Chapter 34 - He wasn’t sure whether his deskmate was very mature or super immature. (1)

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Chu Qianli stared at Tan Muxing quietly.

Her studying him made him nervous and subconsciously felt uneasy.


He had inadvertently let the truth slipped out.

Unlike Qiu Qingkong, Tan Muxing had no enthusiasm toward astrology or tarot. He was only along for the ride because Chu Qianli was into them.

Truth was, that was his primary way of interaction with Chu Qianli. He went along with what she said and what she wanted to do. He had no idea how to get along with his new deskmate so he figured the best way was just not to cause any conflicts.

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As the invisible person in the class, Tan Muxing usually had no idea what he had said or done that upset the others. As such, he had no idea whether what he said was offensive to her.

Getting nervous under her gaze, Tan Muxing’s reflex was to apologize. “I’m sor……”

“You know not the first thing about metaphysics but somehow you were able to interpret this one!” Chu Qianli exclaimed.

Tan Muxing was taken aback a little. “Oh?”

“I figured the result of the dice was more or less what you had had.” Chu Qianli moved the cover of the book, revealing the dice, and said peacefully. “It was the way I asked plus the fact that dice can only provide short-term information, the message was very vague. Essentially, the stars said nothing.”

Normally speaking, it was very difficult for astrology dice to provide precise time or numbers. If the question, for example, was a mathematic problem, then the answer would be moot.

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Granted, the stars were also not good at subjective questions. Basically, it would not say that Chu Qianli was number one in the world.

Being called out by Tan Muxing, Chu Qianli pouted. “Hrm, I thought I would be able to get away with that.”

Seeing that she was not upset, Tan Muxing relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. “Oh good. I thought I have upset you……”

Chu Qianli rested her chin on her palm and toyed with the dice with her other hand. She asked dubiously, “Why would I be upset? I wouldn’t be upset even if you tell me that you are not interested in astrology.”

Tan Muxing’s survival instinct kicked in in a second or less. He looked away and said with a guilty conscience, “That’s not true.”

“You are lying!” Chu Qianli called him out decisively. “I can always ask the dice what your real thoughts are.”

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Tan Muxing’s body stiffened up when he heard the dice. He lowered his head, disturbed, and slowly told the truth. “I’m sorry. I am not that interested in it……”

Qiu Qingkong exclaimed, “What?! But I felt that you’ve been paying closer attention than I did!!”

Tan Muxing always listened quietly to one side and committed their lessons to memory. He would occasionally asked a question or two out of curiosity but now he was saying that he had no interest in astrology.

Chu Qianli, “His star chart had nothing to do with metaphysics. For sure he had zero interest in these. He was probably just faking it the entire time.”

Tan Muxing disbelief wasn’t as stern as that of He Shichen but he was basically a skeptic when it came to metaphysics. He asked her whether she “always listens to the stars” at the very beginning; then he looked up during their physics class whether Newton was an astrologist. He questioned Qiu Qingkong’s divination. His style was just milder was all.

Tan Muxing broke out in sweats. He hadn’t thought that she would already know. He confessed weakly, “…… I thought it is very important to you.”

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Astrology was very important to Chu Qianli. Tan Muxing felt that it was rude to say he didn’t believe in it.

As such, he pretended that he was interested in it and cheered her along.

“Astrology is very important to me but that is not a criterium for me to make friends.” Chu Qianli grumbled, “If I am only going to talk to those who are into astrology, I wouldn’t have all the conflicts with other astrologists.”

Chu Qianli would unleash instantly if someone was to call astrology feudal superstitious but she would not force others into liking astrology.


As usual, keep an eye out for ch 35 & 36. ;)

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