Chapter 069 - “You never know what sort of mean little sister is on the other end of the internet.” (1)

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Inside the classroom, Chu Qianli sat happily next to the window as Tan Muxing focused on sewing something with his head lowered.

As the divination disciple had not been looking for customers in school recently, the two was actually able to enjoy their afternoon break. Their business was not as crazy as it was in the beginning.

People are always attracted to what’s the newest and coolest. When they first encountered divination, they wanted to have readings all the time. Once their problems were resolved, they would not return. That’s a normal cycle.

“Teacher, someone sent me a message! Our video had brought us business!” Qiu Qingkong came and reported excitedly after she read the messages from the backend. Then, when she saw the two relaxing persons, she asked, “What are you two doing?”

Tan Muxing, a cloth pouch between his hands, replied honestly, “She wanted me to sew stars on her tarot pouch.”

Qiu Qingkong asked curiously, “Having stars on your tarot pouch will boost your accuracy?”

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“Of course,” said Chu Qianli righteously. “My mood will be lifted when the see the stars. Naturally, that would boost my accuracy.”

Qiu Qingkong, “?”

Chu Qianli turned her head and whispered to Qiu Qingkong, “Mainly I didn’t think he would be able to complete the gloves so quickly……”

Chu Qianli had expected that the gloves would take Tan Muxing a while. Lo and behold, he delivered the completed product shortly. She felt the need to give him a new assignment. There would be no break. There would always be more work no matter how fast he could complete them.

Qiu Qingkong noticed that Chu Qianli was reading and asked in surprise, “What are you reading? Something that has to do with astrology?”

Chu Qianli was not one to study. As such, it was odd that she was reading a book. Naturally, Qiu Qingkong assumed that it was a book on astrology.

Chu Qianli lifted up the book to show Qiu Qingkong its cover as she said to her, “No, it’s a masterpiece.”

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Qiu Qingkong looked at the title of the book and it turned out to be Capital.

Tan Muxing said feebly, “Why do I feel that the intention of this book is to reveal the truth about capitalism but you are learning how to exploit others from it?”

The more Tan Muxing thought about it, the odder he felt. He had completed the gloves and now he was asked to work on her pouch. This would never end.

“Oh haha.” Chu Qianli, with a guilty conscience, pretended that she didn’t hear him and quickly changed the subject. Looking over at Qiu Qingkong, she asked, “What were you saying?”

Qiu Qingkong, “Someone messaged me and commented on how accurate our video is. She even said it was so metaphysical!”

Qiu Qingkong told the story of how Zhang Qiang received four good news while watching their video with embellishment. The astrology disciple’s first idea had been affirmed and she couldn’t wait to share that with her buddies.

Chu Qianli was taken aback a little when she heard that and said in surprise, “She was kidding, right?”

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Qiu Qingkong, “What do you mean by that?”

Chu Qianli said dubiously and solemnly, “You need to tell her that I am a serious astrologist. This is not the same as worshipping some deities. Only I scam the others; is she trying to scam the scam artist?”

Chu Qianli didn’t really believe in Zhang Qiang’s story. She was predicting the future, not changing it on the fly.

Public readings are not as accurate as private readings to begin with. This incident just sounded too bizarre and full of holes.

Tan Muxing, “…… Are you equating an astrology to a scam artist?”

Qiu Qingkong said hesitantly, “Why would be fake? She was asking for a private reading from Teacher.”

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Chu Qianli asked hesitantly, “Is she a minor?”

Qiu Qingkong, “We have already established that she is job hunting. Of course she’s an adult.”

“You can’t always trust what people say online.” Chu Qianli tossed her dice casually and, glancing at the result, said in surprise, “Oy, she isn’t a scam artist after all.”

Watching Chu Qianli verifying the incident with her dice, Qiu Qingkong asked curiously, “We’ve done readings for our classmates before. Everyone are minors?”

“That’s not the same. We were performing the readings in person and we will still run into each other in the future. Online, however, we will go our own separate ways after a brief conversation. Who knows if she will ever reach out to you again,” explained Chu Qianli. “Some astrologists refused to perform readings for minors online. Mainly it is a lot of responsibilities.”

“And why’s that?”

“People are always growing. Having information in advance before one is ready is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, it could even become a self-fulfilling prophecy. A star chart is not like static gaming data; it’s more like fluid water. It can have a tendency, but it won’t stop.”

Chu Qianli gave an example, “It’s like googling your own symptoms. If you don’t know what you are doing or run into a divinator who doesn’t know what they are doing, you could easily freak yourself out.”

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