It was the first time she called him by his name. She used to call him "husband", but that "husband" was not the intimate term between husband and wife. It was more like addressing his "official position" in the family because she could not speak his name.

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It was no different from addressing Old Mister Gu and Luo Li as Village Chief.

"Hm?" Xiao Liulang sat down beside her.

Gu Jiao looked at the endless starry sky and asked, "Do you know why the stars in the sky don't fall?"

Xiao Liulang stared at her and replied, "Why?"

Gu Jiao’s face flashed a foolish smile as she said, "Because they’re too far away, and each of them have their respective positions and trajectories."

Xiao Liulang heard this piece of knowledge for the first time and thought it was quite novel. He said, "If they’re really too far away, why can we see them?"

"Because they’re big!" Gu Jiao held up her hands, but the effect of the wine was too strong and made her hands feel limp. "Don't be fooled by the fact that they look small from here, actually all of them are very, very big! Do you know what that star is?"

"Which one?" Xiao Liulang asked.

"That one!" Gu Jiao pointed to the stars above, and in order to make him see more clearly, she placed her hand right before his eyes. This movement, however, made her soft little body lean against his shoulder.

Xiao Liulang froze all over!

"Do you see it?" Gu Jiao asked in a drunken voice.

"En." Xiao Liulang responded randomly, the fragrance of the girl penetrating into the tip of his nose and disturbing his thoughts.

The initiator of evil, three-year-old Gu, simply had no idea of her actions as she continued to whisper in his ear, "Do you know what star that is? I'm only telling you, you can't tell anyone else. It’s Venus! You people here call it Changgeng Star!"

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Her breath exuded small circles of heat waves, all falling on his earlobe.

He didn't hear a word of what she said and only felt his ears burning.

Three-year-old Gu pinched his earlobe and said, "Yi? What happened to your ear? It’s so red! Are you hot?"

After saying so, she pursed her mouth and blew on his ears.

Her fingertips were slightly cold, and the moment she pinched his ear, Xiao Liulang shivered. He thought it was torture enough, who knew she would make it even worse with her following action.

“Gu Jiao!” Xiao Liulang grabbed her hand and forced her to sit up straight. "Stop fooling around! I’m a man!"

"I know… No, you're not. You're not eighteen yet. You still don’t count as a real man, just a boy." Gu Jiao muttered as she shook her forefinger.

Xiao Liulang looked at her dangerously and said, "Do you want me to prove to you that I'm a man?"

His statement was full of threats. However, three-year-old Gu wasn’t scared in the slightest. Instead, she stared at him in a daze and spoke seriously, "Liulang, you’re so handsome."

Xiao Liulang took a deep breath before saying, "...You’re drunk, let me help you back."

Gu Jiao murmured, "The bowl hasn't been washed yet."

Xiao Liulang said, "I'll wash it."

Gu Jiao: "Oh."

Xiao Liulang helped Gu Jiao get on her feet. With one arm on his crutch and another holding Gu Jiao in support, he helped her back to her room.

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She lay down on the soft bed, kicked off her shoes and looked at him with her widely open eyes, saying, "Liulang, I really want to go out and look around."

Xiao Liulang was about to ask, “Where else do you want to go when you’re this drunk?”, but just before it escaped his lips, he suddenly realized that what she meant by ‘go out’ wasn’t simply going out of the house.

"Where do you want to go?" He looked at her and asked.

Gu Jiao gave him a wry smile and lowered her eyes before she continued to look up at the distant stars through the window, "I don't know. It’s been a long time since I came here, and the farthest place I have been to is the Hot Spring Villa."

Came here? Did she really drunk herself silly? Did she forget that she was a native of Qingquan Village?

Gu Jiao asked, "What is outside the county town?"

Xiao Liulang thought for a moment and said, "A bigger county town, prefectural city, provincial capital. Also, the imperial capital."

Gu Jiao smilingly said, "Then I want to go to a bigger county town, prefectural city and provincial capital."

"You don’t want to go to the imperial capital?" Xiao Liulang looked at her intently.

Three-year-old Gu still had the last trace of reason and remembered that he didn't want to set foot in the capital. She flashed him a drunken smile and waved her hand, "I don’t care, what's so good about the capital? It's enough to go to other places. I can still brag to others about it once I return."

Xiao Liulang stared at her oddly, waiting for her to explain these strange statements, but her head suddenly tilted, her hand holding his, then she started snoring.


The feeling of hangover wasn’t good. When Gu Jiao woke up late the next day, her head was still in pain. As soon as she sat up, she felt her head was going to explode.

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In her previous life, she could down thousands of cups without getting drunk. To think this current body was so weak for a cup or two of Shao Daozi wine.

Gu Jiao endured her headache and opened the small medicine chest. At the top was a box of medicine for alleviating a hangover.

"Yi? How did you know I was drunk?"

Gu Jiao took the medicine feebly and patted the small medicine chest, "This is the sweetest thing you have ever done."

The medicine cabinet was still as quiet as a dead chicken.

Gu Jiao dressed herself neatly, but her body was dull due to the hangover. She dropped her shoes twice before finally putting them on the third time.

Knock, knock.

A knock sounded from the door.

"Who is it?" Gu Jiao asked.

"Dou, Douwa."

It was Gouwa's voice.

Then Xue Ningxiang's voice immediately came after, "Shh! Don't disturb Jiao girl from her sleep."

Gouwa was taken away by Xue Ningxiang.

Gu Jiao instantly guessed what was going on. There was no one to cook breakfast because she overslept, and the elderly woman didn't want to eat Xiao Liulang's ominous-looking food either, so she called Xue Ningxiang over.

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After putting on her shoes, Gu Jiao sat on the bed as she felt dizzy for a while before she opened the door and walked out.

The elderly woman, Gu Xiaoshun and Gu Yan sat around the table in the main room. Hearing the sound of the door opening, they all looked at her at the same time!

“Grandaunt.” Gu Jiao greeted, then her eyes fell on Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun. She said, "Hm? Do the private school and the academy have a holiday today? Why didn't you two go to school? Where are your brother-in-law and Little Jing Kong?"

They didn't speak and merely looked at her with solemn expressions.

"You... is everything alright?" The elderly woman asked suspiciously.

"I’m fine. What's the matter?" Gu Jiao replied.

The three exchanged glances.

Gu Xiaoshun said in a low voice, "Usually, when people say they’re not drunk... they’re actually drunk, it’s the same when people say they’re fine, they’re actually..."

Gu Yan said with a deadpan face, "Crazy."

The elderly woman and Gu Xiaoshun nodded in unison!

"Why are you acting so bizarre early in the morning?" Gu Jiao cast a strange look at the trio and then went to the kitchen to look for some food to eat.

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