Chapter 023 - Scary are those who will package feudal superstition with the most advanced art of words. (3)

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He Yuanyang, remember the purpose of today’s gathering, quickly adjusted his topic. He smiled and asked, “Is Qianli interested in this at all?”

He Shichen, consuming his meal slowly, perked up his ears and waited for her answer.

Chu Qianli shook her head, “Not a whole lot.”

He Yuanyang, “Any basic understanding? As in basic understanding of the stock market?”

Chu Qianli, “Green and shiny Chinese chives?”*

That was exactly how she felt. The only thing the stock market reminded her of was the color green.

Chu Qianli’s reply made He Shichen very speechless and his utensils slipped right out of his hands. His fork and knife hitting the plate and made a loud and ear-piercing noise.

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He said in a low voice, “Pardon me.”

He Yuanyang smiled and made an effort to lighten the mood. “Relax, Shichen. Just a little bit of greening is all!”*

“……” As much as He Shichen had always had great respect of his Second Uncle, he still felt that something wasn’t quite right about what he had said.

He Yuanyang wanted to find something in common to chat with Chu Qianli; unfortunately, he knew nothing besides stock market and investment so he resorted to explaining the terminologies to her.

Chu Qianli had zero interest in stock market and investments. She was only interested in the money made from the stock market. Everything that He Yuanyang said was in one ear and out the other. Her eyes drifted all over the place the entire time.

After He Yuanyang was through with the basics, he asked Chu Qianli, “Is it making more sense now?”

Chu Qianli replied honestly, “I’ve forgotten most of it already.”

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He Yuanyang wasn’t bothered by that at all. Instead, he busted out laughing. “Not bad. Not bad. It didn’t take you long to forget all of it.”

He Shichen, “……” This wasn’t exactly Zhang Sanfeng teaching Tachi sword choreography to Zhang Wuji.*

Noticing that Chu Qianli wasn’t paying attention at all, He Shichen felt that Chu Qianli was being unappreciative and missing out a precious opportunity. Countless people would kill for the opportunity to socialize with He Yuanyang. He was a bigshot in the area of investment!

It was like Einstein teaching grade school physics. How could you possibly not pay attention?

After lunch, He Yuanyang stood up and led his guests into the living room. He proposed, “Let’s have a guessing game on how the market end.”

He Shichen, “I’ll bet on crude oil then.”

Chu Qianli, “What are we guessing?”

He Yuanyang, “We are guessing which would go up steeply immediately before the close of the market. Would you like to join us?”

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This had always been the game between He Yuanyang and He Shichen. Chu Qianli had no idea why a high school student needed to be engaged in such an odd little game but perhaps the male lead needed to start young so he would be able to affect world finances in the future.

“No prizes?” said Chu Qianli. “Then count me out. Even the mahjong games at the entrance of our village have wagers.”

He Shichen frowned and said, “Isn’t it more problematic that your villagers are gathering and gambling at the entrance to your village?”

“Ayah, just some ante when you play mahjong. Can you really call that gambling? Will you consider 3 yuan or 5 yuan as money?” Under He Shichen’s gloomy look, Chu Qianli quickly changed her tune. “Alright, 3 yuan and 5 yuan are still money.”

He Yuanyang, “Sure. Then we can gamble at our front entrance at well. The one who got it right will receive red envelopes from the others.”

He Shichen, “Second Uncle, she didn’t even understand the basics. Isn’t taking money from a child sorta……”

He Shichen had no interest in betting with Chu Qianli. He would be the bully in the story in words got out.

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Chu Qianli sat straight up at the mention of red envelopes. They got all of her attention now. “It’s not about money at all. Mainly I am interested in the stock market.”

He Shichen, “?”

Yu Shen and He Zhenghe were enjoying the scene as onlookers. Having heard that, she smiled and said, “Okay, the two of us will be the referees then.”

“What if I want to bet on crude oil too?” He Yuanyang asked, “What’s Qianli betting on? Would you like me to suggest a few options for you?

“Alternatively, if you think this is too hard. We can team up against Shichen.”

He Shichen said nonchalantly, “That will be fine too.”

Chu Qianli pulled out the dice from her pocket and casually tossed them onto the end table. “Hang on. Let me ask the stars first before I decide on whether to team up with Second Uncle.”

The three dice made crisp, clinking noises, spun around on the table top and finally came to a stop. The outcome was Jupiter, Virgos, and the 4th house.

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