Chapter 017 - She has a very conflicting personality. (4)

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He Shichen was stunned speechless. He had no idea why someone who was sleeping soundly in class could be so strong when it came to physics. Was she a genius?

The foreign physics teacher knew nothing about her identity or background. He praised her in English, “I see that you are very strong in physics from your previous school.”

Chu Qianli nodded shamelessly, “That’s correct. The school in our village has a very strong physics program.”

Everybody in the class was shocked. Nobody expected her to freely admit that she came from a village and that the school there had a stronger physics program then even their own school!

Dazed, Qiu Qingkong asked, “Where is this village? I’ll go there to have my physics tutored.”

He Shichen’s face was taunt. He held onto his pen so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He had never felt this threatened, ever.

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After she had solved the problem, Chu Qianli calmly descended the podium and slowly walked back to her own seat. Soon, the class was over.

By now, Tan Muxing had already gotten used to her making things up on the fly. He knew full well that her ability to solve physics problems had nothing to do with her school in the village. He asked curiously, “How come you are so strong in physics?”

Chu Qianli, “Because I am an astrologist.”

Tan Muxing was perplexed by her answer, “What does that have to do with anything? Isn’t astrology just like fortunetelling?”

Tan Muxing remembered how she had performed a reading with her deck of playing cards and had no idea what that had to do with physics.

Hearing his confusion, this was the first time Chu Qianli showed a strong reaction to anything. Feeling very wronged, she explained, “It’s not fortuneteller; astrology is a form of science!”

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Tan Muxing had a weak personality. He backed down immediately and said, “Well, about that…... predicting one’s fate with the stars are like……”

Tan Muxing would loved to side with her unconditionally but he obviously felt that fortunetelling was not science. At least not in the way as most people know it. At most it was metaphysics.

Chu Qianli was like an unreasonable child. She wanted to defend astrology and started to ramble, “It’s scientific. Very scientific. Both Kepler and Newton were astrologist. That is the reason why my physics is so strong!”

Hearing the names of world-renowned scientists, Tan Muxing retorted weakly, “I worry that Newton is about to leap out of his coffin……”

He felt that he had accidently touched upon Chu Qianli’s sore subject. She was now anxious, anxious, anxious.

Chu Qianli, “No, he won’t. Go look online if you don’t believe me.”

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Tan Muxing had no choice but to pull out his cellphone quietly and did a search. When he saw the words “Very few people know that Newton was an astrologist”, he was stunned. “And so it was true……”

More useless knowledge that he did not need.

Tan Muxing felt that his views on the world, on life itself, and his values had all been rattled violently. He immediately went on to search and see whether astrology was considered a form of science and learned that that was still under heated debate. There were skeptics and then there were the astrologists and their viewpoints varied much like his and Chu Qianli’s. There were disagreements even among astrologists and there were all different sects among them as well.

The surprised look on him made Chu Qianli felt complacent. She couldn’t wait to change an outsider’s opinion on astrology.

Chu Qianli carried on righteously, “Nothing in this world is incomprehensible; there are only what has yet to be comprehended. Constrained by historical conditions, each individual’s knowledge is limited. Yet human knowledge is constantly being expanded and deepened. As such, I feel that insisting that astrology is not scientific is too arbitrary……”

“……” Listening to the astrologist who was, not too long ago, performing readings using the stars, talked about Marxism gave Tan Muxing mixed feelings. She has a very conflicting personality.

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Neither astrology nor fortunetelling was shocking. What was shocking was the astrologist talking about Marxism. They sure were keeping up with the times.


Translator’s Rambling:

List of my new best friends: Rohi, Astif, Paul Barron, Insideofadog, Welp, Lalapalooza, Uwu, Saturn598, Chwabe, Leyira, Erika Whittle, Cynthia, and Anon. :) Thank you all for reading my previous rambling and gave this novel a try. The comments that I have received well exceeded my original expectation. You see, I thought this novel will be too “fringe” for most but thank you for proving me wrong. :)

Now I shall shamelessly say that your comments will strongly motivate more frequent updates. ;)

Please see my two polls below. They may look like click bait but I promise you that they are not. >.<

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