Chapter 33 - They were speechless at how “humble” she was. “ (3)

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Chu Qianli cocked her head for a little and explained herself. “I have not met the person so I can’t be 100% certain. There is a possibility that her cellphone will bring up an argument. She would be chastised by some family member. Perhaps her mother or certain female relative.”

Qiu Qingkong stared at Chu Qianli blankly. “And how did you get that?”

Qiu Qingkong discovered that her interpretation was nowhere close to that of Chu Qianli. She could only deduct the shallow meaning and that was only after she had heard the correct answer. Chu Qianli, on the other hand, could provide a massive amount of information.

The two of them looked at the same set of dice but the outcomes of their divination were like night and day!

Chu Qianli comforted her. “That will take practice. For a beginner, you only want to share what you are certain of. It’s better to give out less information than incorrect information.”

Qiu Qingkong had a numbed look. “I’m screwed then. I am not sure about anything. It seems I should just keep my mouth shut.”

Tan Muxing, “……Too true.”

Even though Qiu Qingkong’s ability in divination was pathetic, she provided Chu Qianli’s answer to their customer and came running over excitedly the next day to update Chu Qianli.

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She eagerly repeated what was in her WeChat. “She told me that she was lectured when she got home yesterday. Her mother was the one who found her cellphone in the car and told her that her pocket money would be deducted if she keeps losing things……”

“She was so impressed at our accuracy!” Qiu Qingkong’s eyes beamed. Looking over at Chu Qianli again, she said, “I told her that Teacher can answer even more complicated questions. She had immediately booked a astrology reading session and wanted to learn more.”

Astrology reading was the most expensive service that they offered. The girl clearly had more burning questions to ask.

Chu Qianli clapped her hands and said, “That’s pretty good and you received feedback from your first divination. You can make a note of that and keep up with your practice.”

Qiu Qingkong, “Feedback?”

Chu Qianli, “Yes, when the inquirers tell you the actual outcomes, you will know what you have missed. You can even re-interpret the case study and what you gained from those will be invaluable experiences.

“When you have a lot of feedback, you will also be able to develop your own personal style and the proper way of interpreting.”

Qiu Qingkong asked, “How many feedbacks had Teacher received? Perhaps I should set a goal for myself.”

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Chu Qianli looked away with a guilty conscience. “Well, that’s not an easy question to answer……”

“Why not?”

“That is like asking me ‘How many grains of rice have you ever had’. I don’t know how to answer that.”


Tan Muxing had been listening quietly next to them. He raised his hand carefully and asked. “If I may ask, what is your level in astrology?”

Tan Muxing was a total layman when it came to astrology. He knew that Chu Qianli was accurate in her readings but he had no idea exactly how good she was. Now that he was witnessing the speed of Qiu Qingkong’s improvement, he noticed that the gap between the two were huge. He became curious.

Qiu Qingkong said that Chu Qianli was more accurate than the fortunetellers in the videos online but Tan Muxing had never even watched any of those.

Chu Qianli hesitated and said, “Well…… that isn’t an easy question to answer either…..”

“Why not?”

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“Because I want to be a humble person but telling the truth will make me not a humble person.” Seeing the astrology dice on the table out of the corner of her eye, she rolled them casually as she suggested, “We shall let the stars answer the difficult questions!”

The dice made crisp clinking noises when they made contact with each other.

Chu Qianli smiled and said, “Oh mi, the stars said I am the best in the world. I am not bragging. This is the answer that was given to us by the stars. I am merely interpreting their words……”

Looking at the die that had rolled under the cover of a book, Tan Muxing turned to look straight at his deskmate. He couldn't help but pointed out that,”…… You responded without even looking at the dice, didn’t you?”

The dice that Chu Qianli had rolled rolled under the book cover and she made no attempt in looking for them before she blurted out the answer.

Those were no words from the stars.

Those were obviously her own words!

Chu Qianli moaned and groaned and tried to muddle it through. “No, this is the words of the stars. You just don’t get it. I am a very humble person……”

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Tan Muxing went silent for little while, not wanting to confront her. He said in a very roundabout way, “I’ve heard this kid’s song when I was young. I still remember it’s lyrics to this day.”

Chu Qianli was immediately distracted and asked curiously, “Oh? What song? Is it melodious? What its lyrics like?”

“The name of it is The Dull-Ice Flower. The lyrics go like this ‘The stars in the sky are not talking’. It was quite fitting to your divination result,” said Tan Muxing.

The astrology dice rolled straight under the cover of the book. The stars did not want to respond to her question. In addition, they were speechless as to how “humble” she was.

Chu Qianli, “……”


Motivation for this chapter:

JJ Rasos Chua, Astrif, Akai Sora, Kuroha Mukami, Rohi, Welp, Leyira, Golailo, Uwu, and jojo is here.

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