Chapter 052 - “That’s enough. That’s enough.” (2)

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Looking at Chu Qianli’s resentment toward going to school, He Shichen said nonchalantly, “That’s because you goofed too much yesterday. Perhaps going to school for a day will cure you.”

Chu Qianli giggled in the living room all day long yesterday chatting about god-knows-what with her friends. He Shichen failed to how she was so tired from that.

“They’ve left already and nobody could call in sick for you.” He Shichen pointed out the truth cruelly. “I don’t suggest for you to try to skip out of the physical examination. It will bring about a lot of hassles.”

Chu Qianli didn’t believe him and performed another reading. Sure enough, avoiding the physical examination was not a good option either. Many troubles would follow.

Stuck between the rock and a hard place, Chu Qianli finally decided to leave the house.

Inside the classroom, Chu Qianli brought up switching her seat with Tan Muxing. She didn’t want to sit next to the window today.

Tan Muxing didn’t care either way and swapped over to the window seat. He asked, baffled, “But you used to love sitting next to the window?”

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Chu Qianli loved it when the window was open. She refused to close it even when she sneezed occasionally.

“Just not today,” said Chu Qianli with a complicated look. “I worry that someone will blow my head off.”

Tan Muxing, “?”

Chu Qianli wasn’t even in the mood to nap in class today. She was very careful the entire time and would perform a reading from time to time to see when her bad luck would be over.

For the same reason, she did not run her business that afternoon. Mostly because she was too worried about herself to perform readings for others.

After listening to her reasoning, Tan Muxing put the political science textbook on the desk and comforted her. “It’s alright. Do you want to read some Karl Marx? It might calm you down.”

Chu Qianli had mentioned before that reading Karl Marx would overcome her normal way of thinking.

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“…… That’s one way to go.” Chu Qianli flipped through the book casually before she put her head down again, frowning. “No, that’s not working. I can’t focus at all.”

Tan Muxing sighed.

Everybody else was lining up on the sports field getting ready for the physical examination but Chu Qianli continued to squat in the corner, refusing to step into the field.

Tan Muxing stood next to her helplessly and tried to comfort her, “It will be fine. Those are all……”

He was about to stay “feudal superstition” reflexively but quickly stopped himself when he remembered who he was talking to. He almost made a big mistake.

Chu Qianli, however, had already figured out what he was about to say. Curling up in her corner, she scolded him sadly, “You were about to say ‘feudal superstition’, weren’t you?! You were that close to saying it out loud!”

Tan Muxing’s survival instinct took over instantly. He waved his hand frantically and said, “No! No, I wasn’t!”

Chu Qianli, “Wuwuwuwu, you don’t believe in these at all. I could tell from your star chart……”

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“I don’t not believe in them at all, it’s just that……” Tan Muxing struggled with it a little bit and, when he noticed how tense she was, he shared something about himself for once, just for the sake of changing the subject. “It’s just that when I had a reading when I was still a child, I’ve heard something very distressing. That is the reason that I resent these a little bit.”

Sure enough, Chu Qianli was distracted. She asked, curiously, “Something distressing.”

Tan Muxing said with difficulty. “Yes, something very bad. That’s why it left a bad taste in my mouth.”

But his opinion on astrology had changed some lately. Mainly because Chu Qianli liked it, so he had become less resentful toward it.

Chu Qianli quickly comforted him, “That’s because the person whom you have run into wasn’t mighty enough. As long as you live up to your potential, you will for sure be able to have your own accomplishments. Fate cannot be summed up with a simple ‘good’ or ‘bad’!”

Chu Qianli strongly suspected that the person whom Tan Muxing had run into was a half-@$$. Some people would glance at someone else’s start chart and come to a rash and subjective conclusion. That violate the seven most basic principles.

Any person or words that deviated from the seven most basic principles are bad karma for astrology and not the future of astrology. One of them being that no astrologists can determine how a person would unfold his star chart from merely looking at their star charts.

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Those who studied numerology might tend to be high and mighty and loved to make sweeping statements. They would categorize planets into lucky and unlucky and star charts into good and bad. It was certainly an efficient approach but who was the one deciding on what was lucky or unlucky, good or bad? These blanket statements might be too arbitrary.

Tan Muxing lacked confidence so Chu Qianli mainly encouraged him. Providing suitable guidance to others was also part of an astrologist’s responsibilities.

“I wouldn’t stay he isn’t a mighty one……” Tan Muxing scratched his face and said to her mildly, “Alright. I believe you. Let’s not talk about this anymore. Do you want to head back to the classroom?

“If you really can’t go over there. I’ll accompany you back to the classroom.”

Chu Qianli obviously looked too nervous for her physical examination.

Chu Qianli stood up and asked, “What about your physical examination?”

“I’ll come back after I’ve walked you back.”

Tan Muxing could tell that she was very nervous. He didn’t want her to have to walk back alone. He might as well just make a trip with her.

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