Chapter 081 - “Wuwuwu, is it my fault that I don’t get tired from performing divinations?” (1)

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Chu Qianli stood facing the closed bedroom door for a long while before she slowly strolled back to her own room.

After she had washed up, Chu Qianli checked the time on her phone and suddenly recalled that she was up all night watching the stars and could do her daily reading now. Sitting in front of her desk, she started shuffling her cards with alacrity. It was the same question that she had been asking for years.

Changing one’s fate was all down to timing, much like the bifurcation of paths for He Shichen on taking off from his family. Chu Qianli rushing to change her fate would not do her any good. She must wait until the opportunity arose. Rushing before that point would be useless.

The answer from the combination of the cards had never changed.

Chu Qianli sat crossed legs on the chair and griped helplessly, “The solution just won’t come ahead of time. Not until the very last minute.”

Chu Qianli unlocked her cellphone and noticed that she had yet to close off the divination chart, even He Shichen’s one was still up.

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She toggled over to her own star chart and started studying it again along with the astronomical disc.

How many more years from now? Two? Three?

She didn’t even make it to 20 years old in her past life. She might flare better this time around. She had been performing divinations with her grandfather for the first 17 years at least.

Chu Qianli was very talented when it came to divination. Generally speaking, anyone with strong energy in 8th and 12th Houses were good in metaphysics or paranormal matters.

Nevertheless, there is a flipside to any ability. In numerology, they are referred to as the five drawbacks and three deficiencies.* When one is too strong in the 8th House, it might manifest negatively, such as a short lifespan.

Chu Qianli had no idea what happened to the original female supporting character in the novel, but she knew that she had never been able to live out her life. This not being her first rodeo and that she already had a short life the last time around, she had surprisingly gotten used to it.

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That wasn’t her giving up. There was no point in thinking about a hand [of cards] that she did not have; what was important was how to utilize what was in her hand to their fullest.

She could gain a lot with her divination ability but, on the flip side, this ability would also be the death of her. This was her life’s challenge.

She must continue to use her ability and continue to pursue higher knowledge. Until the point where the energy released from her divination ability could surpass her natural talent. She would not otherwise be able to escape her destiny.

The 8th House was the house of change. It had to do with karma, and not the kind from metaphysics. It was karma from life and death matters. It had to be expressed somehow.

She had failed in her transformation in her previous life, but she still adamantly believed that fate could be changed. She no longer needed to compete with others in her field. Her only opponent was fate itself.

A human’s age was but a spark compared to the stars. In fact, it was fleeting even compared to the existence of mankind. Nevertheless, we would still want to be able to dance without restraints before the spark dies. Up until the point when she was extinguished, she wanted to continue to flicker.

If she was lucky enough to win, then her life would be complete.

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If she was to lose, unfortunately, that would be fine as well. She could afford to lose.

Others could live at most 100 years. Hers was just shorter than the others; it didn’t mean she didn’t live a good life.

The He was a family with limited offspring. That point was obvious from the face that He Yuanyang never gotten married. Chu Qianli wasn’t sure about her own future; as such, she needed to keep He Shichen around as an insurance.

Her grandfather could think this through but not necessarily her parents. She could be at ease with this, but she needed to take her family into the consideration.

The moon goes down and the sun comes up. The cycle continues.


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Translator’s notes:

*I can’t really count out the five drawbacks as it seemed they counted male and female widows as two separate “items”. Then there’s loneliness, so I am guessing no families, no offspring. Perhaps also not surrounding by a lot of people. And being handicapped.

Three deficiencies = money, lifespan, and power.


Translator’s rambling:

It’s been a while since I have updated AST. Did y’all think I had forgotten about this? Of course I won’t.  Will churn out the rest of the [raw] chapter as quickly as humanly possible.

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