Chapter 027 - The 8th Zodiac House (3)

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Normally speaking, those with strong 8th zodiac house attributes can engage in financial investment. Helping others manage their wealth also fall under the 8th zodiac house’s category.

Nevertheless, Chu Qianli has a unique star chart. She would have large sum of money going in and out, basically whatever money that she received would part with her almost immediately. She was not one who could go into management.

That was not to say that she had no luck in wealth; she had karma in indirect wealth. She would have a lot of money. It might come from performing readings; metaphysics comes with karma of its own. Or it could be money from family for those around her. She may not even be able to turn them away. For example, inheritance also falls under the 8th zodiac house.

Nevertheless, having strong 8th zodiac house attributes comes with its own slew of problems. When one is abundant in one area, they will also be robbed in another area. Karma is the most mysterious in metaphysics.

Long story short, Chu Qianli would never become wealthy from holding down a legitimate job. She could only rely on metaphysics or others for money!

Even though Chu Qianli and He Shichen were not related by blood but the two had very strong karmic tie. He was one who could feed her money as well.

Granted, she had other use of He Shichen in addition to money.

He Shichen’s head was a mess right now. He had no idea what 8th zodiac house was. He placed his hand over his forehead, battling with a headache. “That’s enough. I don’t want to listen to any more of this.”

Chu Qianli sighed. “I knew it. You very good at making money but you have nothing to do with astrology.”

He Shichen would never be able to comprehend astrology. That was part of the reason Chu Qianli was reluctant to explain it to him. It was but a big waste of time. She was very talented in the numerology field but He Shichen did not have the first thing to do with metaphysics.

Before getting out of the car, Chu Qianli said to He Shichen very thoughtfully, “Big Brother, I understand that you don’t get astrology. All you need to keep in mind that I am a stout believer of Marxism. All my deductions are based on patterns.”

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He Shichen’s brows twitched and he retorted reflexively, “What kind of patterns are those……”

“You can have issues with me but don’t have issues with money!” Chu Qianli cut him off frantically. “Take a chance and promise me you will take the opportunity to make money next week. Can you do that?”

Chu Qianli made a shocking remark. “If I end up living in poverty in the future, it would all be because you aren’t working hard enough to make money!”

She only worried that He Shichen would to too overly stubborn. How could she get money from him if he didn’t make any?!

He Shichen, “……”

He Shichen felt that she was being very unreasonable. Nevertheless, in light of her peculiar ability, he wisely decided to not have conflicts with her. He quietly opened the door and got out of the car.

Chu Qianli, watching his figure very much at loss, was uncertain whether he was convinced.

Inside the house, He Shichen sat in front of his desk, pulled out his laptop, and started searching for information on this 8th zodiac house. Still remembering the term that she had used after he had calmed down, he decided to give it a looksee.

The 8th zodiac house: Life, death, s*x, karma, inheritance, competition, taxes, metaphysics, the dark side, and other’s wealth, etc.

He did, however, now agree with one of Chu Qianli’s viewpoint – that he would never have anything to do with astrology. He had no idea what he was reading.

He suddenly heard rhythmic knocking on the door.

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Standing up, He Shichen walked over to the door as he asked, “Who is it?”

He heard Chu Qianli’s fragile voice coming from the outside, “It’s me, Big Brother.”

He Shichen was scared out of his mind instantly. Truth be told, he didn’t really want to see her right at this moment. Nevertheless, he forced himself to open the door anyway and asked in a deep voice. “What is it?”

He Shichen did not open up the door entirely. He only looked at the person outside of the door alarmingly through a crack.

Chu Qianli curled up next to the door awkwardly and asked with a guilty conscience, “Big Brother, can I borrow your homework?”

Chu Qianli hadn’t expected that there would be so much homework. She was dazed after she had read the class’s chatgroup and felt deeply that she had goofed too much. She disliked doing homework but not turning in homework assignments would bring about hassles. Turning even some sloppy work in would save her a lot of troubles.

So she just wanted to copy his homework assignments.

He Shichen felt a little relieved. He suddenly felt that Chu Qianli was an odd one. She straddled between unfathomable and silly and goofy. She was a tough one to read.

Looking at her eager look, He Shichen said to her nonchalantly, “I thought you are mostly omniscience among humans. Why wouldn’t you know the answers to the homework assignments then?”

Chu Qianli’s eyes widened. “Oh, about that……”

He Shichen closed his door coldly. “Work on your own homework assignments.”

Chu Qianli, staring at the closed door, “……”

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Chu Qianli returned to her room and jumped up and down in irritation. “Dang! Dang! He is but a human who doesn’t even know how to read the stars……”

Why was he so strict to her?

Why couldn’t he just let her copy his homework assignments!

Sitting back in front of her table, Chu Qianli thought about it long and hard and decided to turn to the stars for help.

A moment later, Tan Muxing received a WeChat message from Chu Qianli. He opened it up curiously. *

[I feel that it is necessary for us to get to know each other better as friends. I would like to know of your opinions on certain subjects.]

Tan Muxing was taken aback a little. He wasn’t expecting such a serious discussion. He asked, dazed: [My opinions on what?]

[Send me a picture of the chapter end problems on page 137.]

Tan Muxing, looking at the content of the WeChat message, “……”

Chu Qianli received the photos from Tan Muxing not too long later. She knew that the stars were 100 times more reliable than the money-printing machine next door!

Not only did Tan Muxing sent over photos. He sent two texts after that, more or less copy pasting her words with some minor adjustments.

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[High emotional quotient: I feel that it is necessary for us to get to know each other better as friends. I would like to know of your opinions on certain subjects.]

[Low emotional quotient: Send me a picture of the chapter end problems on page 137.]


Translator’s notes:

* For those of you who had forgotten, or worse SKIP over my translators notes (there are no bigger crime), “Xing” in the male lead’s name means “star”.


A couple more different looking star charts for y’all.

Picture: This one is specifically listed as “birth chart” (one’s star chart at birth - don’t ask me the difference between the birth start chart versus a “regular” daily one). The title of the article is How to Read Your Birth Chart Like an Astrologer, If you are curious. This TL did not read the article. lol


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