Chapter 005 - Perhaps he wanted to be prepared after listening to her divination (5)

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Chu Qianli was the first to break the silence. She said casually, “Oh, I know Big Brother’s birthday. All I need is Mom’s and Dad’s.”

He Shichen was certain that she was doing that just to be suggestive.

After lunch, all the adults were busy. He Zhenghe called up the school and Yu Shen went upstairs to check on the room again, leaving only Chu Qianli and He Shichen in the living room.

The two of them each sat on one end of the couch. Even though they were sitting on the same couch, they kept the farthest distance between them possible. The atmosphere resembled the ice at the poles.

He Shichen had no idea what they could talk about. Chu Qianli, on the other hand, starting rummaging through her pockets. First, she pulled out a set of playing cards from the pocket that was faded from all the shuffling. She casually placed that next to her and started rummaging through her other pocket.

He Shichen glanced over at the very old set of playing card out of the corner of his eye. It was very plain looking and very worn out. It looked to have seen better days.

Chu Qianli was a careless one and, as she rummaged through her pocket, she accidentally knocked over her set of playing cards.

European-style couches had natural curves to them and the old playing card set spilled from the impact and scattered instantly all over the floor.

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“Oh…” Chu Qianli frantically started picking up the mess that she had made.

He Shichen watched how clumsy Chu Qianli was and, witnessing the terrible fate of the playing cards, suppressed his impatient feeling, picked up the playing cards next to his foot, and handed them over to Chu Qianli quietly.

Chu Qianli had already finished up picking up the other cards by now. Taking the remaining few from He Shichen, she said politely, “Thank you.”

He Shichen replied in a distant way, “You are welcome.”

Chu Qianli was just about to put the cards away when she saw the display on the cards and paused. She asked dubiously, “You were the one who picked these up?”

He Shichen gave her a gloomy look. He didn’t understand her question. Didn’t she see him picking them up?

Looking at the playing cards in her hand, Chu Qianli scratched her head with hesitation. “Well… there’s something that I am not sure whether I should say or not…”

“Does that mean you won’t if you shouldn’t?” asked He Shichen.

“Well, not really.” Then, Chu Qianli decisively showed him the display on the cards and said in a low voice, “You are not very lucky today.”

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These were the few cards that He Shichen had touched. Them being together had specific meanings.

He Shichen snickered. “Right. Tell me something that I don’t already know.”

He had just found out recently that he wasn’t a child of the He family and then he needed to put on a smile to welcome her home today. Of course he was unlucky.

Chu Qianli touched her chin and pondered over the cards. “Hmm… this unluckiness would manifest in both psychological and physical levels. Meaning that, you are in a bad mood and have bad luck. We are talking about some sort of an explosive irritability. You very likely would run into this situation that I am about to demonstrate.”

She put her hands together and then swung them apart forcefully, demonstrating the explosion of fireworks with her arms as she cried out in a very foolish way, “Let the world destroy! Let the universe explode!”

Looking at her performance that resembled radio calisthenics, He Shichen couldn't help but looked at her dumbfounded, “?”

He Shichen, “I’ll have Mom and Dad schedule for a doctor.” Their real daughter was going to need her head examined. She really didn’t look all that smart.

At this very moment, Yu Shen’s voice came from the second floor. “C’mon up, Qianli. Let me show you your room!”

Chu Qianli’s luggage had already been brought upstairs. She hurried away with her playing cards clutched in her hand and did not continue the subject with He Shichen.

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He Shichen felt very speechless after her grade-school student like performance. He wanted to have some water to help him calm down but did not see the cup on top of the end table. As they prepared to welcome Chu Qianli home, each and every single corner had been cleaned and many everyday items had been moved around from where they used to be.

He would normally had Aunty Li fetch him a glass of water but Aunty Li was with Yu Shen right now and all of them were upstairs getting Chu Qianli settled in. He didn’t want to be a bother so he dragged himself into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, He Shichen grabbed a glass and, not knowing how to work the water machine, he casually pressed a few buttons and hot water began to flow. And, the very next second, something unexpected occurred!

He Shichen whipped around and fragments of the glass and hot water flew all over the place. He shouted out reflexively and quickly ran away from the unexpected explosion.

When a glass exploded under high temperature, it certainly resembled fireworks in the sky!

Was her mouth blessed by crows?*

Up on the second floor, Yu Shen and Aunty Li got a little worried when they heard the ruckus. They stuck their heads out, alarmed, trying to see what had happened downstairs. “Did you hear something?”

Chu Qianli said in a moderate pace, “Big Brother just said to have Mom and Dad arranged for a doctor.”

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Perhaps he wanted to be prepared after he listened to her divination.

Yu Shen, “?”


Translator's notes:

* Chinese saying – crow’s words are bad. (i.e. they say negative things.)


Translator’s rambling:

* This TL will be honest that she had no idea what that meant. =D
* The brother is NOT the male lead. I repeat, NOT the male lead. MC refers to him as the “male lead” because he is the original male lead in the novel.

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