Chapter 022 - Scary are those who will package feudal superstition with the most advanced art of words. (2)

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“This is etiquette!” He Shichen couldn’t care less about Chu Qianli’s deportment but he had his own to adhere to when he rode in a car. He had standards when riding in cars with ladies and elders, etc. He would open the door for them and also give up the right back seat.

When the two of them went to school today, He Shichen would open the door for Chu Qianli beforehand and be the first to get out of the car after they had arrived. When they got out of school, he had already broken his own rules once due to Chu Qianli chitchatting with Tan Muxing. He wasn’t going to let that happen a second time.

Facing the stubborn He Shichen, Chu Qianli had no choice but to head back toward his direction as she grumbled to herself, “…… How starry troublesome he is.”

He Shichen, frowning in displeasure, asked dubiously, “Did you just use some bad language?”

Chu Qianli defending herself cunningly as she got inside the car, “What’s so bad about starry? Stars are beautiful!”

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He Shichen’s brows twitched. He closed the door before walking over to the other side and entered the car in a reserved manner.

After Chu Qianli had witnessed his complete set of process just to get inside the car, she had an idea why the original female supporting character fell for the male lead. When the original female supporting character first returned to the He family, she was fragile and sensitive. Even so, the male lead had watched out for her in many areas. Even though the male lead finally left the He family because of her feelings for him, but the two get along well in the beginning.

Granted, with Chu Qianli’s lackadaisical personality, she only found He Shichen naggy. Regardless, she could put up with something minor like that considering his usefulness in the future.

Chu Qianli sighed and said, “Big Brother, other people’s etiquette was chivalry. I have never seen a gentleman that is mean like you. Just sticking to formalism isn’t the way to go.”

He Shichen turned to look outside of the car and pretended that he didn’t hear her crazy speech.

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The family reached their destination shortly thereafter.

Chu Qianli’s Second Uncle’s name was He Yuanyang. He worked at the Wall Streets in the past and now worked 100% of his time out of China. He was never married, had no children, and lived by himself. He Zhenghe was close with his brother and would go visit him from time to time and the family would dine together.*

He Shichen had a lot of respect for his uncle. He identified with his Second Uncle’s ideas in investment and would discuss with him always about his own theories on investments. When first-timers were learning to invest with stimulators, He Yuanyang had already encouraged He Shichen to dabble into the market for real and even helped him set up accounts and provided him with capitals.

This was He Yuanyang’s first time meeting Chu Qianli. He greeted her kindly and even handed over to her the red envelope that he had prepared ahead of time.

“Thank you, Second Uncle. May prosperity be with you,” said Chu Qianli docilely as she accepted it.

Over the dinner table, He Yuanyang started chatting with He Shichen as soon as he had sat down. He asked excitedly, “Shichen, have you checked the prices at the close of the market yet?”

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As everybody lived in China, there was time zone differences between where they were and when the market closed in the US.

He Shichen replied honestly, “No, not yet.”

He Yuanyang chuckled. “Neither have I. Let’s take a guess and see which one of us is closer?”

He Yuanyang and He Shichen had a blast talking about the stock market over lunch and Chu Qianli was baffled by all the terminologies. She had no idea what Dow Jones or alpha were all about. Nor did she know the meaning of ultra short-term trading. These were obviously outside the normal knowledge of a high school student.

Chu Qianli behaved herself as she ate at the dining table. She would not want to disturb the two business tycoons and hold them back from reigning in the investment field.

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He Zhenghe noticed her silence and comforted her kindly. “That’s how your Second Uncle is. When he gets into the zone, even I don’t always understand what he is talking about.”

That was one of He Yuanyang’s quirk. Once he started talking about investment, he would not want to talk about anything else and would tend to overlook what was going on around him. He was not a people person and would sometimes miss the subtexts.

He Zhenghe worried that his daughter would feel left out and initiated conversation with her to make her feel better.

Chu Qianli, on the other hand, had no problems with He Yuanyang at all after that thick red enveloped that he had just given to her. She said, poised, “No, it’s great. Making money is way more important.”

She certainly hoped that her Second Uncle would make lots of money and give her another red envelope. She didn’t need him talking to her. Just keep the money coming.

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