Chapter 004 - Perhaps he wanted to be prepared after listening to her divination (3)

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Seeing how calm she was, He Shichen felt very alarmed. Nevertheless, he said in a friendly manner. “How are you?”

Seeing how the brother and sister had successfully greeted each other and that Chu Qianli’s attitude wasn’t too horrible, Yu Shen quickly smiled and said, “Right, right, right. He is your brother. You can ask him any questions you have about school.”

Now that the family had finally gotten together, they moved into the dining room to eat.

He Shichen secretly observed Chu Qianli while they ate. When he saw that she was calm and articulated, he was even more certain that she was a scheming one who was good at concealing herself. She was probably a far worse opponent than he had originally expected.

Ever since she had addressed her as big brother, she had immediately gained the fondness of their parents. In addition, she did not behave like a girl from the village at all. She acted no different than one who was raised in a well-off environment and she got along well with the others at home.

She was the textbook case of an avenger.

He was certain that she was an ambitious one. She was merely holding tight right now while waiting for her perfect opportunity to take back what was rightfully hers.

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If he was Chu Qianli, he would hate the person who had taken what was his to his guts instead of being calm and ripple-free. It is always the undercurrent that hides beneath the calm surface that is the most dangerous.

Chu Qianli had no idea that her arrival would have brought about internal competitions at home and made her big brother felt alarmed. She truly had no special feelings toward He Shichen. She was, after all, not a character inside the novel. As such, she had no particular feelings toward its characters.

It wasn’t like the Huo family couldn’t afford two children.

Besides, the male lead in the novel was super good at making money. He could, most likely, make the shares that she would succeed to shoot up in price. Only an idiot would want to chase him away. He’d be lucky if she didn’t have him die on the job.

What was a CEO? What was the heir of the Huo family?

That was just a fancy term for a worker!

Her goal in this life time was to play with her stars and cards and blow through the dividends earned by the male lead madly. She would never allow anyone to exploit her labor surplus value.*

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“Qianli, what are your hobbies?” Yu Shen had yet to get to know her daughter so she wanted to start a subject and bring the family closer together.

Chu Qianli recollected herself in a second or less and replied smoothly, “Oh, I like to study the stars.”

“Study the stars?” Yu Shen was baffled.

“Oh yeah. You seemed to have mentioned that earlier,” said He Zhenghe.

Chu Qianli nodded. “That’s right. For our future harmonious living, can I ask for Mom and Dad’s star chart at birth?”

“What is this star chart at birth? What can you do with it?” Yu Shen was amused.

“One’s birth star chart was the locations of the stars in the sky when a person was born using the location of their birth as a point of reference. said Chu Qianli articulately. Astrologists will sometimes refer to this as one’s natal horoscope.

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“We can use this star chart to learn more about ourselves and those around us and how to better get along with them.”

“That’s metaphysics, right?” asked He Zhenghe.

“That sounds interesting. But how do we give it to you?” asked Yu Shen.

Chu Qianli, “All I will need will be your birth year, month, day, time, as well as the coordinates of the city that you were born in.”

Her parents, naturally, would not turn down the request from their daughter whom had been away for so many years. Besides, they didn’t think it was a big deal to provide that information to her. In fact, it was a good topic to bring them together.

Chu Qianli listened attentively as they provided her with their information and responded solemnly, “Thank you for your trust.”

It wasn’t a big deal a normal person to give out the information regarding their birth date and time but, if the information was to fall into the wrong hands of someone talented, bad things could happen. This was unadulterated trust from her parents. Even if they were not aware of that, Chu Qianli would still thank then whole-heartedly.

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Yu Shen noticed that He Shichen had been quiet and wanted to involve him in their conversation. She said to him tenderly, “Join us, Shichen. Your birthdate……”

Before she was done speaking, something occurred to her and she stopped abruptly with an awkward look.

He Shichen’s eyes dimmed but didn’t say anything.

His birthdate was no longer what it was before. His original birthdate belonged to Chu Qianli.

This was her coming at him from a different angle. She was subtly suggesting that he had stolen her birth star chart.

That was a sensitive topic and the joyful atmosphere at the dinner table cooled down all of a sudden.

Yu Shen and He Zhenghe exchanged a look and couldn’t come up with something to say right away.

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