Chapter 031 - They were speechless at how “humble” she was. (1)

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Chu Qianli’s astrology business launched officially at school with the help of Tan Muxing and Qiu Qingkong.

Naturally, Qiu Qingkong wasn’t going to just advertise about it randomly. She understood the trick of advertisement very well. It was said that all experts go the mysterious route and would ride in a sedan chair while others made a lot of noises next to them before they made their appearances.

“Ride in sedan chair?” asked Chu Qianli.

Qiu Qingkong elaborated excitedly, “Yes. See, I am the astrology apprentice and I will go in first and perform simple readings. Naturally, I don’t know how to do that at all right now so I will actually be consulting with Teacher in private. When the others start to believe in astrology, then I will tell them that I can’t solve trickier problems and we will need to take them to my teacher, but that will cost a small fee……”

Chu Qianli got it now. Ordinary people don’t always believe in metaphysics. By Qiu Qingkong pulling little stunts at first and then asking for money later, she would actually be reeling them in slowly. That could better prevent resistance.

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Had Qiu Qingkong went and distribute their advertisements all over the place, that would only bring out resentments. Eagerness is never the way to go. The catch is to have others asking for it voluntarily. By Chu Qianli putting up with a hermit astrologist front, she could save a lot of unnecessary explanations or hassles.

Qiu Qingkong announced loudly, “Force sales will be struck down by lightnings. The trick is in marketing. Your character setting is very important!”

Chu Qianli was utterly amazed. She said in astonishment, “You are so smart!”

Tan Muxing had a peculiar look on him. “Why does it starting to feel like the entertainment circle?”

As an astrologist apprentice, Qiu Qingkong had more astrology tools than Chu Qianli. Not only did she lay out a dark purple velvet table cloth over her desk, she also adorned it with crystals, etc., making it look very legitimate. Had it not for the school rules, she would most likely lit up some incenses as well.

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She had been soliciting for work with her tools during her free time as of late.

Dazzled by all the astrology tools, Tan Muxing asked humbly, “I did not know that astrology requires that many tools.”

Chu Qianli, “No. Using the words from the teachers in our village, the bad students have the most tools.”

Qiu Qingkong might not know how to perform a reading, but for she had a lot of tools.

Tan Muxing, “Oh, here I thought that is the standard.”

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Chu Qianli sighed. “That’s why so many people pay intellectual tax on expensive tarot cards.”

Qiu Qingkong pointed out the truth disgruntledly. “Teacher, that deck of tarot card that is still new in shrink sitting on your desk is also a new release!”

Qiu Qingkong had always been paying attention to tarot cards and she noticed that Chu Qianli purchased the newest one.

Chu Qianli defended herself, “I didn’t say I don’t pay my fair share of intellectual tax!”

Tan Muxing, “?”

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After wandering around the hallway for a long time, Qiu Qingkong finally landed her first customer. After she had rolled the dice for the other party, she claimed that she would need time for the reading before she snuck back into the classroom and said excitedly, “Excellent. We hooked our first fish!”

Tan Muxing had zero interest in astrology. The only reason that he was involved at all was because of his deskmate. As such, he docilely spoke the mind of an ordinary person, “You made it sounds like it’s a scam.”

Chu Qianli looked over at him and praised him. “You are not wrong from a certain perspective. Some believe that metaphysics and scams fall into the same zodiac house!”

Tan Muxing, “…… Besides, is it okay to take off in the middle of a reading?”

The fact that Qiu Qingkong did not provide the result after she had rolled the dice but ran back to the classroom instead just didn’t feel right.

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