Chapter 070 - “You never know what sort of mean little sister is on the other end of the internet.” (2)

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In numerology, believing and not believing is one thing. Believing and being superstitious is another.

Humans are both strong and fragile at the same time. A strong group of humans would always be able to find their way out of a difficult situation; a fragile individual could walk down the wrong path with wrong directions.

Chu Qianli dared not perform a reading for Zhang Qiang because what she said sounded off. She felt that giving her guidance at this point might be inappropriate for her. A person should only get a reading when they are capable of making their own decisions. Going into a divination in a confused state can be very dangerous.

Tan Muxing was taken aback a little, “Self-fulfilling prophecy?”

“Yes. A lot of times when a numerologist performs readings on a child, they would give the result to the parents. Mainly because the child will not be able to comprehend them.” Chu Qianli smiled as she warned them. “And, it can be very dangerous to just give out information on your star chart willy-nilly. If you run into someone who knows what they are doing and wants to cause you harm, they will be able to accomplish that easily.

“It is, therefore, very important to look for a trustworthy numerologist.”

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Qiu Qingkong was baffled, “That sounds kind of crazy. I told you my star chart too and nothing happened.”

Chu Qianli smiled and said, “How do you know that you are not under my control right now?”

Qiu Qingkong, “? ? ?”

Tan Muxing lowered his head and went back to his sewing. He mumbled in a low voice, “No, I think I sensed it……”

He had an inkling that there will be something else after he was done sewing her pouch, perhaps something even more difficult. He was already completely under her control.

Insider her dorm room, Zhang Qiang received the response from the Cardcaptor Squad. The divinator agreed to performing a private reading for her but they asked her to first show them that she was an adult of sound mind.

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Zhang Qiang, “?” What kind of a crazy request was that?

The Cardcaptor Squad subtly explained that the incidents relating to Zhang Qiang was very coincidental. Perhaps because at the time the video has not been viewed a lot and the energy was not yet diluted; or that Zhang Qiang’s star chart also played a role in it and was heavily influenced by the current cosmic events; or that Zhang Qiang had submitted way too many resumes, which was why she received a bunch of responses around the same time.

Not too longer later, she received another message from the Cardcaptor Squad: [Let me tell you the truth here. My readings are very accurate but I am a believer of Marxism.]

Zhang Qiang, “……”

Zhang Qiang finally figured out why they said what they said after the last message.

Others questioned that divinators are scam artists but, when it came to her, the divinator suspected that she had issues and even educated her on not promoting feudal superstition.

Zhang Qiang found that both annoying and comical at the same time. She couldn’t possibly get angry at the divinator, however. Mainly they hadn’t said anything wrong!

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[I can prove that I am an adult, but how do I proof that I am of sound mind? Do I have to get a note from a hospital?]

[I am Qin Shi Huang and I am actually still alive. I have 30,000 tonnes of gold and 3 million soldiers in Xi’an. If you transfer me 20,000 yuan to xxxxxxxx and send me home. I will make you my general!]*

[…… Are you crazy? How do you have 27,000 more tonnes of gold than other scammers on the internet?]

Zhang Qiang was speechless. The common saying online was 3,000 tonnes of gold. These people turned it into 30,000 tonnes, inflated it by 10 times just like that.

[Congratulations. You had proved that you are of sound mind. We figured if we are dreaming, might as well go big or go home.]


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Zhang Qiang was a little overly excited at the beginning but after the back and forth with the divinator, she was beginning to calm down and was able to look at things from a more rational perspective. She blocked out the important student information on her student canvas and send it over to prove that she was of age and then described the situation to them.

The divinator suggested for them to communicate verbally. It would be more convenient to exchange certain information that way.

Zhang Qiang did not decline them and added their business account. Sure enough, she heard the voice from the video after their call was connected.

“So you are still debating about which one to choose?”

Zhang Qiang replied quickly, “Right, mainly because the interview times conflicted with each other so I am going to have to pick one and stick with it. If I don’t make it, I will lose the other opportunities as well……”

“I get it. Why don’t you tell me briefly about all four opportunities and we will pick one with tarot cards?”

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