Chapter 051 - “That’s enough. That’s enough.” (1)

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When she got home, Chu Qianli was startled by the amount in her account. She had merely glanced at it earlier, she just realized that she had missed a zero.

He Shichen might be a strange one but he sure was good at making money. One must admire him for that.

The most horrible thing about someone like that was that they didn’t just work for money. As revealed in their star chart, they could only be fulfilled by the accomplishment that came from pioneering.

He Shichen would be distressed and at loss if he stopped working one day. It had nothing to do with money; it was a psychological thing. If there were no competitions, if he was not needed, He Shichen’s life would be aimless and gloomy. As such, working was a necessity for him.

Each person’s birth chart is different. They grow up differently and needed different styles of lives. Everybody’s life problem is different and many failed to understand that.

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He Shichen was good at making money but had no desire to spend it. As such, Chu Qianli decided to help him out in that area.

Of course, she promptly ignored all of his request and continued to copy her deskmate’s homework.

Chu Qianli goofed the entire weekend. She spent a lot of time chatting about astrology with Qiu Qingkong and anime/animation with Tan Muxing. Finally, the three of the set up their own chat group and chatted in the group.

Her luck in wealth this week was off-the-chart good. She had income from her divinations and also what she had pilfered from He Shichen. She couldn’t be happier.

The happy weekend went by quickly and then it was Monday when there was school.

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Chu Qianli opened up her eyes groggily, picked up her cellphone and checked her star chart. She was wide awake instantly and said in panic, “Oh, no, no, no, no……”

Chu Qianli stuck her head back under the blanket and moaned loudly. She looked again at her phone in disbelief and finally was about to pass out from desperation.

Perhaps she had goofed too much the last two days and now the worst-case scenario had happened.

Her luck was not good today.

This was the worst part about being an astrologist. They could foresee troubles but they couldn’t immediately resolve it. It was like the Sword of Damocles hanging over one’s head. The worst part about it was when the misfortune actually took place but the condition when the alarm continued to sound up until that point.

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If a normal person was to see that they would have bad luck that day, they could very well choose not to belief in it and they just might be able to avoid it. Unfortunately, this was Chu Qianli’s Achilles' heel. She was too accurate. It was impossible not to believe in it.

Chu Qianli performed a reading on herself.

She might see blood today. The stars told her to best avoid any outdoor activities or tried to hid behind tall buildings.

Was she the target of some starry hitman? What’s with that bizarre solution to her problem?!

Chu Qianli bounced out of bed instantly, dashed out of her room and started whimpering, “Mom, Dad, I don’t feel well today. I want to take the day off. Please call in sick for me……”

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The living room was quiet and Yu Shen and He Zhenghe were nowhere to be seen. He Shichen was the only one sitting on the couch.

He Shichen, irritated, said to her, “What are you rambling about? We have our physical test today. Making up for it will be a big hassle and it might also negatively impact your graduation.”

The two attended a private senior high school but their syllabus was very straight. Education was very important for wealthy families and too many absences would negatively affect one’s graduation and college application.

When everyone was wealthy, they would compete in other areas. Their grades or other noble hobbies, for example. All in the, the competition would never end.

Chu Qianli wailed, “I don’t want to go to school. I feel sick all over. My head hurts; my neck hurts; everything hurts……”

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