The Greatest Astrologist - CH082

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Title: Scientific Astrology, Materialistic Numerology
Translator: Fringe Capybara
The gentle and soft morning light shone into the room. Chu Qianli put on her uniform and slugged her backpack over her shoulder. She ran her fingers through her hair that had gotten even longer and started her new day happily.

“Good morning, you little short-lived one.”

Inside the classroom, Chu Qianli put her head down on the table languidly and dispirited. She was so sleepy that she could barely keep her eyes open. She felt weak. She was in good spirit when she woke up but her energy level took a dive after she had arrived in the classroom. That was probably the aftermath of having stayed up all night.

Tan Muxing was curious. “You seemed more tired than usual today?”

“I went stargazing outdoor last night.” Chu Qianli rubbed her tired eyes. She couldn't help but want to take a little nap.

“Stargazing? Was it fun?”

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“Watch! My! @$$!”


Qiu Qingkong bounced into the classroom and showed off the data of their video on the screen of her phone. “Tah dah! Take a look at the number of views that we got!”

Chu Qianli was too tired to keep her eyes open. “Take a look for this empress.”

Tan Muxing reported to her honestly, “The number views had got up several folds.”

Chu Qianli, “Okay. Message received.”

“……” Feeling dissatisfied when she saw that, Qiu Qingkong tugged at Chu Qianli. “C’mon teacher! Take a look! Just one look, please!”

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Chu Qianli forced herself to look up. She stared at the data for a little while, put her head back down, and said in a perfunctory way, “Uh huh, uh huh. I looked. Good job.”

Qiu Qingkong, “?” Could you have tried any harder?

Seeing that Qiu Qingkong was about tug at his deskmate again, Tan Muxing quickly stepped up to mitigate the situation. He appeased Qiu Qingkong by asking, “Oh? Why the sudden increase in views?”*

Qiu Qingkong replied complacently, “Because of my expertise in marketing, of course!”

Tan Muxing, “I seemed to recall that its views were mediocre at the beginning?”

Qiu Qingkong, “The number of views was increasing too slowly the last few days and I got tired of refreshing. Remember I asked you for budget? I paid for advertisement.”

Qiu Qingkong had taken away most of Chu Qianli’s income with Tan Muxing holding on to a small remainder. Those were geared toward marketing and production of related products, such as printing of invoices, etc.

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Qiu Qingkong created the video out of love, but the new account was gaining fans at the speed of a crawling snail. She got annoyed and adopted the most seen trick in domestic entertainment – pay money for the first round of advertisement.

Chu Qianli looked up, “That’s not your ability in marketing; that’s straight up the power of moola.”

“Of course this is marketing ability. All the well-known divinators do the same thing. They even manage their WeChat, their public account, and some even sell items in shops.” Qiu Qingkong defended herself, “We are being very professional by not selling our products or advertising for others. What’s some advertisement for ourselves?”

Qiu Qingkong always watched videos on a certain platform. She felt that none of the three of them was doing this for money. Chu Qianli verbally said that she loved money, but truth was, she didn’t charge a lot for her services. She only charged Zhou Qi a small amount previously.

Qiu Qingkong was only doing this because of interest. She had loved occult since before she had met Chu Qianli. Tan Muxing took it to the next level. He didn’t believe in these at all. He was solely doing it for this deskmate.

“Many said that our video was so dead on and that we are every bit as accurate as a personal reading!” Qiu Qingkong was excited. “We will only need to pay for some advertisement at the beginning. When we have more audiences later on, we won’t need to do this anymore.”

Qiu Qingkong was motivated by her passion. Now that they had more and more audiences, her desire for more content creation had gone up.

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Not only was she urging Chu Qianli to start recording their next episode, Qiu Qingkong also sent over all the request for private readings. And she asked Tan Muxing to come up with graphics for new advertising designs.

Chu Qianli had yet to have a shortage of work since she had arrived in the city. Mainly Qiu Qingkong’s marketing ability was superb.

At most that Chu Qianli would do was to collect fees and receive feedbacks. Qiu Qingkong, on the other hand, would make friends through divination videos as well as various other occult fans.

Chu Qianli had always known through Qiu Qingkong’s star chart that she enjoyed distributing messages and making friends, but experiencing it first hand was still very impressive.

Chu Qianli, “No wonder so many companies would hire fans as their employees.”

Tan Muxing, “Why’s that?”

“People are more readily die for passion than money.”

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