Chapter 079 - Yup. He never should have spent so much time with the bear child. (3)

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Had Chu Qianli never picked up astrology, then her attitude would have been “this person had got some sort of mental issue”. Now that she had studied astrology, her attitude had turned into “understanding that there are many different types of star charts out there and to understand the way a specific star chart expresses itself.”

She must say that studying astrology had improved her character. It was almost like cultivation in a sense.

He Shichen said angrily, “…… Who do you think you are mocking?”

Chu Qianli lifted up the star chart on her cellphone and waved it in front of He Shichen. “Alright. This is Big Brother’s star chart and we will start our talk from here.”

He Shichen, “?”

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Chu Qianli pondered and said, “Your star chart is a very interesting one. Most of the stars concentrated in the 10th and 4th houses. Lo and behold, these two houses are the polar opposite of each other. Most of the stars are located in the lower hemisphere but there is one lone star in the upper hemisphere. This one lone star just might exert equal ability as the other group of stars.”

He Shichen, “? ? ?”

He Shichen frowned and stopped her. “Wait. How did we start talking about this again?”

What He Shichen wanted to find out was why she didn’t return right away. Lo and behold, she started analyzing star chart to him.”

“Shut up! I am not even charting you to read your star chart! Stop being so opinionated!” Chu Qianli snapped. “Will I be here bullshitting with you if I didn’t have time to kill?”

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Chu Qianli carried on the very next second. “The 4th House is the house of family. It describes the effect that one’s family has on them. The 10th House is one’s goal in life. It represents our desires to be praised and looked up to. And one always wants to be thought highly of by one’s parents during their childhood. As such, the 10th House also has to do with one’s parents.”

He Shichen really wished to leave but he noticed that there wasn’t even a gap in Chu Qianli’s speech so he couldn’t leave even if he had wanted to. He had no choice but to keep on listening to her.

Chu Qianli, “From your star chart, Big Brother will never be able to severe your relationship with your parents and your family, no matter what a cold, heartless, and greedy front that you try to put up. Truth is, you are one with a strong sense of responsibility towards your family and you take pride in working and bringing in pride for your family……”

“Unfortunately, there is an impediment in your horoscope. What pains you the most also stems from family and your conflict about your perceived image of your parents. Perhaps your real parents conflicted too much with your idea of a family and your original belief had been completely crushed, making you lose your goal in life.”

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Before He Shichen discovered his identity, everything made perfect sense to him. He would work to bring honor to the He family and become the heir that both his parents and others would praise.

Nevertheless, he learned of the type of persons that his real parents were and the goal that he always had were crushed instantly. He was not a person needed by his family and he was at a loss.

He was one who strongly believed relationships were built solely on stakes. He believed that only blood relationships and benefits would build the strongest of all relationships. The bizarre incident had more or less restructure his entire belief system.

He Shichen had also took off from his family in the original novel. That actually didn’t have much to do with the relationship between the male lead and the original female supporting character. But that He Shichen would never allow himself to be with the girl that was switched with him.

That was determined by his personality. Regardless of whether it was the original Chu Qianli or the Chu Qianli now, he would still feel guilt and responsibility, but never romance.

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He knew his identity better than anyone else and could weight the gains and losses better than any one else. Others might be able to play dumb but he would never do that.

As such, he ran away from the original female supporting character’s feelings toward him. He had no idea how to handle the situation so he chose to run away instead.

He Shichen looked quietly at the star chart in front of him. He tried to force himself to appear calm but he was twisting his fingers together to cover up his real emotions. A little while later, he asked in a low voice, “So?”

He would admit that what Chu Qianli said was true. So what?

He understood it all subconsciously. That was exactly why he must leave

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