Chapter 021 - Scary are those who will package feudal superstition with the most advanced art of words. (1)

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At the entrance of the mansion, Aunty Li had brought in all of the deliveries, opened them up, and delivered them to each individual’s room.

Chu Qianli couldn’t wait until Aunty Li delivered them to her room and came out to pick hers up. After thanking Aunty Li, she unwrapped the bubble wrap, pulled out the little wooden box inside and started examining it. This shop was located in the same city and their delivery was fast.

Aunty Li couldn’t see the content of the box. She asked curiously, “What did you buy?”

Chu Qianli picked up the three crystal dice from inside the box. They were not the same as regular dice. All of them were 12-sided dice and they made little clinking noises when Chu Qianli rolled them around on her palm.

She explained to Aunty Lin, “Dice for astrology. They are simple tools for divination.”

The symbols on the three astrology dice were planets, constellations, and zodiac houses, respectively, totaling 36 symbols. They are used for short-term divination and are efficient and very portable. Their weakness is that they are geared toward answering short-term questions and not very effective on events further down the timeline.

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Picture: 12 zodiac houses (these houses will be referred to periodically throughout the book)

Source (and details):

 All astrology tools had their strengths and weaknesses. More complicated inquires required four-pillar charting. But astrology dice were a good choice for simple inquiries.

Aunty Li didn’t really get what Chu Qianli was talking about. Looking at the gem-like dice, she lamented. “They are surely pretty.”

Aunty Li thought they were merely toys for a girl and didn’t pay them much attention.

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Inside the living room, Yu Shen took a look at the time and reminded her, “Qianli, put your stuff away. We should get ready to head over to Second Uncle’s place!”

“Okay.” Chu Qianli responded quickly and ran back into her room.

Looking at how unlady-like Chu Qianli was, as much as He Shichen didn’t want to meddle, he couldn't help but said, “Mom, if we are going to visit Second Uncle, should we at least have little sister’s hair trimmed first?”

He Shichen still remembered the embarrassment from the classroom to this day. He didn’t understand why his parents could not notice these things about their real daughter.

Granted, Chu Qianli was extraordinarily goofy also. Was that what genetics was all about?

Yu Shen said mildly, “We will trim Qianli’s hair once it grows out some more. Besides, Second Uncle is family. He won’t care about her appearance.

“I know that you have a lot of respect for your Second Uncle but there is no need to be so formal. It’s just family gathering.”

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He Shichen held himself to very high standard and have very strong self-esteem. He asked of himself to be flawless in every aspect. Before his identity had been revealed, He Zhenghe and Yu Shen had always been lackadaisical when it came to He Shichen; nevertheless, He Shichen had incredible self-management. At times, he could be staid well beyond his age.

From Yu Shen’s perspective, Chu Qianli’s mannerism was closer to those of her peers and there was no need for He Shichen to apply his standard on her, nor would that work. It wasn’t about what was right or wrong; rather that there are differences between individuals.

He Shichen did not see eye to eye with Yu Shen but also, at the same time, felt that he did not need to worry that much about Chu Qianli. He finally decided to keep his mouth shut.*

The family’s cars were parked outside of the mansion. Urged by Yu Shen, Chu Qianli finally ran downstairs and all the way to the car.

He Shichen and Chu Qianli took one car and He Zhenghe and Yu Shen took another. The two cars took off one after the other.

The astrology dice inside Chu Qianli’s pocket clinked against each other making small noises as she ran as though there were gems hitting each other.

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He Shichen had just made up his mind to not meddle in Chu Qianli’s business but, now that he heard the odd noises, he frowned and said, “I suggest you to not act the way you do when you are outside.”

Yu Shen and the others didn’t care about her appearance or mannerism but that would not stop others from gossiping. There were many eyes on Chu Qianli right now; all of them waiting for her to make a fool out of herself.

Chu Qianli looked up, dazed, “How am I acting?”

Her dazed look immediately irritated He Shichen. He pulled open the car door impatiently and said to her coldly, “Get in.”

Chu Qianli ran over to the other side of the car. “I can open the door myself.”

He Shichen’s blood pressure shot up instantly. He said through gritted teeth, “Come back here and get in from this side.”


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