Chapter 078 - Yup. He never should have spent so much time with the bear child. (2)

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Chu Qianli blinked at him and said in a soft and docile voice, “But I have self-control. And, if I may add, yes, I was talking about you in my latter scenario. You may align yourself with that description now.”

He Shichen felt that Chu Qianli had this strange ability to irritate him easily. He took a deep breath and only found her words ridiculous. He mocked her incredulously, “You think you can crush me?!”

He Shichen was raised properly since he was a child and would not get physical just because he was the stronger one. He, however, felt that any other person would have slapped Chu Qianli and dropped her to the ground.

“You feel that you are very strong and that you are above me in both intelligence and strength, right?

“Prince Rupert’s drop is much more resilient than regular glass and could withstand several tons of pressure but pinching it’s tail will cause it to disintegrate explosively. You are just like a Prince Rupert’s drop and have no idea how fragile your tail is. I’ve known it all along. It’s just a matter of whether I choose to pinch it or not.”

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He Shichen had the arrogance of an elite and that he was destined to become an elite among elites but that did not mean that he had no weakness.

He never left the family no matter how he was squeezed by Chu Qianli this entire time but when he made up his mind abruptly when he witnessed the loving scene with the family of three. That was because his tail had been stepped on.

People will always be baffled by the breakdown of someone strong. He was mighty and successful. As such, why would he be crushed by something so minor, to the point of leaving in such a decisive manner?

Even the person himself might not understand why he did what he did but one could see his subconscious from his star chart.

He Shichen assumed that she was just making stuff up to stall and said nonchalantly. “That’s enough. I don’t have time to listen to your crazy talk. You can save your crazy talk for yourself.”

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Chu Qianli said slowly, “You can say what you want, but one line from me and I could keep you staying and listening to me.”

He Shichen snickered, “Oh, really?”

He Shichen picked up his suitcase again, no longer wanted to continue to be engaged with Chu Qianli.

Chu Qianli, “I knew about my identity since the day that I was born. I had no intention of returning.”

Her words, soaked in the night breeze, was a bit cold to the ears.

“…… What did you just say?” He Shichen turned around with a look of disbelief. He saw her sitting calmly in the yard and still her usual casual look.

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Facing his surprised look, Chu Qianli patted the stone back next to her, grinned and said, “Can we talk some ying now?”

He Shichen finally sat down on the stone bench inside the yard. He strongly felt that he was under her control right now. In fact, he had fallen into the chain of traps that she had set for her.

Not only did he fail to step out of the front door, he was tricked into their yard.

Chu Qianli paused her animation. As soon as He Shichen had sat down, he questioned sternly, “Why didn’t you come back?”

Had Chu Qianli been swapped back right after she was born, lots of things after that would not have happened and he would not have been stuck in his current situation.

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“Because that was not the best option. If me coming back was the better option, of course I would have opted for that.” Chu Qianli started plotting a chart on her cellphone as she said casually, “This is the attitude of most. You always apply your set of logic onto everything. You don’t think about the actual issue and analyze the situation.

“Same goes for the news that you were telling me about earlier. There are no such things as ‘what ifs’ in this world. Had one of us be someone different, everything would have been different in this scenario.”

Chu Qianli let out a long and helpless sigh. “Aye, this is so starry annoying to have to explain this every time. It is about to bring out my dark side.”

Chu Qianli was tired. She always felt that some people just don’t get it. Nevertheless, it is an astrologist’s job to guide so she must control her temper and lead them down the right path.

“The world is so nice and pretty and I have such an explosive personality. That is not a good thing.” Chu Qianli took a deep breath and calmly suggested to herself, “Must be humble. Must be friendly. Must be an outstanding Marxist and not be bothered by the unenlightened.”

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