Chapter 028 - “Yes, yes. We will all be liberated one day.” (1)

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Chu Qianli woke up groggily the next morning. Turning off the alarm clock casually, she laid back down in bed and studied her star charts before she leisurely got up to get ready.

Her homework notebook and her poker card sprawled all over the top of her desk. There was also a stack of unopened tarot cards to one side. Chu Qianli swept everything into her backpack and, with an irresponsible shake, her organizing was completed.

“Oh. Almost forgot.” Chu Qianli fished for her player cards insider her backpack. Having counted them all, she was about to perform her routine reading.

Tis was a habit since her childhood.

She asked the same question every day.

By now, Chu Qianli no longer needed to arranged the cards before reading. She pulled out a few player cards casually and flipped them over one after another. Before she was even done reading them all, she tsked and said, “Bummer.”

The answer to have question remained unchanged.

Plans of the Heaven, conditions on earth, and efforts from men. Timing is an important factor as well. Except that she wasn’t sure when her opportunity would come.

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Chu Qianli sat across from He Shichen over breakfast. They were about to go to school to start their Mondays.

Chu Qianli glanced over at He Shichen and, while chewing on her soup dumpling, reminded him, “Remember to make money.”

He Shichen ate his breakfast quietly and elegantly.

Not getting any reactions from him, Chu Qianli started to chant. “Make money make money make money make money ……”

“Shut up. One should not talk when they are eating or sleeping.” He Shichen’s face cracked instantly. His blood pressure shooting up early in the morning. Angrily, he said, “The job of students is to focus on their studies. Don’t just focus on short-term profits.”

Chu Qianli, “Our family is in the networking business. You should get used to 996 sooner rather than later.”

He Shichen, “……” Just listen to the humanity in that speech.

He Shichen did not want to pay any attention to Chu Qianli right now. He spent all day yesterday trying to cover his world view. Truth be told, he was in a very fragile state right now. It was an equivalent to paranormal activities appearing in a regular novel. Any readers would need some time to ease into it without so much as a warning ahead of time.

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He Shichen planning not to bother himself with anything Chu Qianli-related recently. He needed time to process the impact.

Chu Qianli welcomed the peacefully in the classroom. He Shichen, treating her as if she was invisible, had temporary stop meddling with her napping in class.

Tan Muxing was somewhat surprised. “I feel that your relationship with He Shichen had changed.”

Chu Qianli, “My guess is that he feels like a muggle in Harry Potter who had witnessed magic for the first time.”

Tan Muxing smiled bitterly, “You are comparing He Shichen to a muggle?”

 Qiu Qingkong came running over excitedly. She greeted the student sitting in front of Chu Qianli before taking over their spot and sat down next to Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing. She spoke emotionally, “I want to be an apprentice!”

Chu Qianli replied naturally, “Oh, I’ve already looked up your star chart. You will make a good divination apprentice.”

Tan Muxing was baffled, “Be an apprentice?”

Qiu Qingkong was beyond excited. “Exactly. I have watched many videos online and none of them were as accurate. As such, I hope to learn from you, my teacher.”

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Qiu Qingkong had always been interested in occult but the astrologists online were a mix bag. She learned that Chu Qianli’s ability was amazing and immediately decided that wanted to become an apprentice.

Chu Qianli said slowly, “I promise to teach you but you don’t need to refer to me as Teacher. I can only share from my personal experience. Interpretation depends a lot on the individual.”

“That’s still a teacher. Where should we start?” Qiu Qingkong’s eyes beamed. She asked randomly, “Oh, should I pay you tuition? People always charge tuition when they teach classes online……”

Chu Qianli, “I don’t need you to pay me tuition but I will need you to help me with something.”

Qiu Qingkong, “Oh? What is it?”

Chu Qianli placed a note in on the desk and pushed it over to Qiu Qingkong. “Just help me disseminate the information on here.”

Tan Muxing turned to look. He noticed that on the note was a pricelist broken down by different types of divinations such as astrological dice, tarot cards, playing cards, etc. Listed behind each of them were the timeframe for each individual tool.

On the very bottom, all by itself was “astrology divination”. It claimed that it could answer any question and was the most expensive of them all.

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Tan Muxing got it now. Chu Qianli was not going to ask for tuition from Qiu Qingkong but she had her hand out flyers.

Qiu Qingkong took the note over and, when she finished reading it, she understood Chu Qianli’s intention. “I get it, Teacher wishes to promote her business.”

Looking at Chu Qianli, Tan Muxing commented objectively, “She is a good candidate for that task.”

“Yes, I gathered from her star chart that she is very well-liked and has excellent ability in getting words out there. As such……” Chu Qianli suddenly recollected herself and gave her deskmate an astonished look, “Do you know astrology as well?”

How else could he possibly know that?


Translator’s rambling:

As usual, if you have made it this far then you should know that there are 2 more posts after this one. Use TOC or scroll down to “Next” button to access. =)

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