Chapter 077 - Yup. He never should have spent so much time with the bear child. (1)

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Tried as he might, He Shichen wasn’t able to get Chu Qianli to go back inside of the house. He finally frantically grabbed his suitcase and said to her coldly, “Fine, you stay here all you want them. I will be on my way.”

The security within the mansion district was quite good so she would be safe out here. There was no need to worry about her.

Chu Qianli watched her animation with her head lowered and said to him casually, “Bye-bye, ye rootless one.”

He Shichen turned dubiously, “What did you just way? What one?”

“A rootless one,” said Chu Qianli as she looked back up. Glancing over one more time at her animation, she said casually, “This is an important turning point in your life. Sort of like a dichotomy in a game. Your future will change completely once you’ve stepped outside of this door.”

He Shichen chose to leave his home and became a rootless grass.

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“This is not the same as some minor decisions in one’s life. You could call it a major life event. It is the kind of events that we will use to pinpoint the exact moment that you are born.”

Everyone’s day by day don’t change much but there will always be some major events such as marriage, studying aboard, moving, buying a house, etc.

Listing to metaphysical talks gave He Shichen a headache right away. He frowned and said, “Speak Chinese (yang).”

Chu Qianli looked up at the sky and then looked at the time. She mumbled, “It will still be a little while……

“It’s the night right now, of course we will speak ying [language]. Let’s talk about ying matters some more.” Chu Qianli patted the stone bench next to her, smiled, and wooed him, “Come, come. Help me kill some time, please~”

He Shichen fell silence for a little while and snickered, “This is exactly why I said you are naïve and foolish.”

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“Isn’t it better for you if I am gone?” He Shichen mocked her. “Must I show you some other swapped-at-birth stories so you can see the dark side of the society? Is that what it will take for you to wake up and smell the roses?”

He Shichen turned around, took a couple of steps forward, and looked at Chu Qianli through the fence in the yard.

The dense leaves from the vines on the fence casted shadow on his face and covered him up in the dark of night.

He Shichen mocked, “You are certainly talented in certain ways but way too naïve in other areas. If I want to take away the family fortune or have you be involved in an accident, you don’t even stand a chance.”

He Shichen was used to speculating others in the gloomiest of ways. He was very alarmed when Chu Qianli returned. Chu Qianli, however, was not all there. She had no intention for rivalry or competition at all.

He Shichen also felt that Yu Shen and He Zhenghe were being ridiculous. They had no idea the kind of dangers there were from keeping him around. They even trusted him enough to let him be in contact with Chu Qianli.

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He could come up with a few gloomy plans. The simplest one being putting on a kind face and earn Chu Qianli’s fondness. That way, everything would return to him in the end.

He couldn’t understand the thought process of these people. Why must they force him to say out loud the worst-case scenarios.

Chu Qianli was not moved by the threat. She said in a carefree way, “I do get it. You are just talking about the dark side of human beings, right? Everyone has their dark side. But what you think and what you will do are two different things.”

Seeing how nonchalant she was, He Shichen gritted his teeth and said, “You don’t get it at all……”

“But I do. Of course I do,” said Chu Qianli casually. “You probably think something along the line of wouldn’t it be so nice if I am to disappear? Or that if we were never switched at birth? Or why did that have to happen to you? Why must you put yourself in the culprit role?”

He Shichen was taken aback a little by her words. With a complicated look, he said, “…… How can you say those so calmly?”

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He Shichen started wondering whether Chu Qianli was Holy Mary. How could she show no reaction whatsoever even though she was well aware of his dark inner thoughts?

“Big Brother, everyone had their gloomy side, including me.” Chu Qianli smiled and said, “I have a thought of dark thoughts too. Such as ‘why is that someone like that can live to be 100?’ or ‘the ignorant fool is calling me naïve and foolish’. Sometimes I just wish I can crush them all.”

He Shichen, “……”


Translator’s rambling:

Just this one part for now. It had been a few days since I have updated this series so going to adopt the PAIG (post-as-I-go) technique. =D

Update: Just released one more part. :)

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