Chapter 018 - Her plan is to expand her tools and resume her old profession. (1)

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Tan Muxing flipped through all sorts of arguments online and finally backed downed. “I am not certain whether astrology is a science but I believe in your ability in astrology and I will admit that it’s very magical……”

Tan Muxing had no intention of diving into the technicality of it all; he merely had faith in Chu Qianli. As much as it was vastly different from what he had known in the past, deep down inside of him he could accept her ability.

Chu Qianli was pleased. “That’s good enough. We will agree to disagree. That works.”

Tan Muxing felt a sigh of relief. “Oh good. I was worried that you will be upset……”

He was very worried about offending Chu Qianli. After all, she had reacted strongly earlier. This seemed to be a very important subject to her. 

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Chu Qianli shook her head calmly. “I won’t. I won’t be upset even if you don’t believe. You are already quite accepting among those that I have come across.”

As much as her astrology ability was top-notched in the past, she had also been seen as a fraud many, many times. Many watched her like a hawk, just waiting for that day that she would make a mistake and ruin her record of never failing once.

These individuals consisted of other astrologists; those who were into other schools of numerology; or those who simply did not believe in metaphysics. It is human to be fearful of what one cannot understand and cannot accept the possibility of anything that is beyond their own comprehension.

Chu Qianli’s tone was casual but, inexplicably, Tan Muxing was able to detect a sense of loneliness within it. He felt a pang of pain from her indifferent tone all of a sudden.

Tan Muxing changed the subject quickly and said genially, “I thought you are only interested in astrology but you read Marxism as well?”

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Chu Qianli, “Oh, that’s my own form of self-protection mechanism.”

Tan Muxing was taken aback a little, “What do you mean by that?’

Chu Qianli paused for a few seconds as she organized her thoughts before trying to explain it to Tan Muxing. “Within astrology, the most mysterious and controversial symbol is the moon node. Within that, the south node represents the past and is also what we are good at. In genetics, it is referred to as heredity. Some people call it karma. It makes us make choices instinctively......”*

“The south node is what we are persistent about. I am, indeed, very talented when it comes to astrology. Sometimes I even feel familiar and relaxed. That was told to me by the south node. That being side, if I am stuck within it, I would not be able to make any progress. Much like the south node also suggests “desertion”, meaning running away from the problems when things get difficult.”

It is comfortable doing what one is good at, but it also meant that progress will be difficult to come by.

Chu Qianli had seen many start charts in the past and, naturally, had studied her own. In fact, it was where she started out studying.

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Each person has their own unique star chart and it would reveal one’s strength and weaknesses.

Chu Qianli lowered her eyes and carried on, “My studying Marxism is a form of self-protection mechanism. I use it to overcome the inertial influence of the south node. Only by not indulging in one’s primal instinct would one be able to achieve one’s potential and the core of astrology are growth, change, and evolution.”

Chu Qianli was too absorbed in astrology and, as such, she needed to pull herself out of it from time to time. That, too, was told to her by her star chart.

Tan Muxing didn’t quite understand all of it. “What happens if you don’t have this self-protection mechanism?”

“Then it would be likely that I would use my ability in astrology to amass as astounding amount of wealth and achieve high status. On the other hand, I would also lose myself in the praises of my believers and had the false idea that I am God. And what will wait for me will be nothing but my own tragic end.” Chu Qianli blinked and asked tentative, “Sort of like the leader of some cult who would eventually be taken care of?”

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Tan Muxing, “… …”

That sort of made sense. She was good at brainwashing others. And she had amassed a group of students over lunch time. Her ability to incite others was obvious.

With a peculiar look, Tan Muxing nodded in agreement. “Please continue with your study in Marxism. Do not ever stop your self-protection mechanism.”

He did not want her to be arrested for promoting superstition and ended with the worst outcome.

After school, as Chu Qianli did not have a cellphone just yet, Tan Muxing gave her his number so she could add him over the weekend when she had a chance.

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