Chapter 050 - “Big Brother, everyone knows that you must make your demands first before you pay up.” (5)

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On their way back, Chu Qianli kept on peeking over at He Shichen. She noticed that he had his eyes closed trying to get some rest but she waved her hand in front of him, trying to get his attention.

He Shichen had wanted to ignore her but now he had no choice but to open up his eyes and asked impatiently, “What do you want now?”

Chu Qianli said in a pitiful manner, “Big Brother, me poor, moola.”

He Shichen was finally printing money; of course she wanted to take some out immediately!

Pay day was finally here!

He Shichen still remembered how Chu Qianli had flipped out on him, claiming that he had ruined her reputation and, now, she had an 180-degree change and was hypocritical and weak. She was two-faced through and through.

She pretended to be cute and docile in front of their parents when, in reality, she had a lot going on at school. To the point that the teacher had to have a talk with him.

He Shichen’s brows twitched and he scolded her, “Why do you always look so unsmart?”

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Chu Qianli said, aggrieved, “What do you mean that I am unsmart?”

He Shichen said angrily, “The way you ask people for money make it easy for others to trick you with a bait. Can you call that smart?

“Qi Yan praised you some and you let it get to your head right away. That wasn’t smart either.”

He Shichen felt that Chu Qianli’s behaviors were problematic. She charged money for performing readings for others. But what would happen if her reading was inaccurate one day?

 He Shichen could never accept from others; that would make him feel extremely anxious. If the day came when he could no longer make money, others will be in control of him.

He felt that Chu Qianli was too careless and also that naiveness made her foolish.

Chu Qianli paused, then said, “But I won’t just take anyone’s money.”

He Shichen was skeptical about it. “Bull, you are directly asking me for money right now.”

She was short of having the words “Send me money” written on her face. How could she say she didn’t?

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Chu Qianli placed her hands on her waist righteously and said, “I said I don’t want Qi Yan’s money; I didn’t say I don’t want yours!”

He Shichen, “?”

He Shichen asked in disbelief, “What’s the difference?!”

Chu Qianli had very sound reasoning, “There is no karma between Qi Yan and I; as such, I cannot just take her money willy-nilly. Taking your money is fine though. So that’s the difference!”

If Chu Qianli was to take Qi Yan’s money, she would have to pay her back. But she would not need to pay He Shichen back. Why else would she refer to him as money-printing machine?

Metaphysics terms gave He Shichen headache. He was about to pass out from anger from what Chu Qianli had said. Then again, he also felt that what she had said somewhat made sense. His income this week did have to do with her.

He was a proud person and really did not want her favor. He also strongly believed that he could make it all back all by himself in the future.

He Shichen was about to send money to her in rage when something had occurred to him. He said to her, “I can give you money but I have conditions.”

Chu Qianli griped, “How are you slower than an ATM when it comes to spitting out money……”

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He Shichen had to stop himself from hitting her and said coldly, “Clean up your feudal superstitious acts next week. At least don’t be so ostentation to a point that even the teachers know about it.”

Chu Qianli, “Why?!”

He Shichen, “…… Or do you want to attract more people like Qi Yan?”

Chu Qianli was fierce up until this point but, all of a sudden, her eyes rolled and she quieted down. She said docilely, “Alright, I’ll tone it down.”

He Shichen, “……” Wonderful, now Qi Yan was the equivalent of a ghost that parents could use to scare the bear children.

He Shichen had yet to receive the money from his sale earlier but he paid Chu Qianli from his own account. He then added, “Oh right, you also can’t sleep in class and you must work on your homework by yourself……”

Chu Qianli’s phone vibrated and she was stunned a little when she saw the amount. She didn’t think that He Shichen would really give her money and that it came so quickly.

As He Shichen had always disliked her, she was mostly just messing around. She had no idea if he would really give her money.

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So what He Yuanyang said about him was true. She could just ignore everything that He Shichen said. If he said “no” that meant “yes”. If it was really a “no”, he would straight up ignore the person.

Chu Qianli had been enlightened.

The noise that the money-printing machine made is not important, as long as he spit out money in the end.

Their car had arrived outside of their house and, naturally, Chu Qianli was done listening to him. Holding onto her phone pleasantly surprised, she dashed out of the car as she said to him perfunctorily, “Mmhmm, mmhmm. Totally. For certain next time.”

Looking at her unlady-like behavior, He Shichen’s blood pressure shot up again and he scolded, “That’s not how you are supposed to get out of a car!”

Chu Qianli ran toward the house without looking back. She didn’t care about the fussy He Shichen. In fact, she provoked him some more by saying, “Big Brother, I think you are the unsmart one here. Who would still listen to you after you have paid up? All customers know to make their demands first before sending payments.

“Consider that payment for the lesson. You shan’t do that when it comes to managing the company. We don’t want my family business to go belly up!” said Chu Qianli as she stood on the step immediately in front of the mansion. Pleased at He Shichen’s discomfiture, Chu Qianli waved at He Shichen before bouncing inside, completely ignoring what he had just said.

He Shichen, “? ? ?”


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