Chapter 107 - Alrighty. All of them were traitors! (2)

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Su Xiuying frowned when she heard the voice. “It’s the Hes.”

She walked out after she said that.

He Baogen had no brothers, but he had three sisters.

His three sisters and 4 to 5 nephews were standing outside right now.

The large group of them seemed very intimidating.

When they saw Su Xiuying walking out, He Baogen’s oldest sister rested her hands on her waist and shouted, “You unconscientious thing. How do you still have the audacity to stay over at our house?”

The second sister chimed in, “That’s exactly right. You’ve already divorced my brother. This house belongs to the Hes. You get out of it right now!”

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The third sister nodded. “Not only does the house belong to the Hes, as does everything inside. If you dare to take anything with you, we will report you to the police for stealing!”

Tong Xuelu walked out from the house and said to Su Xiuying, “Don’t worry, Comrade Su, if they dare to lay a finger on you, I’ll be your witness.”

Having said that, she looked up and looked at those in the compound who were standing around waiting for the drama to unfold. “You all have already been a witness once. I shouldn’t need to teach you how to do that again, right?”

The people standing inside the yard, “……”

They had never wanted to be witnesses, alright?

The three He sisters’ hearts throbbed when they heard that. They exchanged looks with each other and became hesitant.

The oldest sister was the one who finally spoke up, “Hrm, so what if you are going to report us? This house belongs to the Hes. The law is on our side!”

The others, too, chimed in.

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Tong Xuelu was a little worried that they would start a fight. And, judging from what was going on, she wondered if renting from Su Xiuying was still a possibility.

It would be bad if the members of the He family would come over from time to time and cause a ruckus. What if they startled Mianmian?

Suddenly, Su Xiuying spoke up, “Yes, this house belongs to the Hes. You are right about that. But the owner of this house is not He Baogen; it’s He Xiaoqiu.”

Everybody was stunned when they heard that.

Big Sister He was the first to recollect herself. She jumped up and down as she pointed at Su Xiuying and shouted, “Bullshit!”

Second Sister He, “He Xiaoqiu is nothing but a useless girl. Why does she deserve to have the house?”

Third Sister He, “Exactly! Besides, you are already divorced from my brother. Xiaoqiu is no longer a He!”

Tong Xuelu snickered. “If He Xiaoqiu is no longer a He. Then all of you useless He girls who have married out are even less deserving of it.”

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Three He Useless-Daughters Sisters, “……”

Big Sister He, “This is none of your business! None of your business! This is He family business and you are just an outsider! You stay out of it!”

Second Sister He, “Exactly! Who asked you for your opinion? Another word from you and I am going to tear your mouth up!”

Third Sister He, “Exactly! Another word from you and we will beat you up too!”

The people in the compound, “The captain of the police station is a friend of this comrade’s boyfriend. If you beat her up, we will need to go to be witnesses for her again!”

The He’s three sisters, “……”

What was with this feeling of their hands being tied?!

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Su Xiuying said, “This house is now registered under He Xiaoqiu, my daughter’s name. If you don’t believe me, you are free to go ask He Baogen in jail. You try anything else, I will send the rest of you to jail also!”

The three He sisters, “……”

Su Xiuying did not look like she was lying plus she had Tong Xuelu there with her. The three sisters talked it over and decided to check with He Baogen first before returning.

Tong Xuelu asked after the gang was gone, “Was it true that the deed had been transferred over?”

She needed to know that for certain if she was to live there.

Su Xiuying nodded. “Yes. In fact, He Baogen was the one who brought it up.”

Tong Xuelu’s eyes widened. “How was that possible? Don’t tell me he had a stroke of conscience.”

Su Xiuying sneered, “Of course not. He had a condition. That I cannot change Xiao Qiu’s last name.”

Oh, that made sense now.

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