Chapter 032 - They were speechless at how “humble” she was. (2)

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Chu Qianli said softly, “Normally speaking, no. But aren’t we here to scam others?”

Tan Muxing, “……”

Chu Qianli reminded him kindly, “If you ever run into an astrologist like her, you can pretty much conclude that it is a scam.”

Most astrologists would interpret the dice or tarot cards in person; otherwise, they were very likely half-@$$ ones or straight up scam artists.

Qiu Qingkong was an exception to the rule. She was able to run back half-way and ask for help.

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Qiu Qingkong didn’t care about their tease. She showed the dice in her hands to Chu Qianli and described the situation to her dramatically. “Teacher, she couldn’t locate her cellphone. This is the result that we got. How would I interpret them?”

Chu Qianli scanned at the result of the dice. They were Pluto, Cancer, and the 3rd zodiac house.

Chu Qianli asked her, “How did you ask the question to the stars before you roll the dice?”

Qiu Qingkong was baffled. “How did we ask the stars?”

Chu Qianli explained patiently, “Astrology is the communication with the stars. You can think of it as the art of words. The way you phrase the question is very important. The stars will never lie to you but there could be miscommunications.

“When you said someone couldn’t locate their cellphone, you might have asked, ‘Where is the phone right now?’ or ‘Have I lost my phone?’ Depending on the way you ask, the stars’ focus will also vary.” Chu Qianli went on to say, “For example, a lot of people like to ask ‘Does he love me?’ That is not an easy question to answer because different individuals interpret love differently.

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“Rather, if you phrase your question as ‘What does he think of me?’, the stars would better able to answer the question more objectively. This is the importance of asking questions.”*

After absorbing the new knowledge, Qiu Qingkong thought about it and said, “I believe our question was ‘Am I not going to be able to find my cellphone again?’.”

Chu Qianli guided her. “What was your first reaction when you saw the dice?”

Qiu Qingkong immediately pulled out her book and flipped through the basics frantically. She then asked softly and tentatively, “I am guessing she won’t be able to find it again. Pluto has very negative connotation……”

Looking at the astrology dictionary, Tan Muxing’s brows twitched and he said weakly, “You are going to crash course it like this?” This was worse than last-minute cramming before an examination!

“But there are still two more dice that you haven’t interpreted yet,” said Chu Qianli as she pointed at the remaining dice. “Focusing on the key interpretation is one approach but, many times, you will need to be able to look at it holistically and factor in the other pieces information.”

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After reading through the explanations on Cancer, and the 3rd zodiac house, Qiu Qingkong scratched her head, disturbed and broke down, “But I couldn’t connect the dots!”

She had read the interpretations on Pluto, Cancer and the 3rd zodiac house but she wasn’t able to connect them together. It was like understanding individual words but unable to them into a sentence.

Looking at her frantic apprentice, she encouraged her, “Oh, but it wasn’t bad that you had a hunch on your first reading. At least you had Pluto figured out.

Qiu Qingkong sought the correct answer. “So will we be able to locate the cellphone?”

Chu Qianli nodded. “Yes, she will be able to find it. It is probably inside of her family car. As for the area, it is probably inside a crack or somewhere dark toward the north. But the outcome after she had located her cellphone might not be all that great.”

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Qiu Qingkong flipped through the book frantically. Scanning over the content, she quickly grasped the keywords. “Oh, oh, oh. I think I am starting to get it. Cancer can represent home and the 3rd zodiac house can represent traffic……”

Chu Qianli reminded her, “…..This works when you are just starting out but you also run the risk that your interpretation would be too forced.”

Qiu Qingkong looked at her curiously, “Why do you say that the outcome might not be great? Is the cellphone broken?”


Translator’s rambling:

This translator will think that the first way, which is a “yes” or “no” answer, would be easier than an open-ended question of “what does he think of me” (kinda like a ouiji board :D)… but what do I know.

A better question would straight up be “WHERE is my cellphone now…..” =.=

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