began to bite them. The black wizards, unable to come to grips with the not-so-distant pain, shouted in anger.


“Go away! Go away!”

“What kind of bastard did this! If you don’t get rid of it right away, I won’t leave you alone… Argh!!!”

Writhing in pain, the black wizards eventually fled in a hurry. But the fishes continued pursuing them.

Until their legs bled and they fell, unable to walk any longer.

‘Why aren’t they coming? They have to hurry since it’s been a while!’

Eristella looked anxiously at the entrance.

Fortunately, the knights arrived on time.

“Subdue them!”

With that signal, the knights surrounded the two.

In order for them to catch the black wizards, Eristella masterfully controlled the fish with her magic.

The knights did not notice that fact, but they did not miss the immediate opportunity that was created. The moment the fish retreated, the knights did not delay and captured the black wizards.

“They can no longer use magic, so rest assured. Also, we’ll need testimony about what happened here today, so please cooperate in the future.”

The knights calmed those who were anxious and then left the banquet hall.

It was only then that the chaotic situation was somewhat settled.

Nevertheless, the participants of the banquet were busy escaping as if they were running away.

Meanwhile, Eristella stared at her four limbs. The magical power circling through her body could be vividly felt. Just like how the heart beats fast right after a workout. Eristella was moved by the powerful movement of magical power she had felt after a long time.

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Creating a school of fish to attack.

It looked like it was nothing special, but it was actually high-level magic.

Although people didn’t know much about it since it was not as efficient as top-level magic.

Anyway, she was able to resolve this situation using the accumulated mana.

‘I-It’s done…!’

Eristella squealed in excitement.

‘My magic has finally worked!’

The fox jumped up and down, completely forgetting the atmosphere and situation up till now.

It wagged its fluffy tail with joy.

‘Truly, I’m so great…’

“The banquet is over. Let’s go back now.”

Charlotte, who approached swiftly, said while picking up the fox.

‘Uh…? The banquet is over?’

Eristella, watching the scene, suddenly realized one thing.

‘Oh, we ended up having a party like this again?’

How… It seemed like there had always been a stir at parties she attended since she became a fox. As a result, the banquet fizzled out every time.

Even when Eristella was a princess, she had ruined banquets several times.

‘Still, this is a bit… embarrassing?’


Thump thump.

The sound of footsteps echoing through the hallway.

Unlike other spaces in the well-maintained mansion, at the end of the hallway, which gave off a gloomy atmosphere as if it had been neglected for a long time, was the office of the previous grand duke.

A room he hadn’t been in since his parents died.

However, Heinricion opened the door that had always been firmly shut.

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Stale dust.

Books left around.

There were research materials that the previous grand duke had been immersed in for several years before his death, and books he had written.

His father, known to be a research fanatic, left everything behind at some point and concentrated solely on it.

As a result, anxiety spread to the grand duchy and various problems arose, but the previous grand duke did not show any interest.

At the time, Heinricion didn’t know why. Thus, he felt frustrated with the state of his father, who was not the same as before.

When Heinricion finally found out the truth his father had been hiding from him until the end, he recalled his father’s behavior.

What was his father so obsessed with and digging into at that time?

‘And if it was Father…’

Even if he had failed, he would have complied all the records he had studied.

He inherited that habit from his father.

Hence, somewhere, there would be advanced research materials for only one purpose. Numerous hypotheses that had not yet appeared in the world must be buried here as well.

‘It definitely has something to do with black magic.’

There was also a high possibility that it had accurate information about dark magic they needed the most now.

Heinricion reached out, picking up a book in the office and opening it.

Just one.

Even though he had only opened one of the multitudes of books, he could recognize it at once.

It was definitely information not found in mainstream books.

From secret magic to black magic. In addition, there were some experiments with transformation magic using the properties of black magic.

Dangerous studies that were close to taboo. Although this research did not save his mother, it was not without results.

A new approach. A significant effect. Heinricion, who had already fallen into the words, turned the pages faster.

One book, another book… 

It reached a point where more contents were not coming out. His fingertips stopped while he was reading a book written by the previous grand duke himself.

‘The last one… It’s incomplete.’

In the end, it was an unfinished book, but it contained the content Heinricion had been steadily looking for.

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