Little Jing Kong, who was crouched down under the jujube tree cleaning up the chicken manure, failed to notice Gu Jiao walking behind him.

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When Gu Jiao entered the kitchen, she saw Xiao Liulang making a hangover soup by boiling some pea seedlings with a little salt, which was the folk remedy for alleviating a hangover.

"Good morning." Gu Jiao greeted.

Xiao Liulang looked at her quietly and said as he added a ladle of water to the pot, "You are awake."

"En." Gu Jiao rubbed her throbbing temples and suddenly remembered that she ran to see the stars in the middle of washing dishes last night, but she didn’t recall much about what happened afterwards.

"I drank too much yesterday, did I do anything strange?" She asked casually, obviously trusting her decorum in drinking.

Xiao Liulang gave her a complicated look.

In the backyard, after clearing up the last lump of chicken manure, Little Jing Kong went to take the bucket to water the pea seedlings he planted in the vegetable field.

As he watered them, he began to sing, "I have a little donkey~ but I had never ridden on it~ One day on a whim, I felt like riding it to the market..."

Gu Jiao's brain suddenly exploded and an unsightly memory flashed through her head——

She stood on top of the bed while Xiao Liulang stood below right in front of her with a dignified face.

She had a pair of shoe horns fastened on her head as she held a small waistband in her hand. While twisting it, she sang loudly to Xiao Liulang in a childish voice, "...I had a little whip on my hand~ I felt so proud of myself~ I did not know why; suddenly, I fell into the ground and got muddy all over... Lad, if someone falls down, you give them a kiss so they can get up!"

She was in a W-sitting position on the bed with her head tilted to one side. Simply adorable!

Gu Jiao staggered and only felt ten thousand arrows shot into her heart!

Little Jing Kong finished watering the pea seedlings and began to water the soybean seedlings. At the same time, the song in his mouth also changed, "I'm Taishan next door~ Catch the vine of love~ and listen to me~ Wo oh~ oh~ oh~"

Another flashback started playing In Gu Jiao’s head. This time, she clasped Xiao Liulang's chin with her fingers and sang like a biatch, "...You are beautiful Jenny~ Take my hand and roam the capital~ Wo oh~ oh~ oh~ Don't be afraid, my Liulang~ Wo oh~ oh~ oh~"

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Gu Jiao's legs went soft in an instant, her hand holding the stove to support herself up. To think she was so drunk that she even knew how to change some of the lyrics!!!

Gu Jiao’s heart was shot by another ten thousand arrows and she could only lean against the stove for support!

That’s all, right...

There should be no more?

Gu Jiao waited in horror for the follow-up of Little Jing Kong, but after waiting for a long while, nothing happened. It was over, finally over...

However, before she could be completely relieved, Little Jing Kong opened his mouth once more.

Just now, he was simply brewing emotions, because the following song required him to put in a very sorrowful emotion, which was a very difficult thing for a three-year-old.

Holding a small bucket in one hand and a small water ladle in the other hand, he looked ahead with a solemn expression and started singing, "True love~ like the grassland so wide~ Unaffected by layers of wind and rain~ There will be a time when the clouds open and sun shines~ A thousand sunbeams fall onto us~"

And yet another scene flashed across Gu Jiao's head!

In the middle of her song, she jumped down from the bed and looked at Xiao Liulang affectionately.

"...Snow petals drifting; the north wind whistles~

The world ever a boundless~

A spray of winter Plum Blossoms~

Stands proudly in the snow~

Only for that person its fragrance drift~

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My love is without complaints and regrets... "

Before the song could end, Xiao Liulang turned around intending to walked away, but she crawled on the ground, hugged someone's thigh and began to howl:

"To love even in death~

If you don’t love vividly you won’t be happy~

Show the deepest emotions~

Only this way are confessions sufficient~

To love even in death~

If you don’t cry until you smile you won’t be happy~

Even at the destruction of the universe the heart is still there~"

Gu Jiao felt uncomfortable all over.

It was even worse than walking out for two blocks and finding out you've forgotten to wear your underwear!

Xiao Liulang glanced at her and said, "The hangover soup is ready."

Gu Jiao replied awkwardly, "No, no, I'm already sober." It would actually be better if I just stayed drunk forever!

Gu Jiao didn't know how she got back to her room. She opened the medicine chest and rummaged in it for a while, "Amnesia medicine, amnesia medicine..."

Knock, knock.

The door was knocked again.

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"I'm not here!" Gu Jiao tried to bury her little head into the medicine chest.

Xiao Liulang who saw this scene from the crack of the door: "..."

Xiao Liulang cleared his throat and said in a serious tone, "I'll be going to the county yamen today. The enrollment documents of the Imperial Academy had been issued to all places, and the county town has a recommendation slot. I will go and see if there is any news from the county yamen."

His overall achievements in the entry-level exam was the first in the whole county. Should there be no accident, the recommendation slot was his.

Upon hearing this, Gu Jiao pulled her head away from the small medicine chest and there was a box of hangover medicine stuck on her forehead. She asked in a daze, "Are you going to study in the Imperial Academy? The Imperial Academy is in the capital right?"

Xiao Liulang said, "En, there is only one Imperial Academy in the entire State of Zhao."

"Why all of a sudden..."

Do you want to go to the capital?

She suddenly fell silent before she could finish her words.

Could he be a bit more considerate? People had been crazy all night, now he wanted to scare them out of their wits?

Gu Jiao: "I'll go with you."

Xiao Liulang: "Okay."

Gu Jiao quickly finished washing herself up and changing her clothes. When she came out of her room again, no one could see anything strange on her as she had regained her composure.

The elderly woman, Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun kept staring at her but failed to see a difference after a long while.

Gu Jiao said flatly, "You guys, don't play truant, go get your bookbags!"

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"En." Gu Xiaoshun nodded. This was his big sis. His big sis was back.

Gu Yan also nodded and went to his room to get his bookbag.

When Little Jing Kong heard that JiaoJiao was going to take them to school, he happily walked out with a bookbag and called out, "JiaoJiao!"

Gu Jiao touched his little head.

Last night, there was only one person in the whole family who was not frightened by Gu Jiao’s strange behavior, and that was Little Jing Kong.

In Little Jing Kong’s eyes, JiaoJiao didn't do anything strange, so the way he looked at JiaoJiao was the same as usual.

Gu Jiao was very pleased.

As it turned out, it was too early for her to feel pleased.

A group of people got on the oxcart of Second Uncle Luo.

Little Jing Kong sat next to Gu Jiao.

The autumn sky was clear and the blowing gentle breeze was cool and refreshing. A cart of people tacitly choose to lose their memory of last night. Only Little Jing Kong looked up and seriously stared at Gu Jiao, saying, "JiaoJiao, the songs you sang last night were all very nice! I learned everything!"

Talk about touching someone’s sore spot.

Gu Jiao who felt a stab in her heart: "..."

Little Jing Kong patted his little chest and said, "I will sing them to JiaoJiao every day!"

Gu Jiao's head was suddenly filled with the terrifying scenes of Little Jing Kong's nightmarish singing in the future.

Gu Jiao: Might as well let a lightning strike her to death this instant!

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